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Example sentences for "take steps"

  • He ought perhaps to take steps; but to take steps would be deplorable.

  • And she had begun to take steps to clear her Gallery, in order to fill it with Strumolowski masterpieces.

  • A number of the more prominent politicians met to take steps to place the state in the way of readmission to the Union.

  • The resolution dealing with Saturday half-day was warmly debated and a resolution carried that the new Executive be instructed to take steps to secure the Saturday half-day, one journey all the year round and an increase of 1s.

  • I decided to take steps at once to call a conference, knowing full well the huge task which I was taking in hand.

  • He then called me a liar, and it looked for a few moments as if we were in for a scuffle, for I threatened to put him out of my house and began to take steps to do so.

  • At the same time, he called upon the Duke to take steps to compel the conversion of his people from the pretended reformed faith, and offered the aid of his troops to enforce their submission, "at whatever cost.

  • The Lords, to whom a similar petition had been presented, returned an equally gracious message, and expressed a hope that the municipal authorities would take steps to remedy the existing abuses.

  • Seeing that the matter was of so great importance, each alderman was desired to take steps in conjunction with his deputy and common councilmen of his ward to get liberal contributions made towards the loan.

  • Thus Cromwell’s first move at the time of his master’s disgrace was to take steps to get himself into favour with Norfolk.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "take steps" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    beaten separately; each moment; losing their; many believed; musical score; take action; take advantage; take each; take great; take hede; take heede; take leave; take long; take much; take notice; take offense; take office; take position; take you; taken advantage; taken every; taken from the fire; taken possession; taken prisoner; taken seriously; these means