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Example sentences for "phonic"

Lexicographically close words:
phones; phonetic; phonetically; phonetics; phoney; phonics; phoning; phonogram; phonograms; phonograph
  1. These phonic drills will deal largely with the new words that occur in the daily reading lessons.

  2. Following this phonic analysis comes the final step, the blending of these phonic elements to produce new words.

  3. As far as possible let the words for phonic drill be those that will occur in the new reading lessons.

  4. The psycho-phonic waves, by which the messages are imparted, are as definite as those received by wireless methods.

  5. In short, the sentence, word, and phonic methods are all used in fitting alternation, while originality and variety of device are necessary in the best exercise of teaching power.

  6. This First Reader may be used in teaching reading by any of the methods in common use; but it is especially adapted to the Phonic Method, the Word Method, or a combination of the two.

  7. Their greatest contribution to education is the phonic method of spelling.

  8. They invented the phonic method of spelling.

  9. These exercises are intended to lead the pupil to make lists of words having a phonic element in common, to show how words are built up, and, later, to give practice in derivation.

  10. In the earlier grades the sequence of lessons gives an orderly development of phonic forms; by this arrangement spelling and phonic reading can be made mutually helpful.

  11. An adaptation of phonic combined with the word method can be found in Education by Life.

  12. In England the phonic method best known is probably Miss Dale's.

  13. The system is also so rigidly phonic that it is a long time before a child can pick up an ordinary book with any profit.

  14. The phonic method dates back to about 1530.

  15. But controversy still goes on as to whether children shall begin with word wholes or with the phonic sounds.

  16. In other languages which are phonic the difficulties are minimised.

  17. But (to follow up the imaginary hypothesis) the first expression that the first man conceived may also have had a mimetic, not a phonic reflex: it may have been exteriorised, not in a sound but in a gesture.

  18. But when some years afterwards his attention was drawn to the phonic method, he accepted it fully; and wrote for Mrs. Mann the preface to her Philadelphia edition of the Primer of Reading and Drawing.

  19. This was not until after it had been tested in his own family and some others, where I had introduced the phonic method.

  20. It is not accumulative though it possesses to a marked degree three characteristics of the accumulative tale, repetition, alliteration, and all sorts of phonic effects.

  21. If any one were so happy as to discover the phonic law which governs the euphony produced by the succession of vowels in the lines of Milton's poetry, he would enjoy the same law worked out in The House that Jack Built.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "phonic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acoustic; acoustical; alveolar; assimilated; audible; auricular; back; broad; central; cerebral; close; consonant; dental; dorsal; flat; front; glide; glottal; guttural; hard; hearing; heavy; high; labial; lateral; lax; light; lingual; liquid; low; mid; muted; narrow; nasal; open; palatal; pharyngeal; phonetic; phonic; pitched; rounded; soft; sonant; stopped; stressed; strong; surd; syllabic; tense; thick; throaty; tonal; tonic; unaccented; unstressed; voiced; voiceless; vowel; weak; wide