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Example sentences for "free trade"

  • Even pronounced protagonists of Free Trade do not view this idea with disfavour.

  • But a great deal remains to be done before New South Wales adopts Free Trade as it is understood in England.

  • This was the first strike-out in the direction of Free Trade.

  • New South Wales is constantly claiming credit for its adoption of a Free Trade policy, but even this was brought about more by good luck than good management.

  • At that time very little was written about the great fallacy of the present day, Free Trade; which is an illusion about which men now talk, and dispute, and almost fight, while no living mortal can tell what it really is.

  • How greatly the produce might be increased by means of free trade is shown under other circumstances by the example of Cuba.

  • From 1850 on he was an acceptable public speaker in all matters liberal, as free trade, social reform, and anti-slavery.

  • But Britain was soon proclaiming for herself and for the world the common advantage and the justice of a great theory of free trade.

  • In the event of cancellation being advised to be possible, free trade in explosives to be at once established, subject to a duty of 20s.

  • He was leaning against the mantelpiece smoking a cigarette, and when it came to that part of the document in which we refer to Free Trade in South African products he turned round suddenly, and said: "That is what I want.

  • The letter was read, and a free trade allowed us on payment of the same duties with the Hollanders; and we left the court without seeing the queen.

  • He went immediately on shore, and was kindly used by the king, who promised him a free trade, and cloathed him after the fashion of the country, giving him likewise a criss of honour.

  • If we look at the matter purely from the economic point of view, it is indeed difficult to see what benefits Germany would gain from a policy of Free Trade.

  • In a free trade, an effectual combination cannot be established but by the unanimous consent of every single trader, and it cannot last longer than every single trader continues of the same mind.

  • Even in such countries, however, the drought is, perhaps, scarce ever so universal as necessarily to occasion a famine, if the government would allow a free trade.

  • See the result of the lack of free trade in our country.

  • All the result, my dear sir, of an absence of free trade.

  • Macdonald, who had been prepared to take up free trade if Mackenzie adopted protection, now boldly urged the high tariff panacea.

  • The British Government agreed to denounce the Belgian and German treaties, now that the preference granted her came as a free gift and not as part of a bargain which involved Britain's abandonment of free trade.

  • The stumbling-block in the way of such a policy was England's adherence to free trade.

  • Three-fourths of the commercial men are bankrupt, owing to free trade.

  • With the repeal of laws, the continuance of which had seriously crippled Canadian trade after the adoption of free trade by England, the provinces gradually entered on a new career of industrial enterprise.

  • It is remarkable that, while we hear so much of the advantages of free trade, the reciprocity of them is always in prospect only.

  • The reason of this has not hitherto been generally attended to; but when once it is stated, its force becomes obvious, and it furnishes the true answer on principle to the delusive doctrines of free trade.

  • We foresee your objections, gentlemen; but there is not one that you can oppose to us which you will not be obliged to gather from the works of the partisans of free trade.

  • And what can it benefit us that the smaller quantity produced under the protective system bears the same nominal value as the greater quantity produced under the free trade system?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "free trade" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    free access; free acid; free and independent states; free cause; free citizens; free competition; free contract; free country; free from; free gift; free grace; free hand; free herself; free labor; free laborers; free labour; free niggers; free people; free play; free public; free quarters; free school; free soil; many talents; pulled out; will serve