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Example sentences for "itch"

Lexicographically close words:
italienischen; italiennes; italische; itan; itaque; itched; itches; itchiness; itching; itchy
  1. Fie, there's a knavish itch In that salt blood, an utter foe to smarting!

  2. She is only another instance of the modern highly developed female, eaten by an itch for writing and getting her name into the newspapers.

  3. In order to show the way in which the different families marry into one another I will now trace up the descendants of some of the male children of Nar-doo-itch by each of his wives.

  4. Her pride even prevented Hilary from really knowing what had spoiled his married life--this ungovernable itch to be appreciated, governed by ungovernable pride.

  5. But even with that craving was mingled the itch to justify herself, and prove that she could rise above jealousy.

  6. What's the matter, you dissentious rogues, That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion, Make yourselves scabs?

  7. But should you catch the prudish itch And each become a coward, Bring sometimes with you Lady Rich, And sometimes Mistress Howard; For virgins, to keep chaste, must go Abroad with such as are not so.

  8. Even more potent was the itch in the blood of all the Darties for a real flutter.

  9. When the itch of scribbling seizes me, I hardly know when to stop.

  10. SIR, All the horsemen were so infatuated with the itch for scouting, that I had not one to despatch with the letter herewith sent.

  11. No man could say exactly how much his sexuality was colored by a clean love of beauty, or by the mere boyish itch for irrevocable adventures, like running away to sea.

  12. I therefore can claim that I have no vulgar itch of innovation in anything I say about any of these institutions.

  13. I confess to some infection of that itch myself.

  14. Leprosy (the most obstinate of all) has been completely cured by it, and the common itch only requires two or three applications to completely eradicate it from the system.

  15. The sulphur bath is a good remedy for itch or any other kind of skin diseases.

  16. The Filipinos use the infusion locally for itch with good results.

  17. The fruit yields a yellow juice which is used locally in the itch and other cutaneous troubles, after first washing the affected part with a decoction of the roots and leaves.

  18. The infusion is used locally for itch and psoriasis.

  19. The bark and the leaves of both the red-flowered and white-flowered varieties are boiled in cocoanut oil and the product is used for inunction in itch and other skin diseases.

  20. In this way the Germans are to have their purses eased and their itch cured.

  21. Ah well, I know another little song about Rome and about them if I their ears itch for it I will sing them that song too, and pitch the notes to the top of the scale.

  22. That is what most folks say that have an itch for minding other people's business.

  23. I would thou didst itch from head to foot, and I had the scratching of thee; I would make thee the loathsomest scab in Greece.

  24. He knocked it over easily; it left, however, a bee at his ear and an itch to transfer the buzzer's attentions and tease his darling; for she had betrayed herself as right good game.

  25. Sight of the tables; an itch to try them--one's self as well; a notion that the losers were playing wrong.

  26. There is some indefinable element in the atmosphere of Oxford which has always excited an itch for writing.

  27. The greater ladies of the assembly were quite ready to accuse the sections, down to the individuals, of the social English (reserving our elect) of an itch to be tyrants.

  28. Exposed her to our fen-fogs and foul snakes--of whom one or more might be in the assembly now: all because of his insane itch to be the bobbing cork on the wave of the minute!

  29. The itch for murder terrified him, and he turned away angrily from the horrid face that aroused it.

  30. Piótr Andréitch gazed at her in silence; she approached to kiss his hand; her quivering lips hardly met in a noiseless kiss.

  31. IV The young man, with whom we have just made the reader acquainted, was named Vladímir Nikoláitch Pánshin.

  32. She made an effort to pacify her husband, but Piótr Andréitch no longer listened to anything.

  33. Why do you think that Vladímir Nikoláitch has no heart?

  34. Then they were touched with a piece of ice, and some cow-itch rubbed on them.

  35. Cow-itch is a powder which stings like nettles, and is painful while it lasts.

  36. Plympton, who gave me ointment, which I applied, and the itch suddenly disappeared, and commingled with my blood, and raised Beelzebub with my emotions.

  37. He had a large feather bed, and the fire was blazing, and I was sure I would get into a perspiration, and give him the itch if I slept with him.

  38. I left Andover for Boston, and caught the itch from a filthy bed at a hotel in Washington street.

  39. He then wrote me that itch pimples had appeared between his fingers, and on the back of his hands, and desired to know what to do to screen them, or cure them quickly, and spare the mortification.

  40. Brother Bill never troubled me again about his itch, and I was glad, as I did not like to commune of itch, even through correspondence with a brother, as my own itch required my unremitting attention.

  41. I told him to apply itch ointment externally, and to gently scratch the developments, or they would increase like fury, or a snow ball.

  42. Mayor—The name of Itch or Scratch honor this corruption, and by the Eternal, if Hickory dont hide his head at the Hermitage.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "itch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.