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Example sentences for "grasping"

Lexicographically close words:
grappling; grapplings; graptolites; grasp; grasped; grasps; grass; grassed; grasses; grasshopper
  1. Come in,” said the smith, and grasping Learmont by the arm, he dragged him into the little shop, and closing the door after them as well as he could.

  2. But, like the dog in the fable, what a valuable and tangible possession had he dropped, in grasping the shadow which now darkened his soul.

  3. Grasping the flap raised at the back of the neck, he tore a broad band of skin from Jake's body, right down his back to his waist.

  4. For some moments the scout stood silent with his eyes on the ground and his right hand grasping his chin--his usual attitude when engaged in meditation.

  5. She sprang up instantly, and grasping the reins, tried to raise her pony.

  6. Crossley, grasping one of the sailor's hands.

  7. Charlie, grasping by the arm one of the women.

  8. Charlie, grasping the proffered hand with a fervour that caused the other to wince.

  9. That doctor was not the type of the grasping specialist; he did not seem to be the kind of man who would charge as much as a patient would be likely to be able to pay--all that the traffic would bear.

  10. They had seen the mills stretch forth surreptitious, grasping hands and take unto themselves pieces of their beautiful old shore road, a quarter of a mile at a time.

  11. My friction told, she began grasping my prick like a vise,--she was going to spend.

  12. Do it again," said she slipping her hand between our bellies, and grasping my bal-locks.

  13. Grasping her fat little bum I fucked, then stopping pulled out my prick, and looked at her cunt.

  14. Fearing to miss my game I then fell with the full weight of my body on her, grasping her thin buttocks, and nearly stifling her on that hot afternoon, determined to have her if I killed her.

  15. Although I held her on my peg, grasping her bum, and hoping to spend before they came up, I being empty was long about it, so she uncunted me, and slipped away just in time.

  16. With a furious thrust I plunged up her and threw my whole body over her, grasping her bum, quivering, wriggling, and pushing.

  17. He hurried on, his mind absorbed in grasping the full significance of Bedelia's excited report of events at the Rolling R and this curious crowd that gaped at him.

  18. There would be no more money coming in until the plane was repaired--darn it, there was always that big hump in the trail; always something in the way, something to postpone his grasping at success!

  19. He had known in his heart that it was real, without grasping the reality until now.

  20. Grasping his short spear, and treading cautiously, he stuck it into the ground.

  21. An Arab immediately behind the swordsman sprang up in the air and fell, and a second later the Baggara faltered, turned twice round, and dropped, still grasping his gleaming weapon.

  22. Grasping one of the long oars, the correspondent laboriously urged the boat towards the bank, and ten minutes later the lads were safely on board.

  23. Then the man slung his piece across his back, and, grasping Hugh in his sinewy, powerful grip, set him on his feet.

  24. Grasping his pistol tightly in his right hand, and steadying himself with his left, Reeves turned in his saddle and took a swift yet comprehensive view of the pursuing Arabs.

  25. Grasping his pistol, he fired seven shots in rapid succession into the crowd that manned the nearest canoe.

  26. They should be protected from the grasping speculator and secured, at the minimum price of the public lands, in the humble homes which they have improved by their labor.

  27. It stifles in those for whose benefit it is permitted all patriotic love of country, and substitutes in its place selfish greed and grasping avarice.

  28. To do so insures the defaulting republic from having to pay debt of an improper character under duress, while it also insures honest creditors of the republic from being passed by in the interest of dishonest or grasping creditors.

  29. Grasping his rifle in readiness, he hurried forward, searching every thicket, looking behind every stump and trunk.

  30. Then, with a struggle and a heavy flapping of wings, the daring fisher arose, grasping in his victorious claws a large "togue" or gray lake trout.

  31. His elaborate nonsense, his grasping at a pun without catching it, yet feeling just as grand as if he did, is both ludicrous and natural.

  32. Thus all the more prominent persons have to chew the ashes of disappointment in turn; their plans being thwarted, and themselves made ridiculous, just as they are on the point of grasping their several fruitions.

  33. Nothing would have persuaded them that it was not the result of such skill as produced the marvels of the Egyptian Hall, simply because they were not capable of grasping its inner significance.

  34. As these valiant soldiers of the cross fell, their children arose, and, grasping the banner of the Covenant crimsoned with the blood of their fathers, carried it defiantly along the firing line of the fierce battle.

  35. A ruffian rushed in, and grasping the babe, shouted, "The nurse is not far away.

  36. Some of them can use their feet almost as well for grasping purposes as their hands.

  37. He began grasping one wrist with the other hand, working his hand slowly round his wrist, and I noticed that Juggroo immediately changed the subject.

  38. Another stroke, and he seized the child's clothes, and, grasping her firmly, rose to the surface and swam towards shore.

  39. Even he, exceptionally strong and active as he was, and unencumbered with arms, had the greatest difficulty in making his way down and up again and, indeed, could only do so by grasping the trunks of trees and strong bushes.

  40. The mate, always grasping the wheel, kept turning his head from time to time to measure the distance separating them from the submarine.

  41. He let him come close up to him, with his right hand grasping his revolver still intact.

  42. His stiffened and swollen hands were loosening from the raft and grasping it again only by a supreme effort of his will.

  43. A negro nearby raised a beam of wood which he was grasping as a club.

  44. He felt the brute force of hidden friction, then a blow in the abdomen that arrested his course between the two waters, and grasping at the irregularities of a projecting rock, he raised his head and was able to breathe.

  45. Their multiple arms, fitted out with cupping glasses, functioned like high-pressure apparatus for grasping and holding prey, for paddling and for running.

  46. I didn't sleep," said Joan, grasping her spoon anew.

  47. So, grasping the rough protuberances of the rock, he tugged and toiled amain, and got himself quite out of breath, without being able to stir the heavy stone.

  48. While the man spoke he eyed Jason with great curiosity; for his garb was quite unlike that of the Iolchians, and it looked very odd to see a youth with a leopard's skin over his shoulders, and each hand grasping a spear.

  49. Wedderburn, grasping the arm of the other.

  50. She leaned toward Mollie, grasping the steering wheel of the motionless car frantically.

  51. Grace in a horrified whisper, grasping Betty's hand as it clung to the wheel.

  52. Yes, of course," answered the other, instinctively grasping Duncan's hand and pressing it in warm sympathy.

  53. He kept his face pretty well out of the way, and presently sat on his adversary and held one hand, grasping at the other.

  54. I demanded, grasping a silky handful of her glossy hair.

  55. Then she swung about to face me, one hand upon her quick-moving bosom, the other grasping a small, evil-looking knife.

  56. My dear Uncle," I exclaimed, grasping his hand, "pray trust me always to remember that I am a Vereker also.

  57. Presently as I sat, reins in hand, an ostler appeared who, grasping the horse's bridle and heeding me no whit, led us into the stable yard.

  58. He had reached the far end; he was grasping the cliff, the further cliff, in eager confidence, with that brave young hand of his.

  59. Grasping my rifle, I now mounted Colesberg, and rode slowly toward them.

  60. His face expressed confusion, such as a child will exhibit when he is waked suddenly by falling out of bed, and commences grasping around the bedpost preparatory to getting in again.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grasping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    acquisitive; affluent; autistic; avarice; avaricious; avid; avidity; bottomless; clamorous; clinging; covetous; crying; cupidity; demanding; desirous; devouring; draining; egotistic; egotistical; envious; exacting; exigent; exorbitant; extortionate; gluttony; gobbling; grasping; greed; greedy; gripping; hoggish; holding; importunate; incontinence; individualistic; insatiable; insistent; instant; itchy; jealous; keeping; limitless; loud; lupine; lust; mercenary; miserly; narcissistic; omnivorous; parasitic; persistent; pertinacious; piggish; possessive; predacious; predatory; prehensile; pressing; rapacious; rapacity; raptorial; ravenous; remote; selfish; sordid; swinish; taxing; tenacious; unappeasable; unquenchable; unsated; unsatisfied; urgent; venal; voracious; voracity; wise; wolfish