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Example sentences for "alveolar"

Lexicographically close words:
alums; alun; alus; alvays; alvenis; alveoli; alveolus; alvez; alvine; alwaie
  1. Near the common suture of the dentary and the splenial is the large inferior alveolar foramen; completely within the splenial and ventral to the inferior alveolar foramen is the anterior mylohyoid foramen.

  2. The alveolar length of the upper maxillary tooth-rows aids in distinguishing Z.

  3. Skull: Sagittal crest absent in females and barely present in males; least width of braincase more than distance from alveolus of incisor to middle of lateral border of P^4 at alveolar border.

  4. The greatest length of the upper molariform tooth row at the alveolar border.

  5. Frequently, a piece of the alveolar process comes out with the tooth when extracted, and the dentist has then the credit of "breaking the jaw.

  6. Again, as the alveolar processes are removed by absorption soon after the removal of the teeth, the lips and cheeks do not retain their former full position, thus marring, in no slight degree, the symmetry of the lower part of the face.

  7. In many cases the outer surface even of the vacuoles is covered by a network of pseudopodia, which form a sarcoplegma similar to a fenestrated alveolar membrane.

  8. The whole colony then appears as an aggregate of numerous cells, each of which possesses two envelopes, the inner central capsule and the outer alveolar membrane; between these lies in the Collosphaerida the siliceous lattice-shell (Pl.

  9. Among the monozootic #Collodaria# the alveolar structure is especially well developed in the following genera; Thalassicolla (Pl.

  10. Sphaeroidea# living associated in colonies, united by an alveolar jelly-body, and connected by the network of anastomosing pseudopodia.

  11. Alveolar length of the upper and lower molar tooth-rows aids in distinguishing fossil and Recent species, and to a lesser degree in delimiting subspecies.

  12. Another distinctive characteristic of this sub-order is the formation of the bony palate, which is narrowed to a mere bridge between the alveolar borders, or portions of the upper jaw in which the grinding teeth are inserted.

  13. The deep portion arises from the portion of the alveolar border of the superior maxillary bone which corresponds to the molar teeth, and from the anterior border of the ramus of the mandible.

  14. The second, the inferior, arises from the alveolar border in front of the second molar tooth, and passes forward to be inserted into the same fibro-adipose layer.

  15. In the second, the same apex is placed at the alveolar border, and the angle then becomes fairly easy to appreciate.

  16. The superficial portion is formed by fibres which pass from the alveolar border of the superior maxillary bone to the corresponding border of the opposite bone.

  17. Alveolar prognathism is almost entirely lacking in all groups.

  18. Allport reports the history of a case in which there was recession of the gingival margins and alveolar processes, the consequence of amenorrhea.

  19. He had examined infants of six or seven months that had cried and lived a few days, and had found the alveolar cavities filled with epithelial cells, the lung sinking when placed in a vessel of water.

  20. The alveolar process of the right jaw was fractured, and the gum lacerated to the entire length of the root.

  21. Bronzet describes a child of twelve, with only half its teeth, in whom the alveolar borders receded as in age.

  22. At first the microscope shows a few leukocytes and alveolar and bronchial cells; later, the leukocytes become more numerous.

  23. Alveolar cells: rather large, round, or oval cells with one or two round nuclei (Fig.

  24. Frequently they are found in alveolar arrangement, retaining the original outline of the alveoli of the lung (Fig.

  25. Congenital cleft palate is divisible into two kinds, complete and partial; complete when the fissure extends the entire length, from the uvula to and including the anterior alveolar process and even the lips (Fig.

  26. I have observed in practice six cases where a small portion of the interior alveolar process was involved, with the jaw and one or two teeth.

  27. In no symptoms is degeneracy so evident as in the stigmata resultant on hypertrophy of the alveolar process.

  28. Laryngologists, rhinologists, and neurologists claim that certain vaults are deformities; in reality the alveolar process is hypertrophied.

  29. Hypertrophy of the alveolar process is the result of irritation incident upon eruption and the shedding of the temporary teeth, and eruption of the permanent teeth.

  30. Thus the cleft may extend through the anterior alveolar process, involving the incisive bone only, which is very rare; when present single or double hare-lip almost invariably coexists.

  31. If the occlusion be not normal, the upper jaw and alveolar process will develop laterally as well as anteriorly.

  32. Greatest length which rarely or never is alveolar length.

  33. There are two, much worn, peglike fragments of the tooth projecting slightly from an ovoid alveolar cavity 5.

  34. In horses, inflammation of the alveolar membrane results in a bony enlargement on the side of the face if the superior molar is involved.

  35. This is an inflammation of the alveolar dental membrane that fixes the tooth in the tooth cavity.

  36. Inflammation of the alveolar periosteum is a common dental disease in domestic animals.

  37. In one instance a bullet traversed and cut away a longitudinal groove in the bones, extending from the posterior margin of the hard palate, and terminating by a wide notch in the alveolar process.

  38. I never saw an instance of secondary suppuration even in cases where the bullet entered or escaped through the alveolar process with considerable local comminution.

  39. In severe cases the alveolar margin of the jaw undergoes necrosis.

  40. The main trouble after severe alveolar fractures is that the upper teeth do not accurately oppose the lower ones, and mastication is thereby interfered with.

  41. The tumours that grow from the alveolar processes of the jaws appear at first sight to spring from the gums, hence the term epulis, generally applied to them.

  42. When the alveolar portion is comminuted, the fragments may be kept in position by fixing the mandible against the maxilla by means of a four-tailed bandage (Fig.

  43. The swelling is usually pedunculated, and if cut away close to the alveolar margin does not tend to recur.

  44. The true alveolar tumour is to be diagnosed from a mass of redundant granulations such as may form in relation to a carious tooth, from a polypus or an epithelioma of the gum, a tumour of the body of the jaw, or an angioma.

  45. The treatment consists in removing the tumour together with a wedge-shaped or quadrilateral portion of the alveolar process from which it grows.

  46. An alveolar abscess deeply seated in the maxilla may open into the maxillary antrum and set up suppuration in that cavity.

  47. The alveolar process, in whole or in part, may be separated from the body of the bone by a severe blow, such as the kick of a horse, and when the whole alveolus is detached, it may carry with it the hard palate.

  48. This bone may retain its normal position in line with the alveolar processes of the maxilla (Fig.

  49. The aid of the dentist is required to fit a denture which will at least restore the hard palate and alveolar margin.

  50. Periodontitis is usually followed by the formation of an alveolar abscess.

  51. Skull: Smaller in every measurement taken except interorbital breadth and alveolar length of upper molar series which are larger; molariform teeth larger.

  52. K L/), or to its partial height from the glabella to the alveolar border of the upper jaw-bone (Fig.

  53. This angle enables us to estimate the total prognathism and the alveolar prognathism, but the variations which it presents are too slight (3 to 4 degrees), taking race with race, to constitute a distinctive character.

  54. Their form contributes much towards hiding or accentuating dental or alveolar prognathism.

  55. However, as it expresses the relation of points too far removed from each other, it is better to confine ourselves to the measurement of alveolar prognathism, that is to say, of the sub-nasal projection of the face.

  56. This prognathism is measured with the angle determined by the alveolar point, the external auditory meatus, and the nasal spine (Fig.

  57. Alveolar glands may be either simple, simple branched, or compound branched.

  58. Some alveolar glands would be the sebaceous glands, pancreas, mammary gland, ovary and thyroid.

  59. The glands of the human body are divided into three classes called tubular, alveolar and tubulo-alveolar glands.

  60. In these, there is a combination of the tubular and the alveolar type.

  61. Fracture of the alveolar processes is rendered impossible, and the ease with which the instrument is applied, considerably enhances its value.

  62. During youth the fangs of the molars are of great length, consequently, any violence would be likely to do injury to the thin plates of the alveolar cavity.

  63. Illustration] As is here seen, when the crown has been removed, the permanent molar is well up, although it occupies the same place, and fills the same alveolar cavity which the temporary molar originally held.

  64. The teeth are situated in the maxillary bones, in which certain osseous cups, like indentations or holes, called the alveolar cavities, are developed for their reception.

  65. The shock, moreover, was sustained by the tooth itself, which, transferring the force to the alveolar cavity, was too often the cause of fracture.

  66. To this end the finger is employed to probe the alveolar cavity, whence the tooth was taken, and it will probably prove to be of no great depth.

  67. The alveolar cavity always corresponds to the fang.

  68. The vessels that nurture the fang and ramify through the pulp, are small and delicate; the alveolar cavities are thin, some of them in the upper jaw being not thicker in parts of their walls than brown paper.

  69. For that purpose a guarded chisel has been employed; but the blow of the hammer or mallet very often fractures the alveolar cavities, and the cutting edge, despite the guard, generally wounds the mouth.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alveolar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.