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Example sentences for "vowel"

Lexicographically close words:
voussoirs; vow; vowd; vowe; vowed; vowels; vowes; vowing; vows; vox
  1. The vowel demands to be repeated; the consonant demands to be repeated; and both cry aloud to be perpetually varied.

  2. The simplest combination is of a single vowel with a preceding consonant in the formation of syllables.

  3. As yet no way had been devised to express the vowel sounds.

  4. Some distinguished philologists suggest this relation of consonant and vowel as survivals of the original elements of speech; an example, perhaps, in language, of “the line of least resistance.

  5. In early Semitic script there was no notation for vowel sounds, nor did these appear until a comparatively recent date.

  6. He made the mistake of supposing all the vowel sounds were expressed in this system, which is not the case.

  7. With some of the consonants, the vowel sound is inherent and is not written with an independent sign.

  8. In this way the sign for the syllable came finally to be the sign for the consonant, with the vowel understood.

  9. The vowel seems to have been regarded as inhering in the consonant.

  10. In the above it will be observed that the causal force lies in the letter f, its vowel (always a very short one) being drawn by attraction (euphonic) from that of the principal verb.

  11. If the word ends in a vowel, and especially in the vowel a, an euphonic i is inserted between the two vowels.

  12. The distinctive vowel of the negative verb is a, which in some cases gives place to i or e, probably for reasons of euphony.

  13. The correct pronunciation of Arabic words is aimed at by Malays of education, and the European student should get the right sounds of the vowel ain and of the more peculiar Arabic consonants explained to him.

  14. The four Seri authorities are in close accord in not hearing and recording a vowel sound between the m and the following t.

  15. Now, in the 26 forms of the Yuman word here collated the vowel intervening between the m and t of the Yuman vocable is strong and characteristic, and in 11 instances it is accented.

  16. On the other hand, the vocables of the Yuman group of dialects invariably end in a vowel or a double vowel, and, in 24 out of 31 given forms, they are dissyllabic, several being trisyllabic.

  17. The supposition rests on the approximate phonetic accordance of two consonants occurring in these terms, quite regardless of the vowel sounds that render them intelligible.

  18. The presence of the r sound in it supplies the peculiar feature of the term; but it may be used only to lengthen the following vowel (though this is only an assumption).

  19. A (ah) is the representative or pivotal Vowel; that one which embodies most completely the Vowel Idea.

  20. In respect to the Vowel Diphthongs, the Stopped Sounds are not materially different from the short quantities of the corresponding Full ones; and no effort need be made to distinguish the two former varieties of Sound.

  21. The Full Scale of Vowel Sounds coupled with the Full Scale of the (Indeterminate) Realities of Universal Being is, therefore, as follows: 1.

  22. It should be further remarked that in many cases these modal or adverbial particles are excessively worn, so that they may appear as additions or changes of simple vowel or consonant sounds.

  23. This general rule holds good for almost all languages, and seems necessarily to do so from the stronger character of the consonantal and the weaker character of the vowel sounds.

  24. Aryan tongues the radical remains almost unchanged, and the inflexions are made ab extra; but in the Semitic language the inflexions are made by changes of vowel sound within the framework of the root consonants.

  25. They never get nearer to the expression of vowel sounds than by letters which may be considered half vowels.

  26. The first thing we begin to see is the fact that the consonants form, as it were, the bones of a word, and that changes of a vowel are, as a rule, comparatively unimportant provided these remain unaltered.

  27. If it is a vowel sound use an, if a consonant sound, use a.

  28. In heir the h is silent, and we say an because the word begins with a vowel sound.

  29. Most words ending in y preceded by a vowel retain the y before a suffix.

  30. Thus a vowel joined to a consonant becomes, so to speak, a “better half:” or at all events very strongly resembles one.

  31. Many of those, however, which are derived from words having the accent on the last syllable, and of those of which the middle syllable has a vowel between two consonants, are excepted.

  32. It cannot be perfectly uttered without the aid of a vowel; and even then the vowel has the greatest share in the production of the sound.

  33. Scots, though a dialect, is not a patois; it has a great and continuous literature; it combines in an extraordinary degree the consonant virtues of English and the vowel range of the Latin tongues.

  34. What is known as assonance, that is to say, vowel rhyme only, as in Old French and in Spanish, is not in itself objectionable, though it is questionably suited to English.

  35. The y of tardy is a syllable because the vowel following it is accented; the y also of day remains, because, although an unaccented vowel follows, it is itself part of an accented syllable.

  36. Three lines lower Milton has no elision of the y before a vowel in the line, Against the throne and monarchy of God.

  37. Note the overhanging vowel a denoting a dependent phrase without a relative introductory adverb, and see also Sum.

  38. The vowel a seems to possess another sense in SBP.

  39. We have here the variant of is, es = baku with vowel u.

  40. While a considerable part of Semitic flexion is the result of vowel changes within the word itself, the feminine is created by attaching an affix to the masculine form.

  41. There was a difference only in the vowel of the first syllable.

  42. A vowel prefixed, or a lengthening of the initial vowel, to mark past time, as in Greek and Sanskrit verbs.

  43. Order in which the Vowel Sounds are to be taught.

  44. Take each vowel separately and make each pupil use it before and after each consonant.

  45. These charts are given as examples of those used, but they vary in different schools, as does the order of teaching the vowel and consonant sounds and the combinations.

  46. The consonants should first be joined to each vowel separately, and to prevent the pupils making an after-sound the letters should be said with a pause between, viz.

  47. The following mode of writing the sounds is now preferred by some as it renders the diacritic marks unnecessary:-- Middle, Broad and Long Vowel Sounds.

  48. Donaldson’s table is the vowel prefix the same with the vowel following.

  49. So also with final e, which is often sounded, but not if the following word begins with a vowel or with h.

  50. As a general principle, the root vowel of a word was broadly sounded, and the rest slurred over.

  51. What can you make of a gathering of consonants, with only a stray vowel here and there amongst the lot?

  52. Twrch"--there is a fine specimen of a Welsh name, without a vowel in it, for a Saxon to pronounce!

  53. Truly it is short, but there are others that are long, and still have not a helpful vowel in all their astonishing array of consonants.

  54. Ph is never pronounced like f; the h after p only indicates an aspiration of the vowel which follows:--p-hica.

  55. Or when the word commences with a vowel, the vowel is sometimes repeated: atwai, old woman; aatwai, old women.

  56. Besides these there are five vowel signs, which supplant the inherent vowel.

  57. Consisting of eight lines, ending in the vowel sounds i, a, a, i and e).

  58. Consisting of seven lines terminating in the vowel sounds i, a, o e, a, a u, and a.

  59. In common with all other characters properly Indian, these letters may be considered as syllables, composed of a consonant and an inherent vowel sound, which is invariably expressed, unless contradicted by a particular sign.

  60. Illustration] is placed above the letter, and is used to supply the place of the letter ng', when not followed by a vowel sound.

  61. Illustration] is placed after the letter, and is wignian } used to supply the place of the letter h, when not followed by a vowel sound.

  62. To avoid confusion, the emphatic syllables are alone accented, and the inherent vowel a has invariably been adopted.

  63. They have the same power as the aksára against which they stand, except that they are only used in connexion with and immediately after the aksára, for the purpose of suppressing their inherent vowel sound.

  64. Has it been accurately investigated which is the middle word, or the middle letter here, which vowel appears seldomest, and how often each vowel?

  65. Any vowel may be forbidden, or if the players choose to make the game very difficult, two vowels may be forbidden.

  66. He found Bela talking rapidly to her in clicks and vowel sounds, with his hand held over his eyes.

  67. For a moment she gazed on him, and then uttered to her two female attendants a few words consisting of vowel sounds and sharp notes made by clicking the tongue against the roof of the mouth.

  68. Syllables may be suppressed in two ways: by suppressing a vowel at the end of a word when the next word commences with a vowel; by suppressing a vowel within a word.

  69. A correct rhyme should have precisely the same vowel sounds and the final consonants should be the same, but the initial consonant should be different.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vowel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.