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Example sentences for "lowlife"

Lexicographically close words:
lowland; lowlander; lowlands; lowlier; lowliest; lowliness; lowly; lown; lowness; lowp
  1. That lowlife is Mrs. Seiden's uncle, not my uncle.

  2. What that lowlife does when he stays out till all hours of the night I don't know.

  3. Well, what do you think of that for a lowlife bum?

  4. A feller is a Schlemiel and a lowlife which he couldn't support his wife and children, understand me, and it always turns out his grandfather was a big rabbi in the old country.

  5. Do you mean to told me them lowlife bums in front there, which makes all that Geschrei over 'Dixerlie' and such like Narrischkeit, is Takeefim yet?

  6. A lowlife bum which he makes always a hog of himself, why shouldn't we fire him?

  7. That lowlife Margolius," he said, "what do you think from that loafer?

  8. Who can tell it who a lowlife like him would marry?

  9. He ain't no lowlife just because he gets married," she retorted.

  10. I was going to see that opera last Saturday night if that lowlife Walsh wouldn't have took me to the prize-fight.

  11. Why, Sol Klinger says that he hears it on good authority, Abe, that that lowlife got it two oitermobiles, Abe.

  12. Because I was in Rifkin's old place when that lowlife Feinstein, what works for Henry D.

  13. Him and a feller by the name Feinson and that lowlife Rabiner plays there auction pinochle together.

  14. I got better judgment as to let a lowlife like him get into me, Noblestone.

  15. All I mean to say is that I am tired of waiting for that lowlife Rothschild, and I must get back to my store.

  16. Where could I find this here lowlife brother-in-law of yours?

  17. I am excited enough already when I think to myself that that lowlife Pasinsky takes my samples out of my store and comes here with my money and gets an order from you for four thousand dollars for Klinger & Klein.

  18. If you make a lowlife bum a couple blue eyes, he will make you also a couple blue eyes, maybe, and that's all there is to it, Mawruss.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lowlife" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bastard; beachcomber; beggar; blighter; bum; bummer; derelict; devil; drifter; drunkard; heel; hobo; knave; lowlife; miscreant; mucker; rascal; reprobate; scoundrel; stiff; sundowner; swagman; tramp; truant; vagabond; vagrant; wastrel; worm; wretch