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Example sentences for "exclusion"

Lexicographically close words:
exclude; excluded; excludes; excludeth; excluding; exclusionists; exclusions; exclusive; exclusively; exclusiveness
  1. The fundamental issue was in regard to the admission of slavery into, or the exclusion of slavery from, this region.

  2. The result, he was confident, would show that all human faculty and knowledge are transformed sensation only, to the exclusion of any other principle, such as reflection.

  3. Any form of alliance with such dangerous errorists was, however, considered a cause of scandal; and the inspired teachers of the gospel insisted on their exclusion from ecclesiastical fellowship.

  4. It does not appear in the list of his writings mentioned on the back of the marble chair; but any one who inspects its contents can satisfactorily account for its exclusion from that catalogue.

  5. I am quite of Mr. Dodge's way of thinking, that exclusion is excessively odious.

  6. I only happened in" (another peculiarity of diction in this gentleman) "to make a first call, for I suppose there is no exclusion in an American ship?

  7. They failed to purify the House itself by substituting free election for nomination boroughs, or by the effective exclusion of pensioners and placemen from the House.

  8. The laws against the possession of arms and the exclusion from command in the army were left.

  9. The party system has never been constitutionally recognized, and it was not observed that the representative peers, elected by their own order, would always be Tory, to the total exclusion of the other party.

  10. On the Prime Minister's motion, carried by a unanimous vote, the Standing Order relative to the exclusion of strangers was temporarily suspended, and the galleries reopened.

  11. It resulted in the closing of the gallery, and the exclusion of all but the Speaker's own personal guests, on whose sense of honour and decency he could rely.

  12. They purchased the right to an easy and unlaborious existence, with free quarters and a small income guaranteed, at the heavy price of exclusion from the public service.

  13. The Chinese troops also retired, leaving the Corean king at liberty to restore his disputed authority, and his kingdom once more sank into its primitive state of exclusion and semi- darkness.

  14. Space and comfort demand exclusion but she excludes nothing forever that she desires.

  15. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe admired this artificial form of voice almost to the exclusion of all others.

  16. The previous summer the boys had been instrumental in thwarting the plots of an international gang on the California coast to smuggle Chinese coolies into the country in violation of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

  17. Later Mr. Temple had taken the boys on to San Francisco with him, and there they had become involved in the plottings of a gang of Chinese and white men, smuggling coolies into the country in violation of the Exclusion Act.

  18. Finally the United States decided to send a naval force to Japan and to force that country to abandon her policy of exclusion and to open her ports to intercourse with other countries.

  19. The nuncio Garampi had laboured in vain to obtain the exclusion of the Jesuits from the benefit of it.

  20. The only difficulty was found among the Commons, who were not likely to approve the perpetual exclusion of themselves and their posterity.

  21. Both mother and son became so exceedingly unpopular that an attempt was made to set up a rival on the throne, to the exclusion of Ethelred, and the crown was offered to the late king's natural daughter, whose name was Edgitha.

  22. The horror of that event filled her own thoughts to the exclusion of everything else, and she was determined to remain in Cornwall until the mystery was explained.

  23. The reader will note the stress laid upon the study of the text itself; the exclusion of frivolous comments, and the use of the latest translations by Greek scholars.

  24. University reforms at the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth century sometimes involved the exclusion of this mass of "frivolous and obscure" comment from the lectures, and a return to the study of the text itself.

  25. Levinus Lemnius recommended to sleep with the mouth shut, to promote a regular digestion by the exclusion of too much external air.

  26. He was subject to spasms and tremors, so that partial exclusion from external excitements became for a time requisite.

  27. The Syrian names are always given along with the numbers in the Book of Esther, and are used to the exclusion of all others in that of Maccabees.

  28. But in many other cases the terms employed express a connection with the tribe alone, to the exclusion even of the mother.

  29. Accordingly in many cases the lines of descent are traced through the mother alone, to the exclusion of the father.

  30. Either one of the sorrows from which Marion suffered, was enough to have occupied her heart, to the exclusion of the other; and yet, her experience confirmed the proverb only in part.

  31. If the whisper passed, it was only among close relatives, and they kept the secret to themselves, even to the exclusion of friends.

  32. The Test-act was passed in the year 1678, while the popish plot was in its vigour, and the Earl of Shaftesbury was urging every point against the Catholics, with his eyes uniformly fixed upon the Bill of Exclusion as his crowning measure.

  33. The exclusion of any notion of the immanence of a final cause in things is not essential to pantheism.

  34. No account is given here merely because it is picturesque, to the exclusion of a truer narrative; but the preference is always given to the graphic story as against the dull, where the two have equal authority as to matters of fact.

  35. The introduction of the alphabet to the exclusion of the cruder methods was a feat accomplished within the historic period by the Phœnicians, some details of which we shall have occasion to examine later on.

  36. Here we have no longer men commanded by a monarch, or impelled by religious fervour to glorify a single person or epoch or country to the utter exclusion of everything else.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exclusion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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