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Example sentences for "cerebral"

Lexicographically close words:
cereal; cerealia; cereals; cerebellar; cerebellum; cerebration; cerebri; cerebro; cerebrospinal; cerebrum
  1. The symptoms usually are pulmonary and cerebral congestions.

  2. The cerebral pulsations diminish as sleep grows deeper, and at last become very weak.

  3. Signor Mosso has also observed and registered graphically the variations of the cerebral pulse during sleep.

  4. Another interesting point is the development of cerebral convolutions in certain animals, by which the relative amount of gray matter is increased.

  5. The emotions have a similar effect upon the circulation of the brain to that of cerebral labor.

  6. It is characterized by psychical peculiarities, while in addition there is often derangement of the functions subserved by the lower cerebral and spinal centres.

  7. The phenomena of automatic speech and writing afford the best evidence of cerebral dissociation.

  8. If we reduce the whole of these evolutions to four periods, we shall see, that in the first are born the cerebral lobes of fishes; and this takes place homogeneously in all classes.

  9. The cerebral hemispheres, then, arrive at the state which we observe in the higher animals only by a series of successive metamorphoses.

  10. For there is no aspect of brain diseases that cerebral malaria cannot simulate; deep coma or frantic struggling delirium.

  11. You may observe that a warbler has a much larger brain and a much finer cerebral organization throughout than a bird of prey, or any of the Picus family even.

  12. We may see that during sleep all the encephalic blood-vessels are under a diminished pressure, as proved in fact by the manometer, and that this lessening of the active flow corresponds with a diminution of cerebral function.

  13. We are prepared, therefore, to find these two little brains in the most intimate relations with each other, as we find the cerebral hemispheres.

  14. I observe that Kolliker calls the true nervous elements of the retina "the layer of gray cerebral substance.

  15. Then: “The immunized animal having been slaughtered, the contents of the lymph reservoirs are carefully collected and an aqueous extract is made from the grey cerebral substance, spinal cord and the lymph glands.

  16. For the animals are struck with a club, which kills them both by cerebral concussion and by the direct alteration of the brain; the instrument having a sharp end which perforates the skull and injures the cerebral lobes.

  17. Such cases are frequent, and it is not necessary that the abnormal cerebral activity be caused by a physical excitant as in that I mentioned.

  18. Thus we see correct perception in the individual helping to make that cerebral organization and accurate motor adjustment on which its possibility and permanence seem in so far to depend.

  19. This view seemed reasonable to him as Stempel '99 in Solenyma found the otocystic nerves arose directly from the cerebral ganglion.

  20. The central portion might represent the cerebral ganglia and the lateral, the pleural if we take that interpretation.

  21. The lateral ganglia of the cerebral mass are most clearly separated in Malletia.

  22. The ganglia of Malletia are in general plan similar to those of Nucula, the greatest differences being in the cerebral mass.

  23. In this species the cerebral ganglia are not separated into right and left halves as in Nucula.

  24. However there are two small ventral ganglionic branches or small ganglia attached to the ventral side of the cerebral mass.

  25. Farther back in a cross section series as the cerebral mass disappears two other small branches take origin and run parallel to the nerves from the ganglionic cords.

  26. The cerebral mass seems composed of one main mass, partly divided into four subdivisions, the two central most completely fused, and the lateral quite distinct in places.

  27. Ideas lose their power to guide conduct by prevision of the future, and truth and error consequently lose their significance, save perhaps as manifestations of cerebral operations.

  28. It is shown by the lower vertebrates, which lack the cerebral cortex, that these subcortical mechanisms are adequate for all of the ordinary simple processes of life, including some degree of associative memory.

  29. Judson Herrick, "Some Reflections on the Origin and Significance of the Cerebral Cortex," Journal of Animal Behavior, Vol.

  30. Unhappily, after the third lecture of the course, Comte had a severe attack of cerebral derangement, brought on by intense and prolonged meditation, acting on a system that was already irritated by the chagrin of domestic discomfort.

  31. This boy invariably made hard work of the task, and all the physical accompaniments indicated excessive motor stimulation following, of course, upon an unduly excited condition of the cerebral cells.

  32. Modern studies in neurology have contributed much to our knowledge of the function of the nervous system as a whole and of its several parts, and also of the relation of psychical activity to cerebral conditions and processes.

  33. The inference from these data seems reasonable, that mental activity causes an expenditure of nerve force, which Nature seeks to replenish by inciting an unusual flow of nutritive-bearing fluid to the cerebral cortex.

  34. The size and cerebral development of the head nearly resembles the usual character of skulls found in the earliest cists; and it is not difficult to conceive of the wound having been inflicted with the narrow end of a stone celt.

  35. His cerebral faculties become over-excited, and he feels that his senses are deserting him; his eyes become bloodshot, and he is pursued and tormented by an irresistible impulse to bite.

  36. Having lost one of his children in January, 1910, the trouble produces in him a cerebral disturbance which manifests itself by uncontrollable nervous trembling.

  37. The mesenteric vessels and also the vessels in the cerebral portions of the dura were markedly dilated; in some cases there were clots, especially at the posterior portion of the brain, between the cerebrum and the cerebellum.

  38. The heart was found dilated, kidneys congested, stomach walls pink and covered in places with mucus and partly digested blood, and cerebral dural vessels dilated, but no clots were seen; bladder full.

  39. The cerebral and dural vessels were dilated.

  40. Their pathological examinations failed to show any characteristic lesion, but they state that the cerebral membranes were in all cases slightly congested.

  41. The cerebral membranes are congested and perhaps adherent,[75] and there may be blood clots over the longitudinal sinus or at the base of the brain.

  42. The cerebral dural vessels were congested and the spinal dural vessels were well defined.

  43. The first were men of Turanian type, but of great bodily stature and high cerebral organization, and showing remarkable skill in the manufacture of implements and ornaments of bone and ivory.

  44. This, with the undoubtedly high cerebral organization indicated by the skulls of the mammoth age, notably raises our estimate of the position of man at this early date.

  45. This tendency to cerebral affections will, if properly considered, suggest those casual and appropriate acts which the dog in affliction may require, and which it would be impossible for any author fully to describe.

  46. To diseases of a cerebral or spinal character it is more liable than is any other domesticated animal.

  47. Of this cerebral irritability chorea is the expression.

  48. The unstable mind of the child is so sensitive that cerebral fatigue and irritability are produced by causes which seem to us extraordinarily trivial.

  49. But it is equally true that minor symptoms which in adults are universally recognised to be dependent upon cerebral unrest or fatigue are of everyday occurrence in childhood.

  50. Were it not for this rapid growth of the cerebral functions, the rearing of children would be a matter almost as simple and uneventful as the rearing of live stock.

  51. The cerebral ganglia are reached through the little hole in the neck and death ensues immediately.

  52. For nearly ten minutes she munches this weak spot, which lies close to the cerebral nerve-centres.

  53. With a slant towards the head, the cerebral ganglia are wounded and their lesion causes sudden death.

  54. The Ammophila obtains it by compressing the cerebral ganglia, by munching the neck.

  55. Spurzheim failed, but covered the ground incorrectly, and it was many years after I discovered cerebral impressibility before I attained a satisfactory view of the psychology of this region.

  56. It is a remarkable fact that the intellectual faculties have been most easily understood and located, while their antagonists in the occipital region have proved the greatest puzzle in psychic and cerebral investigations.

  57. When all they attempted to locate are located by positive experiment and assigned their proper localities and limits, we find fully one half of the cerebral surface vacant for organs of other functions.

  58. The enlarged (hypertrophied) heart is injurious to vital power and will power, and in proportion to its increase, it tends to shorten life by apoplexy or some other form of cerebral disorder.

  59. As to the psychic half of the cerebral functions, they omitted entirely that portion which relates to pneumatology.

  60. Is it justifiable to make a contingent profit out of your cerebral vertebrae or your popliteal space?

  61. There was extensive hemorrhage into the brain, as shown by postmortem examination, the cerebral vessels being atheromatous.

  62. The fatal hemorrhage had occurred into the lateral ventricles, from rupture of one of the middle cerebral arteries.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cerebral" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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