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Example sentences for "disseminators"

Lexicographically close words:
disseminate; disseminated; disseminating; dissemination; disseminator; dissension; dissensions; dissent; dissented; dissenter
  1. Flies and mosquitoes as disseminators of disease briefly discussed.

  2. The House-fly and Certain Allied Species as Disseminators of Enteric Fever Among the Troops in the Field.

  3. On a previous page we have referred to the possibility of the face-mites acting as disseminators of leprosy.

  4. Discuss flies, fleas, mosquitoes, lice and ticks as possible disseminators of the disease.

  5. In other countries other species are suspected or proven disseminators of certain diseases, but these will be discussed in connection with the particular diseases in later chapters.

  6. Finally, and most important, arthropods may be transmitters and disseminators of disease.

  7. We come now to the more modern aspect of our subject,--the consideration of insects and other arthropods as transmitters and disseminators of disease.

  8. Sidenote: Islands as nurseries and disseminators of distinctive civilizations.

  9. The Phoenicians, from their narrow strip of coast at the foot of Mount Lebanon, were disseminators of culture over the whole Mediterranean.

  10. Persons so slightly affected as to be ignorant of the nature of their sickness, and believing it to be an ordinary diarrhoea, may nevertheless become the innocent, because ignorant, disseminators of cholera.

  11. Are there, then, no disseminators of ideas free from interference?

  12. Thus all these disseminators of ideas are not dependent on the persons to whom they distribute those ideas, for whose interest it is that the ideas shall be good and true and selected with discrimination.

  13. We have fallen back on the plan of fighting off the despot--good though he may possibly be; would that we could also abolish the non-civic control of the disseminators of ideas!

  14. It is to deprive the gospel message of all definiteness, and to make professors and students disseminators of doubts.

  15. Into this Mohammedan country the Austrian government has sent women disseminators of the culture of western Europe,[113]--the Bosnian district women doctors.

  16. The European women doctors in Constantinople, Alexandria, and Cairo are all disseminators of modern culture.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disseminators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.