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Example sentences for "phlebotomy"

Lexicographically close words:
phisike; phisitian; phisition; phiz; phlebitis; phlegm; phlegmasia; phlegmatic; phlegmatick; phlegmon
  1. Thus Galen warns against wounding the nerve in phlebotomy of the median, the tendon of the biceps in phlebotomy of the scapulo-cephalic, the artery in dividing the basilic, and so on.

  2. In the interesting dissertation which Oribasius gives on the subject of phlebotomy (Med.

  3. This passage describing the technique of phlebotomy has given rise to great and voluminous discussion (see Daremberg's Oribas.

  4. It is assumed that its appearance would be familiar to every one, since phlebotomy was so common.

  5. A surgeon was sent for, and phlebotomy was resorted to as for apoplexy, which the seizure was pronounced to be.

  6. But that this truth may be made the more apparent, let an arm be tied up above the elbow as if for phlebotomy (A, A, fig.

  7. In the tract on phlebotomy I see nothing modern, and here again he is everywhere dominated by astrological ideas--"Sapiens dominatur astris.

  8. Salvian will admit no other phlebotomy but this; and by his experience in an hospital which he kept, he found all mad and melancholy men worse for other bloodletting.

  9. Phlebotomy in this kind more necessary, and more frequent.

  10. Phlebotomy is promiscuously used before and after physic, commonly before, and upon occasion is often reiterated, if there be any need at least of it.

  11. That phlebotomy was considered an essential part of the practice of the medicine is seen from the fact that it was practiced upon George Washington in his last illness.

  12. The practice of phlebotomy was considered an essential part of the doctor's work.

  13. It is not surprising, therefore, to learn that jugular phlebotomy was at once resorted to as the readiest means of relieving the overcharged vessels of their blood.

  14. But I am not without a suspicion that she too, if she could have been consulted, would have sided with phlebotomy and whist, as against modern practice unrelieved by any such alleviation.

  15. Phlebotomy was the catholicon of the physician and the craze of the jurist; blood-letting was regarded as the only infallible cure for all the ills that afflict the human and the social body.

  16. The Pain and Inflammation of the Part may be asswag'd by letting Blood, topical Anodyns, cooling Clysters and Purgations; but in case much Blood hath been already lost, Phlebotomy must be omitted.

  17. Which are the Vessels that are open'd in Phlebotomy or Blood-letting?

  18. Phlebotomy or Blood-letting hath no place here, unless there be a great Plethory, but frequent Clysters are not to be rejected, viz.

  19. Phlebotomy is a sovereign specific for southern constitutions.

  20. Yes, Jack, but if you had let me perform the operation of phlebotomy n when I first saw you, it would have been of infinite service.

  21. The merit of phlebotomy for those afflicted with congestive heart failure was emphasized again in 1912 by H.

  22. Phlebotomy is shown in the upper right hand corner.

  23. Spring Lancets The great vogue in phlebotomy inspired the invention of ingenious instruments.

  24. Thus, Knox was convinced by the results of this research that, while phlebotomy was indicated in cases of high fever, "particular phlegmasiae" specifically required the intervention of cupping.

  25. Used for shaving and probably for phlebotomy as well.

  26. It appears, however, that the introduction of leeches into Western medicine came somewhat later than that of phlebotomy or cupping, for Hippocrates made no mention of them.

  27. The nerve is generally situated behind the vein, to which it lies sometimes in close proximity, and is liable, therefore, to be accidentally injured in the performance of phlebotomy upon the external jugular vein.

  28. The popularity of the phlebotomy then is attested to by the notoriety of this technique today.

  29. There is no reason to doubt that the clyster and phlebotomy enjoyed as wide usage in colonial Virginia as in Europe, but the evidence surviving to prove this assumption is slight.

  30. Blanton been able to find, as a result of his research, any more evidence of phlebotomy although, again, its utilization must have been widespread.

  31. In some cases phlebotomy was practised as a sort of specialty by surgeons of recognised character: but generally, at the close of the last century, it was left, as a branch of practice, in the hands of the apothecary.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "phlebotomy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aspiration; bloodletting; cupping; drafting; drainage; draining; drawing; emptying; milking; phlebotomy; suction; tapping