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Example sentences for "anent"

Lexicographically close words:
anemic; anemometer; anemometers; anemone; anemones; aner; aneroid; aneroids; anes; anesthesia
  1. Over against; as, he lives anent the church.

  2. About; concerning; in respect; as, he said nothing anent this particular.

  3. I have already told him how I feel anent the matter," answered Peggy with a sigh.

  4. I know him not though it seems as though I should, I have heard so much anent him.

  5. Thee had better not be too eager anent the exchange.

  6. Mr. Reed tried to scare us anent that, but he soon told the truth of the matter.

  7. Nor did I hear a word anent the escape, Harriet.

  8. Still, I have heard so much anent my cousin, Clifford, that I confess that I am somewhat curious about him.

  9. Thy mother is worried anent thee, friend, but she herself is well.

  10. I would not think so much anent it, if I were thee.

  11. Some of our Society are not so strict anent such matters as they might be," Peggy told them, a smile coming to her lips as she recalled the numerous rebukes concerning gay apparel given by the elders at the meetings.

  12. Have you writ anent the matter to her, Peggy?

  13. If such a thing should be that thy cousin recovers we will see what can be done anent his coming here.

  14. If there are whispers anent our having our cousins with us, 'twere best to let Harriet see to an exchange for the lad.

  15. I do wish that either I would hear from Clifford, or that Mr. Reed would let me know anent the parole.

  16. The minister tarried but for a few words anent some precautions that I meant to take, and then betook himself to his own chamber.

  17. These timely reflections anent the brutes of the field occupied his mind somewhat distracted from Stephen's words while the ship of the street was manoeuvring and Stephen went on about the highly interesting old.

  18. Judge of his astonishment when he finally did breast the tape and the awful truth dawned upon him anent his better half, wrecked in his affections.

  19. Anent the Index of books, the Catechism, Breviary, and Missal.

  20. A hardy man, that is lykly with all, Gret fawour will off fortoun till him fall, 1140 Anent wemen is seyne in mony place.

  21. My consaill is in playn, anent this thing, “At ye wald pass with worschip to the king.

  22. Then after a sociable smoke and a chat with mine host anent 'the weather and the craps,' we proceed again upon our travels through the byways of Corve Dale.

  23. Anent the church at Hyssington there is a curious tradition.

  24. Anent this church there is a legend which runs as follows.

  25. Folk-lore, too, has had its say anent this famous hill.

  26. Anent these names of Stretton hangs a tale that runs somewhat as follows.

  27. There is, however, another version anent the use of these Maiden Garlands.

  28. Where Severne runneth, Nature hath made a terrible Dike,' wrote John Leland anent Bridgnorth in the days of Henry VIII.

  29. Her gaze flitted around the room continually as she appeased her appetite, and he was subjected to an exacting and minute inquisition anent the duties and life of a Mounted Policeman.

  30. Aunt Yvette presided at the tea-table and talked bravely to two woolly-witted dames from the Vicarage who had called to consult her anent the covering of a foot-stool "that had belonged to their dear Grandmamma".

  31. Oh, thank God for her inspiration anent the Sword .

  32. Ratcliffe Highway added most luridly expressed improprieties anent the origins of the Lance-Corporal, his erstwhile enemy and, now, superior officer, in addition.

  33. You had a long letter; what does he say anent her?

  34. He is a very Pharisee anent such sma' matters.

  35. Ye ken as well as I do, that the Almighty forbid the children o' Israel even to inquire anent the doings of thae sinners, the Canaanites.

  36. If you'll only bide at hame and keep your whist anent a' public matters, you'll be left alane.

  37. But as he was drinking his tea the Elder said, "I saw Mr. Bradley this morning, and I sent word by him to his daughter anent Maria's absence.

  38. At first your grandfather was too ill to write one thing or another; and by the time he was able to hold a pen, we had, baith o' us, come to the conclusion that silence anent the matter was wisdom.

  39. The reply to his first inquiry, anent hotel stable accommodations for the intimate equine friend who, as a matter of course, had accompanied him on an American Express Company ticket, had been more of a shock to him than the height of Mt.

  40. Much more was unexplained than the nature of the stolen treasure and the cause of that false report anent the severed telephone wires.

  41. His one regret anent the bought-and-paid-for greeting was that it did not include the worthy Polkadot.

  42. He had not wished actually to hurt the old goat, but merely to give him a sort of mild lesson anent his impudent treatment of Fritz.

  43. The commander of the schooner looking puzzled by the latter part of this speech, Fritz proceeded to tell the young seaman all about Nat Slater and the Tristaners, anent which he became very indignant.

  44. And yet what shall be done anent the matter of clothes?

  45. And you also, David, to be so solicitous anent me.

  46. I am so anxious anent my father, Cousin Peggy.

  47. Of the Congress also, who fear the effect upon the people, there is so much feeling anent the Tories.

  48. Tis regarded as a wonderful omen anent the French alliance and the thirteen states.

  49. Peggy, he helped you anent Cousin David then; will you help me about my father?

  50. In fact, mother, I discovered some warmth in speaking anent the matter.

  51. I'll get it and tease her anent the matter.

  52. Mr. Washington will not be so thoughtful anent the matter as Sir Henry was.

  53. Thy mother hath been full of worriment anent thy absence, but Harriet said that she had left thee at the governor's, so I knew that thou wert safe.

  54. The servants said that Peggy was over-solicitous anent the fellow.

  55. I have in truth had some correspondence anent the subject with the state of New York.

  56. I wouldn't ask the old Congress anything anent the matter.

  57. Nay, more, it is to be hoped that the accommodating moderation in the rates of charges anent his present fashions and furnishings, may be the means of yet further enlarging the circle of his literary acquaintances.

  58. But he devoted no more time to silent theories anent the disgraceful apathy of the home authorities with reference to West African affairs.

  59. Perhaps Mrs. Laing's curiosity anent Warden's skill in "wriggling" would then be sated.

  60. Peter, undisturbed by speculations anent the future of the young lady whose presence had brightened the deck of the Nancy during the afternoon, cooked an appetizing supper.

  61. But a rush and a furious melee on the stairs showed what manner of guest might be expected, and that ominous question anent a revolver was not lost on Evelyn.

  62. The journey to Milford indirectly suggested by the Under Secretary's inquiry anent the appearance of the yacht now became a fixed purpose from which nothing would divert him.

  63. First thou shalt tell me the very truth anent thy quarrel with Boris.

  64. I dare say Macrae may have spoken to you anent his friendship with Agnes and Willie Henderson, indeed Willie Henderson and John Macrae have been finger and thumb ever since they played together.

  65. Well, Ian, I will be ready for our visit in about two hours; one hour to rest after eating and a whole hour to dress myself and lecture the lasses anent behaving themselves when they are left to their own idle wishes and wasteful work.

  66. What for didna ye tell me what fowk was sayin' aboot me--anent Lizzy Findlay?

  67. This act was supplemented by that of 1579, Anent the Jurisdiction of the Kirk.

  68. In the act Anent the true and holy Kirk, and of those that are declared not to be of the same.

  69. In truth I know not much, my son; but Father Francis, I doubt not, can tell you all the particulars anent the affair.

  70. As thou knowest, my lord though easy and well-disposed to all, and not fond of harassing and driving the people as are many of his neighbours, is yet to the full as fanatical anent his forest privileges as the worst of them.

  71. And so, as I was about to say, the best of my thanks to you for your offer anent my sons, whilk last night I had some thoughts to have embraced in their behalf.

  72. It is not, however, my design to speak much anent my own affairs, which would be a very improper and uncomely thing, but only of what happened in the parish, this book being for a witness and testimony of my ministry.

  73. We all of us could recall with the keenest delight the memorable evening when Zebedee undertook to open the sardines at a beach party we were having and his scornful remarks anent our can-opener.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    about; apropos; concerning; regarding; relation; respecting; touching; toward; upon