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Example sentences for "coarseness"

Lexicographically close words:
coaptation; coarb; coarse; coarsely; coarsened; coarser; coarsest; coast; coastal; coaste
  1. Although they speak the Arab tongue, the coarseness of their features keeps them distinct from the Arabs.

  2. The northern Slavonians possessed a well-known coarseness of manner, and were of large stature and powerful constitution.

  3. By language he meant not only words and phrases, but coarseness of voice.

  4. THE VOICE Ruskin said, "Vulgarity is indicated by coarseness of language.

  5. The expressions used by her were current in her time; there was greater freedom of manners, and coarseness and drastic language—examples of which are found so frequently in the writings of Luther—were very common.

  6. It is full of tenderness and confidence, and not without coarseness that startles and shocks.

  7. The coarseness that pervades his compositions has nothing in common with the susceptibility that shrinks from disgusting and loathsome images in which Swift reveled.

  8. The revolting coarseness of the old mythological story is refined as much as it possibly could without injury to its spirit and boldness; and in general the execution is extremely elegant.

  9. In coarseness of sentiment the latter could not go beyond their prototypes; and in the expression of it, they had neither the wit of their greatest, nor the smartness of their less famous masters.

  10. They stood by at the mysteries of dressing, and commented on what they beheld and did not behold, with such breadth and coarseness of wit, that the more modest or least impudent ladies sent away their little handmaidens.

  11. In the general license and coarseness of the time, so close to the Restoration and the powerful reaction against Puritanism, the cleanness, courtesy, and good taste which characterized the journal had all the charm of a new diversion.

  12. Yes, according to the fineness or coarseness of it.

  13. I presume that Madame de Genlis conceived that, as the object and moral purpose of these works were good, the revolting coarseness with which some of their most powerful passages are written could not lead to evil.

  14. The hard face of the man softened, what there was of coarseness in its rugged outline became altogether toned down.

  15. Blanche could not marry any of the other performers; they were not worthy of her, and their coarseness and roughness shocked her.

  16. With most of the other performers she had merely a slight acquaintance; the coarseness of the women and the vulgarity of the men shocked her.

  17. Only the intentional coarseness of it was to be endured--if she chose to endure it; for the rest was empty of concrete meaning to her.

  18. Confused, she stood confronting him, dumb under a retort the coarseness of which she had never dreamed him capable.

  19. Under every portico, speakers were pouring forth harangues whose ignorance was only matched by their coarseness and surpassed by their reckless malevolence.

  20. She had no desire to go out, and did not even talk to other servants, whose coarseness and immorality she despised.

  21. There was a brutal coarseness of expression in the king which, as a knight and a caballero, he disapproved.

  22. The Castilian hates the Aragonese; the men of Portugal are jeered at for their coarseness by such French mercenaries as have joined your standard.

  23. Elizabeth was shocked to think that, however incapable of such coarseness of expression herself, the coarseness of the sentiment was little other than her own breast had harboured and fancied liberal!

  24. Thus waste and empty had become the inward life of the Church, which, together with the coarseness and vices introduced among men by the long war, gave to the ten years after it an aspect so peculiarly hopeless.

  25. The new culture of the Reformation period, introduced by burgher theologians and professors, brought into contempt the coarseness of the country Junkers.

  26. He was in imminent danger of becoming so base that the coarseness of the poor Krippenreiter appeared comparatively virtuous.

  27. The coarseness and impropriety of their behavior have been relatively far greater than that of the men.

  28. They both had a vulgar facetiousness which tickled her simple sense of humour, and a certain coarseness of nature; but what took her perhaps was the blatant sexuality which was their most marked characteristic.

  29. But he seemed to revel in the coarseness of her language and would often report some phrase which reeked of the gutter.

  30. There was a coarseness in her skin which gave him goose-flesh.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coarseness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animalism; animality; barbarism; baseness; bestiality; body; brutality; bulk; cacophony; carnality; coarseness; commonness; crudity; depth; discord; dryness; earthiness; flesh; frankness; gaudiness; greenness; harshness; immaturity; impoliteness; impropriety; impurity; incivility; indelicacy; infelicity; inferiority; loudness; mass; materialism; meanness; obscenity; ribaldry; roughness; rudeness; thickness; ugliness; vulgarism; vulgarity