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Example sentences for "unfamiliarity"

Lexicographically close words:
unfaithfulness; unfallen; unfaltering; unfalteringly; unfamiliar; unfashionable; unfasten; unfastened; unfastening; unfatherly
  1. The effect of these will vary with the unfamiliarity of the impressions themselves, and the manner in which they seem likely to lead to a further development of the unfamiliar, i.

  2. The only difficulty would seem to lie in our unfamiliarity with the real meanings which we attach to words in daily use.

  3. And yet, as she looked at his sleeping face, noting its change, the unfamiliarity where once all had been so familiar, she frowned and turned as if to go, wondering what had induced her to think of consulting this man.

  4. And as it passed silently into the courtyard, Chris passed too, lost in the familiar unfamiliarity of all things.

  5. So that before the curtain rises we are prepared to lament over her unfamiliarity with American customs, and to predict her ignorance of the American, as well as the English language.

  6. Be that as it may, we are constrained to note the actress's unfamiliarity with the language, as evinced in the tone in which she reads the letter, and also in the way in which she urges her husband onward in the path of crime.

  7. Such contention would show either unfamiliarity with our literature or dearth of understanding.

  8. Royal Street, with an air of unfamiliarity and disgust.

  9. There was a sense of blankness in the wanderer's heart, of unfamiliarity in the midst of familiarity.

  10. Apparently, the unfamiliarity of Egyptologists with this rite of blood-covenanting, by the cutting of the arm, has hindered the recognition of the full force of many of the terms involved.

  11. Further, the very novelty and unfamiliarity of the ways of Greek life would be more stimulating to the rude imagination of that age than a reproduction of the everyday life of Rome.

  12. In spite of the unfamiliarity of this passage, I succeeded in making excellent progress, advancing silently along the soft sand, assured I was safe from observation by reason of the intense darkness.

  13. The slowness with which he groped his way forward indicated unfamiliarity with the apartment, although his direct advance proclaimed some special purpose.

  14. The whole bar understood the strength and limitations of the Chief Justice, the power of his intellect no less than his unfamiliarity with precedents and the learning of the law.

  15. Because of unfamiliarity with the English language "one or two expressions" may have been "improperly used.

  16. The banker had been using his eyes with an interest that betrayed his unfamiliarity with these surroundings.

  17. Hence while utter unfamiliarity baffles aesthetic responsiveness, excessive familiarity prevents its starting at all.

  18. Unfamiliarity or over-familiarity explain a large part of the aesthetic non-responsiveness summed up in the saying that there is no disputing of tastes.

  19. A suggestion of what may happen is perhaps already to be found in the general unfamiliarity of scholars with these dictionaries.

  20. I have remarked upon the unfamiliarity of modern students of theology with Peignot's term theologie positive.

  21. But the mind which imagines that mere unfamiliarity can possibly prove anything about inferiority is a very inadequate mind.

  22. The very fact of its unfamiliarity and mystery ought to set him thinking about the deeper causes that make people so different from himself, and that without merely assuming that they must be inferior to himself.

  23. In the first place, its early unfamiliarity evaded the gas discipline of the Allies, and it was not realised in many cases that the respirator was necessary.

  24. Unfamiliarity amongst the troops, or the staff, for that matter, created an atmosphere of unparalleled confusion.

  25. It seemed impossible that there should be a cleanly reserve, a proper self-respect among individuals, or a wholesome unfamiliarity between families where human life was crowded and massed into such intimate communities as these.

  26. Our party hardly felt at ease, as there was a manifest lack of cordiality towards us among the inhabitants, which was not explained by our unfamiliarity with their language; our boys, therefore, were not obtrusive.

  27. When he reached it he sat down, unfolded the letter, and without attempting to read it, turned its pages over and over with the unfamiliarity of an illiterate man in search of the signature.

  28. The large hand that took it timidly not only trembled but grasped it with such fatal and hopeless unfamiliarity that the master was fain to walk to the window and observe the birds also.

  29. Gerard, in his statements concerning his relations with Paine, depended on the unfamiliarity of Vergennes with the Philadelphia journals.

  30. Paine was placed second to his old adversary, Sieyes, only because of his unfamiliarity with French.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unfamiliarity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.