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Example sentences for "wringing"

Lexicographically close words:
wriggling; wriggly; wrighting; wring; wringer; wrings; wrinkle; wrinkled; wrinkles; wrinkling
  1. Keep me informed,' said Manisty, wringing him by the hand; 'and tell me if there is anything I can do.

  2. Eleanor with a little moan, wringing her hands.

  3. Halfway up the hill, she stopped involuntarily, wringing her hands in front of her.

  4. Yes, indeed, if you want to," answered Phebe, wringing out her cloth in a capable sort of way that impressed Rose very much.

  5. Rose lay in a shivering bunch near the register, with her things half off, wringing her hands, and trying not to cry with the pain returning warmth brought to her half-frozen fingers.

  6. When his old friends gathered around him with the tears streaming down their cheeks, wringing his hand in silent sympathy, he could make no response.

  7. Barbara walked back to the house, wringing her hands, but on the porch she sat quietly in the agony of waiting that was the role of women in those days.

  8. His foster-mother, who was fiercely haranguing one of the chiefs, turned angrily into Kahtoo's lodge and he could see the white woman rocking her body and wringing her hands.

  9. She reached up and gathered her hair together, wringing the rain from it and redding it with the great shell comb which always held its abundant coils in place.

  10. Dream and delirium," cried Stavrogin, wringing his hands, and pacing about the room.

  11. Patriotism meant the wringing of bribes from the quick and the dead.

  12. Aunt Nancy cried, as she stood wringing her hands, while the big tears ran down her cheeks.

  13. Wringing her hands and loudly lamenting the deadly fear that made her forget her mistress, Carmencita, poor girl, was in the crowd that was helping Paul and Bachelder to launch a freight canoe.

  14. Perhaps it is unnecessary to explain that the actions here described are those of a dyer, dipping a piece of linen into a red dye, and then wringing it.

  15. Doctor Maür was away with a patient on the other side of the island; and French Eva had been wringing her hands unintelligibly on the Maürs' porch.

  16. Louis," wringing her hands in a dry wash of agony, "can't you understand?

  17. Jew, grasping the Earl's hand, and wringing it with even paternal warmth: "who shall dare to impute sinister motives to one like you?

  18. This is worse and worse," said the baron, wringing his hands.

  19. Magdalena, the tears starting from her eyes, and wringing her fair hands.

  20. Kate, passionately wringing her hands--but she might as well have addressed a blacksmith's anvil as either of the men who were now masters of her doomed brother's person.

  21. Or do they think that he doth not know what they have done, or that they may take him off with a few cries and wringing of hands, when he is on the throne to do judgment against transgressors?

  22. Mr. Desires put a rope upon his head, and Mr. Wet-eyes went with hands wringing together.

  23. Thus will these souls with watery eyes, And hacking of their teeth, With wringing hands, and fearful cries, Expostulate their grief.

  24. They soon vanished in the blue sky; but she remained alone, wringing her hands, and crying.

  25. The squire saw what was happening and paced the room in the greatest agitation, wringing his hands together and biting his lips.

  26. Bromley had just issued from it, and was wringing his hands, and stamping his naked feet upon the pavement.

  27. When the brandy rose into their heads, they collared each other, and fought, and broke their necks; so that the devil was saved all the trouble he had had before in wringing them.

  28. Miss Nancy, bursting into tears, and wringing the little basket and the street-door key in an agony of distress.

  29. As his back disappeared, Frona dived for her satchel, and when he returned a moment later he found her with a dry skirt on and wringing the wet one out.

  30. The wife took on dreadfully, wringing her hands and crying out, "Have mercy!

  31. And there, on her knees by the bed, she prayed silently, her eyes rolling till a slather of white showed beneath each faded iris, her reddened fingers wringing each other so that patches of pallor sprang out on them.

  32. Archelaus gave such a vigorous wringing that Ishmael could not keep back a little exclamation, and his fingers were numb when they were released.

  33. Then she is wringing her hands, spitting blood, weeping, and all at once she will begin knocking her head against the wall, in despair.

  34. Sonia said this as though in despair, wringing her hands in excitement and distress.

  35. Weeping and sobbing and wringing her hands, she married me!

  36. Wringing his hands and screaming, he rushed up to the grey-headed old man with the grey beard, who was shaking his head in disapproval.

  37. Then was there weeping, and wailing, and wringing of hands, of many lords and ladies, but there were but few in comparison that would bear any armour for to strength the death of the queen.

  38. Then was there weeping and wringing of hands, and the greatest dole they made that ever made men.

  39. Then there was weeping and wringing of hands among his fellows.

  40. And then, wringing her hands, divided between her love for him and her fear for herself, "Oh, forgive me!

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wringing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    claim; demand; exaction; extortion; ripping; wrench; wrest; wring