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Example sentences for "accidentally"

Lexicographically close words:
accidence; accidens; accident; accidental; accidentall; accidentals; accidente; accidently; accidents; accidere
  1. Your synopsis and proof in an open envelope were accidentally slipped into a large circular envelope used by a firm of seed merchants and addressed to Longdean Grange, sent out no doubt amongst thousands of others.

  2. She was rubbing some specks off the case at the last moment, and the scratches were made accidentally with the stones in one of her rings.

  3. Each train was driving along behind it such oxen as were unfit for work, and some of the other cattle became accidentally mixed with father's drove.

  4. He further adds, that a Lady of some Quality at Court, having accidentally made use of an hard Word in a proper Place, and pronounced it right, the whole Assembly was out of Countenance for her.

  5. She told me that she hoped my Face was not akin to my Tongue; and looking upon her Watch, I accidentally discovered the Figure of a Coronet on the back Part of it.

  6. That was the mission when they accidentally made their surprising discovery.

  7. In the course of it not less than fifty important variations and errors have been detected, consisting of words omitted, and words accidentally inserted, independently of errors of the press, for which of course an editor was not responsible.

  8. The word should is accidentally repeated in this line in the old copy.

  9. After a merry time, he was accidentally shot by an arrow.

  10. Some say that he was accidentally shot by Sir Walter Tyrrel, a famous hunter in those days.

  11. Quite accidentally I trod on her favorite corn; she got mad and changed me into a robin, and regretted it ever afterward.

  12. This instrument was nothing more than a long, slender hand-vise, with a very powerful grip and a considerable leverage, which last was accidentally owing to the shape of the handle.

  13. I saw at a glance that I had accidentally trodden upon the edges of Simon's secret, whatever it was.

  14. I met your brother in the train coming here, and I learnt from him accidentally what he'd come for, and how he was coming; and I couldn't resist going to tell that horrid old man the whole story.

  15. Being arrived at the port, and enquiring for Ferdinand Alvarez, he lighted accidentally on George Alvarez, who was just ready to weigh anchor.

  16. His lower lip quivered, he walked away from Sheshkovsky, unwilling to hear more, and as though he had accidentally tasted something bitter, spat loudly again, and for the first time that morning looked with hatred at Laevsky.

  17. A flicker had built a nest in the trunk of a rather small dead tree which, after the eggs were hatched, was accidentally broken off just at the entrance hole.

  18. A clergyman of their persuasion accidentally passing through the street was forcibly laid hands upon and obliged to preach to them, which he did with great unction.

  19. On the back of the grotto the plaster has accidentally formed a head of Christ, though evidently unintended by the artist.

  20. I remain standing, delighted with the significant spectacle, when accidentally on my right my eyes fall on a dyer's shield at the end of the Rue de Fleurs.

  21. Some relate that, having heard what measures had been adopted at Rome, as he was going into exile to Naples, he accidentally fell in with Quintus Metellus, one of the deputies, by whom he was forcibly conveyed back to Rhegium.

  22. An occurrence which accidentally happened to him lessened the number of his enemies on the side of Aetolia.

  23. I have removed a needle from the calf of the leg which {838} the patient had a month before accidentally swallowed.

  24. The presence of a few seat-worms is usually attended with no obvious inconvenience, and they may remain unnoticed unless accidentally observed in the evacuations.

  25. The following classes of cases of gastric ulcer may be distinguished: First: Gastric ulcer may give rise to no symptoms pointing to its existence, and be found accidentally at the autopsy when death has occurred from some other disease.

  26. It is a common practice with uninformed persons to give castor oil or some purgative medicine when a pin, needle, coin, or other foreign substance has accidentally passed from the mouth into the stomach.

  27. In many instances of chronic folliculous pharyngitis evidently of long standing, and accidentally discovered at times to the surprise of the patient, no history of the classical group of symptoms can be obtained.

  28. In general, the presence of one or two worms is unattended with any marked disturbance, and is mostly unsuspected until the parasite is accidentally seen in the discharges.

  29. Lead which is accidentally taken into the system by workers in metals, painters, etc.

  30. Usually it occurs in small numbers and gives rise to no obvious inconvenience, and is only accidentally detected in dissection after death.

  31. Rarely it gives rise in the infant to the well-known garlicky odor, like that occasionally observed in adult patients, and which Squibb thinks may be due to tellurium accidentally associated with the bismuth in its natural state.

  32. So it came to be recognized that the honeycombed teeth were only accidentally associated with the cataract, and that they were, in fact, the result of the mercury which had been given to cure the convulsions.

  33. In a post-mortem reported to the writer by Fairfax a large copper coin, accidentally swallowed a few days before, was found lodged in the gullet.

  34. Foreign bodies accidentally or purposely swallowed, intestinal parasites, the pus from an abscess which bursts into the intestine, likewise are excitants of disease.

  35. He manufactures writing for her to do, when he accidentally discovers that it delights her to do it.

  36. He accidentally saw his mother toiling late at night over the clothes in which he had that day fought Cale Dodge to a finish.

  37. Within that ritual there is one other very curious case of what must be classed as a magical process, and one that has accidentally become famous.

  38. When I had been about five weeks with Mr Sullivan, I was engaged one morning in washing the shop windows, and accidentally broke a large and costly pane of plate glass.

  39. Mr Sullivan had been so kind to me, that to do him an injury, accidentally or otherwise, seemed the greatest misfortune that could happen to me.

  40. I accidentally met the object of my affections.

  41. I had been told that we were to be friends, but before we were a week out, I saw that should it be my lot to be lost overboard, the captain might only accidentally learn that I was gone.

  42. The youth had formed an attachment to a lady whom he had accidentally met in a Margate steamer.

  43. That evening a very near relative of hers was accidentally shot, and within the week her favourite brother died from the effects of sunstroke!

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accidentally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.