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Example sentences for "wring"

Lexicographically close words:
wrigglers; wriggles; wriggling; wriggly; wrighting; wringer; wringing; wrings; wrinkle; wrinkled
  1. Every halfpenny he could wring from the pity or credulity of those to whom he addressed himself, was spent in the old way.

  2. On the earth we found her Senseless and cold: we raised and bore her hither, Where she revived only to sigh and sorrow, Wring her fair hands, and shriek her father's name.

  3. Whenever you see a horse wring his tail, he's done for.

  4. Whenever you see a woman wring her hands that way, she's all in; and she's shore suffering.

  5. I refrain," he continued, "from recounting horrors which would needlessly wring your hearts.

  6. Jack could understand his not wishing to alarm her, or to wring her heart with terrible details; especially as she did not look very strong.

  7. Good-bye, brother," he said, stooping down to wring his hand.

  8. After the sack was ended, he levied upon the population (from whom his soldiers had forced everything that terror and torture could wring from them) four contributions, amounting to a hundred thousand doubloons.

  9. If I thought any body would split, do you think I wouldn't wring his neck?

  10. Shall I wring your old head off, and drownd yer in that pail of water?

  11. However, she still tried to wring some sign of emotion from the expression or lips of the calm governess.

  12. When I find him I'll wring a confession out of him.

  13. Torture was never employed to wring the truth from witnesses or the accused, and there seems to be only a single case on record of capital punishment inflicted by judicial sentence.

  14. Wring a cloth out of cold water, and place it on the throat and chest, covering it with a thick flannel to exclude the air.

  15. If the patient has but little vitality, wring the sheet out of tepid water instead of cold water.

  16. If a calculating-machine had a hand to wring, it would find few to wring it warmly.

  17. And it is this curiosity with regard to everything related to death and dying which makes us treasure up the last sayings of great men, and attempt to wring out of them tangible meanings.

  18. They shall not wring it from me; but they shall be sufficiently warned.

  19. The others were mere brutal speculators, whose whole end and object in life was to wring as much from the savages and give as little in return as possible.

  20. Sir William Johnson then rose to reply, seeing that the attotarho sought to escape any distinct promise, and judging that with the support of King Hendrick a little firmness might wring something more from him.

  21. Wet the cloth, (wring it out well), and lay it over the top of the crock.

  22. Have some small pudding cloths about twelve inches square, wring them out of hot water and lay them over a small half pint bowl.

  23. His true policy, now as before, was not to cross swords with Rome, but merely to wring from her indifference a recognition of a purely national crime.

  24. But the commissioners could merely threaten or advise; they had no power to wring promises from the king or to keep him to them when they were made.

  25. The contemplation of their misery must wring every heart, and the more so as, from a certain fierte they all possess, they feel it with peculiar bitterness.

  26. I should think even my chairs would not do you any serious injury; but, of course, stand if you prefer it; I suppose you can wring my neck better standing.

  27. It might amuse you to throw things at me before you wring my neck, including the teapot and the tray.

  28. Very well, then, give yourself that delicious sensation in real earnest--wring it.

  29. They think that we have buried treasure, Teule, and would wring its secret from us.

  30. If I could catch them, I'd like to wring their necks!

  31. I'll wager your dad and Mr. Wadsworth would like to wring those chaps' necks!

  32. It is the second book spoilt by me within these two days--and my fingers were so dabbled in blackness yesterday that to wring my hands would only have made matters worse.

  33. Hang hez hide, I'd like ter wring hez neck fer him.

  34. The hospitality of Admetus is the foundation of the story; for it is this which has led Apollo (as he tells us in the prologue) to wring out of Fate the sparing to earth of the generous king on condition of a substitute being found.

  35. So Midas had only to wring his hands and to wish that he were the poorest man in the wide world if the loss of all his wealth might bring back the faintest rose- color to his dear child's face.

  36. It would be too sad a story if I were to tell you how Midas, in the fullness of all his gratified desires, began to wring his hands and bemoan himself, and how he could neither bear to look at Marygold, nor yet to look away from her.

  37. Be very careful to rinse them in two cold waters out of the first suds, and after the boiling; then wring them and hang them out.

  38. Wring the clothes out of the suds, and rinse them well through two cold waters.

  39. She must get off her wet duds and wring them out and dry them.

  40. Ferd and I have got to strip off and wring out our trousers, anyway.

  41. Makian walked a little ahead of his two sons, and reflected on the absolute failure of his attempt to wring money from Jock Campbell: it had been a bold attempt and there was little wonder that it had not succeeded.

  42. I go now to twist what money I can wring out of my slippery cousin, Breadalbane.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.