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Example sentences for "greenness"

Lexicographically close words:
greenhouses; greenies; greening; greenish; greenly; greenroom; greens; greenstone; greensward; greenwood
  1. Blossom and greenness are everywhere; even the brown paths of the plough and harrow are greening with springing grain.

  2. So befittingly are the trees arrayed in graceful tracery of spray and beads of purpling buds, that their seemly nakedness is as beautiful as attire of summer's greenness or autumn's gorgeousness could make them.

  3. Even then she lingered, watching the moving figures and noticing the greenness of the grass under the shrivelling leaves.

  4. Thus, for a time, its paths and its greenness and its air of great space gave her unqualified pleasure.

  5. Oh, 'tis miraculous, when on the grass She sits, a very flower, or when she lays Upon its greenness down her bosom white.

  6. Greenness cools the eyes whether it is study or tears that have fevered them.

  7. The sunshine from our sky may die, The greenness from life's tree, But ever 'mid the warring storm Thy nest shall shelter'd be.

  8. But the English countryside is not all greenness and softness, blossomy lanes, moated granges, and idyllic villages.

  9. The American, speeding up to London from his landing either at Liverpool or Southampton, always exclaims on the gardenlike aspect, the deep, rich greenness of the landscape.

  10. The afternoon was drawing towards evening, when I descended suddenly into a deep and narrow ravine where the sunshine was lost, and the twilight dwelt with greenness and dampness.

  11. In a few weeks what will have become of all this greenness and beautiful colour of flowers?

  12. Here greenness was all about her, and through the delicate, interlacing boughs before her even the river was shut out, except one eddying stream of it that swerved in beneath her feet.

  13. She wanted to get back to the greenness and the coolness of the country, and, most of all, she wanted to know if Charles was living and was well.

  14. She crept into her old corner in the greenness and quiet.

  15. The lids flickered over the filmed eyes, and their greenness grew momentarily brighter, and filmed over again.

  16. Their greenness seemed to be of the iris; the pupil was oddly contracted--a pin-point.

  17. It was pleasant, after three burning weeks of treeless prairie, to climb into the shadowy greenness of the mountains.

  18. A wren had followed the creeping greenness and built her nest in the cornice, from which she flew frightened, when a light entered the room.

  19. Christianity, which is always true to the heart, knows no abstract virtues, but virtues resulting from our wants, and useful to all.

  20. A man does not represent a fraction, but a whole number; he is complete in himself.

  21. In sunshine we see a greenness beneath the azure, as of spring meadows; we catch glimpses of silver lines, and imagine the roll of living waters.

  22. This garden is none of ours, but we enjoy its greenness and perfume, don't we?

  23. All de wintah he was plannin' How he 'd gethah sassafras Jes' ez soon ez evah Springtime Put some greenness in de grass.

  24. He looked round on the great hollow bosom of the fell, the crags buttressing it on either hand, the winding greenness of the valley, the white sparkle of the river.

  25. It was sunset time, and the sky showed salmon pink through the waving greenness of the trees.

  26. He sipped his wine, and leant back in his chair, relishing the drip and trickle of the fountain, and the cool greenness that hedged in this little port of refuge.

  27. Holly with thorns, and berries like blood On its shiny greenness flung.

  28. Past centuries have not trodden out my greenness With all their marches, as you well can see, Nor will you bring me withered age or leanness.

  29. But it is not to the city, shining like a flake of mica from the greenness of the distant mountain, that our looks and thoughts are turning.

  30. They can be heard chugging away like the active pulse of the vineyards, completing the ribbon of greenness that spans from ridge to ridge of the down-plunging hills.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greenness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acerbity; acidity; agnosticism; coarseness; crudity; dryness; green; greenness; ignorance; immaturity; inanity; inexperience; infancy; innocence; juvenility; lateness; minority; naivete; nescience; nonage; novelty; originality; prime; pungency; roughness; rudeness; simplicity; softness; sour; spring; strangeness; unfamiliarity; unsophistication; verdure; virginity; weakness; youth