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Example sentences for "take that"

  • And so was going to it slip-shod, when, O dreadful!

  • But I walked the other way, to take that in my return, to avoid suspicion.

  • Take that, said she, if I die for it, wretch that thou art!

  • Upon this she gave me a deadly slap upon my shoulder: Take that, said she; whom do you call Jezebel?

  • She hit him a good smart slap on the shoulder: Take that, impudent brother said she.

  • It is time to take that subject in hand; for Lord Kitchener's notion that we are going to settle down to years of war as we did a century ago is soldierly, but not sensible.

  • If we take that point of view, the language of my text rises into singular force, and suggests many very deep thoughts, about which, perhaps, silence is best.

  • I venture to take that extension, and to ask you to think briefly about some of the things that are made for us indubitably certain in Jesus Christ.

  • I'll take that thousand in cash, Brad," the big man said, letting himself down into the easiest chair he could find and rolling a cigarette.

  • A freight behind us has orders to take that to let the Limited pass," he said glibly.

  • If a 'safe' course is pressed upon them they are likely to take that course.

  • Take that in water as you are going to bed.

  • Now, take that tobacco-jar on the table, for instance.

  • We'll take that box," said I, "unless you charge its full value.

  • The mine was constructed and ready to be exploded, and I wanted to take that occasion to carry Petersburg if I could.

  • It seemed to her he was hinting that she ought to take that way.

  • But now--I take that sort of thing as easy as you do.

  • Going to take that business up again, when he comes back?

  • Take that glove; it is the shape of my hand.

  • I take that, sir, to be a statue of constancy, modelled upon which a lady of our flesh may be proclaimed as graduating for the condition of idiocy," said Dr.

  • Lady Culmer and I agree to take that view: it is the simplest.

  • It was out of the question to take that, and apparently I would have to wait over a week unless I dared try the ordinary train that ran daily, stopping two nights on the road.

  • But I needed to take that comfort to my heart more than once in those days.

  • It seemed but a step from earth to heaven, and how many turn away from the wonderful sight to take that step.

  • Arthur says they won't take that; the times aren't yet ripe for it.

  • I'll take that hand-spike,' says the Boss.

  • Take that, you blamed cuss," he said, catching LeNoir in the jaw and knocking his head with a thud against the wall.

  • You know as well as I do that you have no earthly right to take that water.

  • I'll take that book if you don't want it.

  • I did not say a word to him that might have induced him to take that key.

  • Say, you really think the Corrugated will take that option, do you?

  • You think it's smart to take that pose, don't you?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "take that" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    existing forms; take account; take action; take counsel; take cover; take delight; take from; take his; take hold; take keer; take kindly; take lessons; take long; take one; take passage; take shelter; take steps; take them; take things; take wing; taken for; taken from; taken literally; taken over; taken seriously; takes notice