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Example sentences for "dissent"

Lexicographically close words:
dissemination; disseminator; disseminators; dissension; dissensions; dissented; dissenter; dissenters; dissentient; dissentients
  1. It is with no disposition to detract from the great service rendered by him that a dissent is expressed from the ground upon which he placed the surrender of Mason and Slidell.

  2. As the time drew nigh, however, symptoms of dissent appeared in quarters where it had not been expected.

  3. Its dissent from the dangerous and obnoxious propositions of the platform was too guarded and reserved to be satisfactory.

  4. Mr. Mill was foremost in teaching the duty of independent thought, and, to do him justice, my dissent from a principle he had come to hold strongly, made no difference in his friendship.

  5. The feeble expressions of dissent were but a whisper compared with the loud proclamations coming from every loyal state in favor of Lincoln.

  6. There was no dissent from the plan except that Senator Morgan, of New York, thought it would interfere with the profit of New York brokers in changing dollars into pounds.

  7. I stated my dissent from the conference report, as follows: "Though a member of the conference committee, I was not able to get the consent of my own judgment to sign this report.

  8. As a matter of course my friend is at liberty to dissent from any of its propositions.

  9. It is not, however, until the last two or three pages that Diderot sets forth his dissent in its widest form.

  10. The poet replied with his usual playful politeness, but declared his dissent from Saunderson, "who denied God, because he happened to have been born blind.

  11. Mr. ORTH:--I dissent from the vote of Indiana.

  12. It will be taken, of course, that those who do not dissent vote with the delegation.

  13. Mr. PRATT:--I wish to enter my dissent from the vote of Connecticut.

  14. Mr. WOOD:--I must enter my dissent from the vote of Illinois.

  15. I may say that I wholly dissent from them.

  16. Mr. CLAY:--I dissent from the vote of Kentucky.

  17. Mr. DENT:--I wish to enter my dissent from the vote of Maryland.

  18. Mr. TUCK:--I dissent from the vote of New Hampshire.

  19. The vote was taken in the midst of much partially suppressed excitement, and the announcement of the vote of different States occasioned many sharp remarks of dissent or approval.

  20. Mr. DENT:--I dissent from the vote of Maryland.

  21. Why, Sir, I do not hesitate to say here most distinctly, for myself, that I dissent entirely from the conclusions of the honorable Senator from Massachusetts, as stated in his resolutions.

  22. But, while thus entitled to gratitude for glorious contributions to Municipal Law, we turn with dissent and sorrow from much which she has sought to fasten upon International Law.

  23. This passion now boldly combated all dissent from his personal satisfaction, denied any supremacy but his will, drowned the voice of Honor, the pleadings of Love, and insisted on his own pleasure and interest, at all costs.

  24. Theodora looked entreatingly at Robert, and he understood her dissent and shared it.

  25. And she took the place in the household accorded her without dissent and without apologies, and ordered her outgoings and incomings as she desired.

  26. They have no sympathy with Dissent in any of its forms.

  27. Their leading denominations are the Baptists and Congregationalists; and it shows how terribly Dissent undervalues the historical element when I state that the Independents now prefer to call themselves Congregationalists.

  28. You may safely assume that the teaching of modern Dissent is indirectly in favour of the Establishment.

  29. It is in the wide and varied fields of Dissent that we are to look for heresy.

  30. Nor had Dissent one ray more of Gospel light.

  31. Dissent requires some sort of faith as preliminary to fellowship.

  32. Popular dissent has followed suit--heresy has been avoided by some as a temptation of the devil, by others as an obstacle to worldly success, but no religious life can exist without it.

  33. If we do not hold as much as this we must dissent from the plain language of our own Ordination Service.

  34. Mr. Melville believes Dissent to be schism, and one of the deadly sins, while the Deans of Westminster and Canterbury hold out to Dissenters friendly hands.

  35. Dissent foreigners generally ignore, yet Dissent is as active, as energetic as the State Church, and may claim that it has practically realized the question of our time--the Free Church in the Free State.

  36. If there is a dissenting brother, after the reasons of the dissent have been stated, and judged unscriptural by the church, he is expelled.

  37. He tells us the Evangelical party in the Church or Dissent do not know the Gospel.

  38. Speaking relatively, Dissent is a thing of yesterday.

  39. It is not decent to say this to any class of citizens who dissent from what is known as Protestant Christianity.

  40. But part owners who dissent from the voyage and take security for the safe return of the vessel are not entitled to share in the profits, nor are they liable for the expenses.

  41. Mr. President, I have thus stated the reasons of my dissent to the doctrines which have been advanced and maintained.

  42. I dissent entirely from the justice of that picture of distress which he has drawn.

  43. They might, indeed, prefer that we should express no dissent from the doctrines which they have avowed, and the application which they have made of those doctrines to the case of Greece.

  44. Sir, when uttered as matter of commendation or compliment, I should dissent from nothing which the honorable member might say of his friend.

  45. The others assented, for really they hardly ever dared dissent from Belle when she laid down the law in this way.

  46. Dark-haired Nora was the only one of the group who ever ventured to dissent from the two Bs.

  47. I beg leave to dissent from Mr. Mason," added a third.

  48. Church and State, and the most hearty contempt of everything like Dissent and of foreigners, were regarded as the only maxims for Englishmen; and the most absolute submission of the peasantry to the despotic squirearchy was exacted.

  49. In return for this favour, the Commons now solicited his assent to the Conventicle Act, which it was hoped would extinguish Dissent altogether.

  50. Thereupon Brother Buckley took the floor and gave expression to his dissent in the following terms: I am opposed to inviting any woman to preach before this meeting.

  51. Again, I would ask in all seriousness, by what right does Orthodoxy give the invidious name of Infidel, affix the stigma of infidelity, to those who dissent from its cherished opinions?

  52. We welcome to this platform man and women irrespective of creed, country, or color; those who dissent from us as freely as those who agree with us.

  53. There are other propositions in her platform which we should dissent from.

  54. Newcastle intimated dissent from both, looking to the formation of his virtuous and enlightened third party, but where they should sit in the meantime he did not seem to know.

  55. Even there, he has much dissent to make, still; and we may not find it at all essential or beneficial to follow each of his deviations ourselves.

  56. None of his readers will, however, dissent from bestowing upon his work the praise of being carefully compiled and most originally written.

  57. Footnote 161: In a Polish Diet, where unanimity was necessary, the mode adopted of ensuring it was for the majority to hew to pieces the first individual who expressed his dissent by the fatal veto.

  58. For all who do dissent I have the most respectful tolerance.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dissent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abnegation; alienation; antagonism; antipathy; apostasy; argue; aversion; backlash; ban; beef; belligerence; bickering; bitch; blackball; break; challenge; clash; collide; collision; complain; complaining; complaint; conflict; confront; contention; contradict; contradiction; contraposition; contrariety; contrast; controversy; counter; counteraction; declension; declination; decline; declining; defiance; demur; denial; depart; departure; deprivation; deviation; differ; difference; differentiate; disabuse; disaccord; disagree; disagreement; disallow; disappointment; disapproval; disclaim; disclaimer; discontent; discord; discrepancy; disenchantment; disesteem; disfavor; disharmony; disillusion; disillusionment; disinclination; disobedience; disparity; displeasure; dispute; disrespect; dissatisfaction; dissension; dissent; dissidence; dissimilarity; dissonance; distaste; distinction; disunion; diverge; divergence; diversify; diversity; divide; division; exclusion; faction; fight; flak; friction; front; grievance; gripe; groan; grouse; grousing; grumbling; heresy; holler; howl; incompatibility; incongruity; inconsistency; indignation; indisposition; inequality; infighting; interference; irascibility; jangle; jar; jostle; kick; mischief; mixture; murmuring; nay; negate; negation; negative; nonconformity; object; objection; obstinacy; odds; oppose; opposition; originality; ostracism; petulance; protest; quarrel; reaction; rebel; rebuff; recantation; recoil; refusal; refuse; reject; rejection; relieve; reluctance; remonstrance; remonstrate; repercussion; repudiate; repudiation; repugnance; repulse; repulsion; resistance; retention; revolt; schism; scolding; secede; secession; separate; separateness; slowness; squawk; stand; stubbornness; sulks; underground; unhappiness; unorthodoxy; variance; variation; variegate; variegation; variety; vary; whining; withdraw; withdrawal; withstand; yapping