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Example sentences for "forever"

Lexicographically close words:
foretokens; foretold; foretop; foretopmast; foretopsail; forevermore; foreward; forewarn; forewarned; forewarning
  1. All this and the final charge must be made within the few hours of remaining daylight, or British power is forever at an end in America.

  2. And will you stay with us," asked Epimetheus, "forever and ever?

  3. I will brew a potion as you wish with my own hands and carry it to Scylla," Circe told Glaucus, but she had decided to work harm on the innocent nymph in order to keep Glaucus forever on her island.

  4. Mars sat on his throne, waited upon by a company of sad prisoners of war, and holding forever the insignia of his office, a spear and a flaming torch.

  5. And they even brought Sirius, his faithful hunting dog, to follow his master forever through the heavens.

  6. That was the final, complete and crowning demonstration which made Camp Lazear forever famous in the annals of humanity.

  7. That historic achievement was alone sufficient to make that first year of General Wood's administration in Cuba forever gratefully famous.

  8. Blanco swore in these Ministers, addressed them with an exhortation to support autonomy and to suppress the revolution, and gave them as the watchword of their administration "Long live Cuba, forever Spanish!

  9. History will forever record that he erred chiefly if not solely in assuming, in his own transparent integrity, that other men were as honest as himself.

  10. Even if this garden therefore had not perished by the curse which followed, as doubtless it did, yet man's entrance into it is thus absolutely and forever prevented, as is indicated by the guardian angel's flaming sword.

  11. They see one of their sons slain by the other; and now they see the slayer excommunicated by the judgment of God and cut off forever from the society of the rest of his brethren.

  12. By these few words therefore Cain is rejected forever and is cut off as a branch from its stem; so that he can no longer hope for that glory which he so much strove to hold fast.

  13. If they are below the level of consciousness, are they not, in the very nature of the case, forever hidden from view, in the sphere of the occult rather than that of science?

  14. His love-requirements will be too strict; he will be forever trying either in phantasy or in real life to duplicate his earlier love-experiences.

  15. I banish you forever from my sight; I curse you and all your descendants; and only when you bring Fatima back to me, shall your father's curse be lifted.

  16. What is the name of my guest and friend who will live forever in my memory?

  17. Without you I should never have found this plant, and should have forever remained a dwarf, or have died under the ax.

  18. I knew well that you must be more unhappy than I, for that cruel deed, like a black cloud, will forever darken your life.

  19. The art of investing localities with ideal characters who, in the reader's imagination, haunt the spot forever after, was a gift Hauff shared alike with his English brothers, Scott and Dickens.

  20. Maybe now he won't press her for it, bein' they're so close connected from henceforth and forever on.

  21. I wish I could make them stop and let it stay just like it is forever and ever.

  22. As her husband he walked upright forever after.

  23. That's what poor William was forever attempting to do, and never succeeding.

  24. Can blindness mean impurity and sin, And may it be that I am all deceived,-- My way all lost, my hopes forever gone?

  25. The substance of these legends was that the precious cup, used for the wine at the Last Supper, and also used to receive the Saviour's blood at the Cross, was forever after cherished as the Holy Grail.

  26. Then will the Grail forever shine for you, And blessing come to you for evermore!

  27. And now forever am I seeking Him, From age to age and e'en from world to world, To stand once more before Him in contrition.

  28. But an event now occurred which must have destroyed forever the happiness of Constantine.

  29. In addition to these considerations, Cæsar was also actuated by the ambition of subduing forever that nation which had once sacked Rome, and which had been, from the earliest times, more or less an object of dread to the Roman state.

  30. His style is wholly his own--concise, obscure, strong, forever arousing the attention.

  31. The general peace which had prevailed during the reign of Marcus Antoninus was forever passed away, and the world was in future to be desolated by almost perpetual hostilities.

  32. The power of the Ætolian league was thus forever crushed, though it seems to have existed, in name at least, till a much later period.

  33. They had joined the Marian party, not simply with the design of securing the supremacy for the latter, but with the hope of conquering Rome by their means, and then destroying forever their hated oppressor.

  34. The bay is in compliment to the leaves he is forever scratching among,--they have rustled against his breast and sides so long that these parts have taken their color; but whence come the white and the black?

  35. The artists are forever putting her into pictures, too.

  36. Creatures that live forever in the dark have no eyes; and would not any one of our senses perish and be shed, as it were, in a world where it could not be used?

  37. There is something almost pathetic in the fact that the birds remain forever the same.

  38. Then Beowulf rejoiced at his night's work, wherein he had freed Heorot forever from the fiend's ravages.

  39. He desired, above all things, to be freed forever from his compact with the devil.

  40. They were all fixed forever in the look and attitude of that moment!

  41. He wondered if it was only a temporary state of mind, or would it last forever if he were with her.

  42. She sat up suddenly and struck her breast as though the blow might somehow stop the pain there, and asked herself fiercely: "Must I live forever with this heartache?

  43. There shall forever subsist an inviolable and universal peace and friendship between his Catholic Majesty and the United States, and the subjects and citizens of both.

  44. She belonged now to the East forever and forever.

  45. If only by some magic it could be carried on to flower forever in all the cycles of her uncertain future!

  46. On beyond was holy Arayat, lifting its solitary head into space, and holding, it was said, the Ark buried in its crypt forever beyond the reach of man.

  47. The men pulled their hats down over their eyes, while Julie stole forward weeping and sprinkled flowers over the friend who had stepped out forever from the problem of the East.

  48. You Americans are forever trying to steal to-morrow.

  49. Could one go on laboring forever in blind belief?

  50. One must be forever on the lookout in the heart of half savage society to keep from relapsing.

  51. It seemed something sealed forever between him and her.

  52. You could stay in this Lions' Den forever and come out unscathed.

  53. Julie said that the body was a stupid abiding place after these dreams, which put upon her soul marvelous new moods, like a moon forever at the full.

  54. She could have gone on forever in the atmosphere he created of fluid golden good-will.

  55. Would the footsteps that had followed strange paths in the East turn about completely, and the dream that had burned in her soul be left forever unfulfilled?

  56. Such times were always when Margaret was back at the Mill House, and when it seemed as if she, too, were inside his prison walls with him, leaving that hated, unknown world shut forever out.

  57. She needed but a sane, daylight ride through those streets down there to drive away forever the morbid fancies that had haunted her so long.

  58. The conflict that ensued put an end forever (so far as human ken can forecast) to Spain's ascendancy at sea.

  59. In a word, he frightened Ferdinand into an abdication, his father into renouncing forever his claim to the throne, in return for a pension and paltry honours, and Godoy he dropped as unworthy of attention.

  60. For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.

  61. His seed also will I make to endure forever and his throne as the days of Heaven.

  62. Washed in His blood, and clothed upon with His righteousness, you may appear before God divinely, fully, freely and forever accepted.

  63. Dost thou not remember that we were told His kingdom was to last forever, that He would reign in it himself forever and would never die?

  64. For His sake," she says softly and then hurries on through the years and forever in search of the little Christ Child.

  65. Happily such conclusions are infrequent, but the best of writers are occasionally dragged into them through their reluctance to quit forever scenes and people that have grown dear to them through close association.

  66. The story has been told far and wide, and will forever be a legend of these mountains.

  67. Besides, Sanders asked himself, where was the living man who could know Helen Warren and not be her slave forever afterwards?

  68. Was Carson Dwight to go forever unpardoned--unpardoned by such as she while that sort of soul held suffering sway within him?

  69. The verdict that had been rendered would forever bury the facts.

  70. It is gone, and gone forever like a spirit passed.

  71. Tis gone; gone forever and mingled with the dust.

  72. With beating heart he gazes on the spot Where his young comrade shall forever rest.

  73. He could not stay upon Borosay, for his father cursed him; and no man can stay upon the island where a father's curse moves this way and that, forever seeking him.

  74. But to one unaware of the clews there might well be no return to the light of the open day; for in that maze of winding galleries and dim, sea-washed, and forever unlitten arcades, there is only a hopeless bewilderment.

  75. But his thoughts were with the dead woman, on the bitter hazard of love, and on what lay, forever secret, between Annaik and himself.

  76. But if, born of us, one will come, who will be dowered with our love and free from the blood shadow which lies upon us, then all will be well and the evil shall be done with forever more.

  77. There a cool air forever moved even in the noons of August; and there, indeed, at last, there came upon him a deep peace.

  78. For there, in that nigh unreachable and forever unvisited solitude was the figure of a man.

  79. Great gaunt cliffs they are, precipices of black basalt; though on the south side they fall away in grassy declivities which hang a greenness over the wandering wave forever sobbing round that desolate shore.

  80. For indeed something of this so commonplace, and yet so divine and mysterious tide of birth, which is forever at the flow upon this green world, is due to an instinctive fear of cessation.

  81. In a moment a strange bewilderment would render unstable those perilous sands of the human brain which are forever laved by the strange waters of the unseen life.

  82. In the furnace fires of captivity God cured his people once and forever of their besetting sin, idolatry.

  83. Indeed, the general expectation was that the Messiah must abide forever (John 12:34).

  84. The fault is entirely with the artist, who is forever painting easel pictures, and neglecting the great field of decorative painting.

  85. Duveneck's art, no matter how much it is rooted in foreign soil, will forever make its influence felt for the best of American art.

  86. One gets used to it all,” said Sheila with the air of resignation which sits on the shoulders of those to whom the keys of that delicious mystery known as happiness are forever lost.

  87. Then came complete darkness, and the book of life, as man knows it, was closed forever to Fergus Ryan.

  88. And it is forever written red in my soul.

  89. Still is that heaven-touched tongue, Pulseless the throbbing breast; That voice with music strung, Forever put to rest.

  90. Forever bless his name; Let earth, and seas, and sky His wondrous love proclaim; To him be praise And glory given By all on earth, And all in heaven.

  91. Thy kingdom, Lord, forever stands, While earthly thrones decay; And time submits to thy commands, While ages roll away.

  92. Soon will the storms of life be o'er, And I shall enter endless rest: There I shall live to sin no more, And bless thy name forever blest.

  93. Thine, then, forever be Glory and power divine; The sceptre, throne, and majesty Of heaven and earth are thine.

  94. Abides forever sure; And in thy matchless grace I feel My happiness secure.

  95. Earth may with all her powers dissolve, If such the great Creator's will; But thou forever art the same, I AM, is thy memorial still.

  96. No cloud those regions know, Forever bright and fair; For sin, the source of mortal woe, Can never enter there.

  97. The Lord, our glory and defence, Strength and salvation gives; Israel, thy King forever reigns, Thy God forever lives.

  98. Love is the grace that keeps her power In all the realms above; There faith and hope are known no more, But saints forever love.

  99. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forever" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    always; cease; endlessly; eternally; eternity; ever; evermore; forever; immeasurably; immensely; immensity; infinitely; interminably; permanently; perpetuity; universality