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Example sentences for "phlegm"

Lexicographically close words:
phisitian; phisition; phiz; phlebitis; phlebotomy; phlegmasia; phlegmatic; phlegmatick; phlegmon; phlegmonous
  1. Pituita or phlegm is a cold and moist humour, begotten of the colder parts of the chylus (or white juice coming out of the meat digested in the stomach) in the liver.

  2. So in every human body The choler, melancholy, phlegm and blood By reason that they flow continually In some one part and are not continent Receive the name of humours.

  3. Or, stuff'd with phlegm up to the throat What poet e'er could sing a note?

  4. Of fleecy phlegm That will neither in or out, but mid-way Seem to strangle!

  5. Thus by tapping different portions of the column, vapors of different degrees of vaporization are found and may be carried off and the phlegm be thus fractionated.

  6. The clarified phlegm passes then to the second column where the alcohol is separated from the last runnings or fusel oil.

  7. A receives the raw phlegm and accomplishes the elimination of ethers.

  8. It acts as a reservoir to contain any excess of phlegm or to supply an additional amount of phlegm to the plates when they have become nearly exhausted.

  9. From the distilling column K the phlegm or raw spirit passes to the phlegm tank L from which it is drawn as desired into the rectifying column M, thence into the coolers and condensers and thence into the alcohol tanks N.

  10. The column C is supported upon an accumulating reservoir V which acts to regulate the flow of the phlegm through the rectifying column and prevents too great an exhaustion of the plates of the column.

  11. In other words, the phlegm or impure raw alcohol is only raised to such a temperature in the first column as to drive off the very volatile constituents such as the ethers.

  12. In the apparatus as perfected and used in large distilleries or rectification plants, the division of the several products composing the phlegm or raw spirit is made at one time and continuously on the principle now to be described.

  13. But, when you have once mixed boiled and roast together, thrushes and shell-fish; the sweet juices will turn into bile, and a thick phlegm will bring a jarring upon the stomach.

  14. They were all dressed in yellow cloth, like so many Saxon postilions, to whose phlegm this exercise would often be advantageous.

  15. Indeed, the Englishman's phlegm is a sort of leash holding in check a certain recklessness which his seeming casualness conceals.

  16. Was their methodical phlegm such that they acted entirely by rule?

  17. The people that live most on such foods--the eastern and southern people and those of the northern I have mentioned--are less troubled with phlegm than any others.

  18. Phlegm is nothing but superfluous chyle and nourishment, as the taking down more food than the expenses of living and the waste of the solids and fluids require.

  19. Those also are numbered in the same class who throw their phlegm and other unclean secretions into the water.

  20. Chocolate is too gross for many weak stomachs, and exceedingly injurious to those liable to phlegm and viscid humours.

  21. They resolve coagulated phlegm in the stomach, preserve the fluidity of the juices, and promote digestion, by assisting the bile in its operation.

  22. If thou do, why wilt thou drown it, and choke it up with phlegm and filth?

  23. It will seem work enough to such, to carry the load of flesh or phlegm which they have gathered.

  24. His life was as disorderly as Hals's or Steen's, but their saving phlegm was missing.

  25. This phlegm of manner is characteristic of the North American Indian--some say of his white successor also--but, in this case much should be attributed to the peculiar situation in which the party was placed.

  26. Her father, accustomed to her manner, and suspecting no immediate cause of concern, continued to smoke with the apparent phlegm which would seem to belong to that particular species of enjoyment.

  27. AN; c1] expel phlegm by coughing it out hard.

  28. AN; c] loosen phlegm in the throat and expel it.

  29. A23N; b] clear out phlegm in the throat as a sign of derision or contempt.

  30. The disease is caused," he says more exactly in another place, "by the overflow of phlegm and bile to the veins of the belly, producing ulceration and erosion of the intestine.

  31. That end which becomes theirs who touch Brahmanas or fire with the feet, that end which becomes theirs who throw phlegm and excreta and eject urine into water, even that miserable end shall be mine, if I do not slay Jayadratha!

  32. And he further asked that the urine, the excreta, the phlegm and the sweat of that child should be gold.

  33. Plants which bear white flowers and have thick juice, which often grow in moist and extremely humid places, and which resemble phlegm or rheum, were thought to increase the very humours they represented.

  34. Now with the phlegm and patience of his race he sat down with his legs tucked under him prepared to wait for dawn.

  35. He displayed the same phlegm he had shown in the smuggling of wine.

  36. In spite of all the phlegm which nature and Indian training had endowed him with, the Chief could not conceal the amazement he experienced on hearing these words.

  37. In fact, the pirate's ingenious arrangement seemed marvellous to White Scalper, who, forgetting his phlegm and stoicism, allowed his surprise to be seen.

  38. The first shoots of the common Elder boiled like Asparagus, and the young leaves and stalks boiled in fat broth, doth mightily carry forth phlegm and choler.

  39. The decoction of the herb in wine, helps to expectorate the phlegm out of the chest, and is good for obstructions in the breast, stomach, or bowels, and helps a decayed appetite.

  40. A dram of the dried root of Monk’s Rhubarb, with a scruple of Ginger made into powder, and taken fasting in a draught or mess of warm broth, purges choler and phlegm downwards very gently and safely without danger.

  41. The decoction hereof made up with some sugar or honey, is available to cleanse and purge the body both upwards and downwards, sometimes of tough phlegm and clammy humours, and to open obstructions of the liver and spleen.

  42. And being mingled with honey and salt, it voids phlegm out of the lungs, and purges melancholy by the stool.

  43. The decoction of the herb taken in honey, digests the phlegm in the chest or lungs, and with Hyssop helps the cough.

  44. It provokes also women’s courses, and frees and cleanses the stomach and lungs from thick and tough phlegm that trouble them.

  45. The syrup with Agaric is more strong and effectual, for one ounce thereof by itself will open the body more than the other, and works as much on phlegm as choler.

  46. It helps to expectorate tough phlegm from the chest, being taken from the roots of Iris or Orris.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "phlegm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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