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Example sentences for "wriggling"

Lexicographically close words:
wretyn; wriggle; wriggled; wrigglers; wriggles; wriggly; wrighting; wring; wringer; wringing
  1. Turn the light which way they would, there were the same great wriggling coils, the same frightful heads.

  2. Upon its nearly level floor crawled the loathsome, wriggling shapes of several great serpents.

  3. Artificial gardens must be demolished as impostures, and wriggling walks and turf put where they had stood.

  4. And into the gurgling water, wriggling with bodies and alive with lungs, over human bodies writhing beneath the water, Death tramples us to the other bank.

  5. Life is lying there, wriggling on the earth, and the hands that were clawing the ground are now clutching idly at the shattered air.

  6. The negro doffed his hat, twisting and wriggling about, apparently either from nervousness at finding himself on board a man-of-war, or from his anxiety to deliver his message properly.

  7. This peculiar form, added to their habit of wriggling backwards as well as forwards, has given rise to the fable that they have two heads, one at each extremity.

  8. Tommy Smith bent down to look, and then he saw that the toad was wriggling about in rather a funny way, as if he was a little uncomfortable.

  9. The more the toad wriggled, the looser the old skin got, and it was soon plain that he was wriggling himself out of it, just as you might wriggle your hand out of an old glove.

  10. So the grass-snake came wriggling out again, and then Tommy Smith asked him why he had brought the frogs out of his mouth after he had eaten them.

  11. So there the poor Earthworm lay, in two aching, wriggling pieces, and although it had been easy enough to bite him in two, nothing in the world could ever bite him into one.

  12. His tiny craft fixed itself upon the outer edge of the wriggling river life like a coral cell attaching itself to a slow growing atoll.

  13. The hound came to him, wriggling along under the beams, and he leaned against the house and lovingly pulled the briar-torn ears.

  14. Jean knew that any show of affection caused Kayak acute, wriggling embarrassment.

  15. I knowed we'd whip them," shouted the Prince, wriggling gleefully in John Tullis's straining embrace half an hour after the latter had ridden through the gate.

  16. Royal Highness of Cumberland, wriggling helplessly in that manner, is a fair representative of the England that now is.

  17. This French-Reichs Dauphiness is not rapid in her field-exercise; and has a great deal of wriggling and unwinding before she can fairly pick herself out, and get forward towards Schevenroda on the Freiburg road.

  18. Shorthouse remarked that he was exceedingly fond of bacon and eggs, and, looking up with the last word, saw that Garvey's face was twitching convulsively and that he was almost wriggling in his chair.

  19. My energetic actions and words combined had an immediate effect upon him for which I blessed Heaven; for he looked up from his horrid task, stared hard at me for a second or two, and then came wriggling along like a great cat to intercept me.

  20. It is the Hornwort (Ceratophyllum) gently wriggling or moving from side to side.

  21. If you pull up a piece of this cushion, you will find that it is growing on black and loathly mud, with many wriggling worms and horrible animalcula.

  22. These creatures are very active, wriggling or swaying to and fro in a characteristic manner.

  23. The wolfdog sprawls on his back, wriggling obscenely with begging paws, his long black tongue lolling out.

  24. THE BOOTS: (Jogging, mocks them with thumb and wriggling wormfingers) Haw haw have you the horn?

  25. The latter, after regarding the wriggling Dodo for a minute uncertainly, reluctantly left his refuge and stood before Mollie, head hanging.

  26. Uh-uh," denied Dodo, wriggling free of Betty's embrace and looking at her earnestly.

  27. I should like to have reasoned with them, for they evidently thought they were hidden, while, in fact, they were wriggling upside down, full in view.

  28. David had once frightened Margery into hysterics here, having entered the room in silence, swathed in a sheet, and wriggling snake-wise along the floor.

  29. Now and then a vulture croaked at us as we passed; and we could see huge snakes twisting and wriggling among the trunks in search of prey.

  30. Now in imagination I saw a huge snake wriggling across the water; or a puma would show itself among the trees, ready to spring upon us as we passed.

  31. When first disturbed these appear as a wriggling mass, but very shortly become so still that they can only be distinguished with the greatest difficulty from morsels of bark.

  32. The insect now works the skin upwards by violent wriggling motions until it is gathered in a crumpled mass round its tail, the old rent extending on one side almost up to the silken pad to which it is suspended.

  33. It is not enclosed in any cocoon, but lies amongst the powdery wood, wriggling to the surface when about to emerge.

  34. What attracted our attention was the almost infinite number of small serpentine camel-tracks, wriggling endlessly through the wastes of The Sahara.

  35. She was winding it up with great relief, though her audience gave her attention most flattering, considering the heat, and that they were all at what Prue called "the wriggling age.

  36. Examining it with some attention, I perceived that the whole surface was in motion; an undulatory wriggling covered it as if a ciliated skin had been stretched above the orifices.

  37. There was not one male worm among three hundred; all were full of eggs, and the young ones were already wriggling about within them.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wriggling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.