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Example sentences for "unsated"

Lexicographically close words:
unsaleable; unsalted; unsanctified; unsanctioned; unsanitary; unsatisfactorily; unsatisfactoriness; unsatisfactory; unsatisfied; unsatisfying
  1. Even so, the son of Amphitryon, unsated of battle, stood eagerly face to face with Ares, nursing courage in his heart.

  2. Shall Time's unsated maw crave and ingulf The very heavens, that regulate his flight?

  3. Shall Time's unsated maw crave and ingulph The very heav'ns, that regulate his flight?

  4. The lightnings, unsated in their wrath, flared and flickered on and out across the eastward sea.

  5. He offered to the clamoring medicine man and his ferocious disciples one of these captives, whose death should appease not only the offended Great Spirit, but also the unsated vengeance of the tribe.

  6. And now the sun his noontide height had won When I, with weary though unsated view, Fell in the stream--and so my vision flew.

  7. The strong unsated wish you there can read; The restless cravings of my mind to feed With tidings of the dead.

  8. Not an ox or cow or lamb or bird living its own dim life but lent its charm of unconscious grace to the great picture that unfolded itself mile after mile, in ever fresher loveliness to ever unsated eyes.

  9. Unsated we turn in again, thridding the resinous woods to track the shy Naiads hiding in their coverts.

  10. There was an under-current of unsated coquetry.

  11. Why are thy senses unsated Ever in quest of elusive Love that is deathless?

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unsated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.