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Example sentences for "rapid growth"

  • The first step in these profound physical changes is a rapid growth in height that makes itself manifest about the fifteenth year.

  • It is not of so rapid growth as the three previous, and may be kept as a bush; though it will grow to a considerable height if protected by a wall or close fence, being tacked thereto.

  • It is of rapid growth, and does well for covering arbours, fences, or any unsightly object.

  • Billardieras, about five species, are desirable as climbers, being of rapid growth, and abundant in flower.

  • Clematis viticella pulchella, or double purple virgin's bower, is an esteemed climbing plant; of rapid growth, with large flowers in great profusion from June to September.

  • It makes a rapid growth, comes early to the table, and, when sown late, keeps well, and is nearly as valuable for use in winter as in summer and autumn.

  • The soil should be rich and moist, in order to induce a rapid growth, and thus to give a tender, succulent character to the young leaves; these being the parts eaten.

  • Black walnut is a large tree with stout trunk, of rapid growth, and was formerly quite abundant throughout the Alleghany region.

  • This tree is of rapid growth, often bearing the third year from the seed, and producing abundantly the fifth.

  • It is of rapid growth, and hard and durable, and adapted to many uses.

  • It is quite effectual against the ravages of insects, and so absorbs the rays of the sun as to promote a rapid growth of the plants.

  • It is of rapid growth, entirely hardy anywhere at the north, requires very little attention in the way of pruning, is never troubled by insects, and has the merit of great cleanliness.

  • A remarkable instance of rapid growth in the human species was noticed in France, in 1729, by the Academy of Sciences.

  • Rapid growth of free trade zones has established a significant expansion of manufacturing for export, especially wearing apparel.

  • Rapid growth in exports of agricultural and manufactured products and in tourism have played important roles in the average 6.

  • Thailand, one of the more advanced developing countries in Asia, depends on exports of manufactures and the development of the service sector to fuel the country's rapid growth.

  • One of the more advanced developing countries in Asia, Thailand depends on exports of manufactures and the development of the service sector to fuel the country's rapid growth.

  • The development of steamboating and afterwards of the railway systems, all the great lines seeking St. Louis, gave it rapid growth subsequently, and its population now reaches seven hundred thousand.

  • The Ohio River steamboating began the city's rapid growth, which was further swelled by the later development of railway traffic, and it now has two hundred and fifty thousand population.

  • There are large manufactures and its meat-packing industries are of the first importance, while its enterprise is giving it rapid growth.

  • These all yield beautiful flowers, beside being hardy and of rapid growth.

  • The Virginia Creeper, and the Trumpet Creeper, with its scarlet flowers, are both beautiful, perfectly hardy, and of rapid growth.

  • The principle of rapid growth in dim light is seen here also.

  • Too much direct sunlight causes too rapid growth of green slime, hence the aquarium should not be set in a window.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rapid growth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    able also; been called; bushy tail; combustion engine; dramatick poetry; extinct volcano; field sports; greatly fear; greyish brown; late autumn; like ourselves; little grim; political power; rapid development; rapid glance; rapid growth; rapid increase; rapid march; rapid motion; rapid movement; rapid pace; rapid rate; rapid stream; secondary causes; tons register; young squire