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Example sentences for "bottomless"

Lexicographically close words:
bottom; bottome; bottomed; bottoming; bottomland; bottomry; bottoms; bottu; boucan; bouche
  1. These are, "Burnt after them to the bottomless pit," and "With them from bliss to the bottomless deep.

  2. But what has all that to do with haunted shallops, visionary mariners, and bottomless boats?

  3. Egholm ran round it, swept past a thorn-bush, tearing his face against the branches, and stood breathing heavily on the brink of the bottomless pool in the forest.

  4. Often she murmured to herself, "Oh, that I had been trained to the grossest superstitions, so that I might not look down into this black bottomless gulf that unbelief opens at my feet!

  5. D'ye s'pose we'd hang out here over the bottomless pit for any such trifle as that?

  6. We'll call that the Bottomless Pit," he said.

  7. Bottomless or not, it's a good thing to keep out of," said Paul.

  8. There is no limit to extravagance--it is a bottomless chasm which is not to be filled.

  9. The edifice now stood, to all appearance, as splendid as ever--but it had become a house of cards over a bottomless pit.

  10. He can't be worse off than he is; and it is quite immaterial to him whether he goes to the dog-star above, or the bottomless pit below.

  11. La Vendée was a bottomless pit, like Spain and Russia afterwards.

  12. Sibvu´ A bottomless earthen vessel serving as a chimney pot.

  13. And tarns, deep and cold, bottomless pits of murky water.

  14. Begone, Demo, quickly, for a bottomless sorrow engulfs my heart.

  15. Ay, and that word deep but tells the simple truth; for the flood that rolls beneath is black and cold as the bottomless pit.

  16. On our right a multitudinous array of rugged mountains lay piled up, apparently as impassable as the bottomless gulf.

  17. The clay, which in dry weather made good roads, was soon converted into bottomless mud.

  18. It lies lower than the surrounding country and covered with pond holes which we rendered bottomless with a little travel, the wheels cut down so.

  19. Judas," said Jesus, and with the lightning of His look He illumined that monstrous heap of shadows which was Iscariot's soul, but he could not penetrate into the bottomless depth.

  20. Such is the power of human imagination when, excited, it creates phantoms and visions, peopling the bottomless and ever silent emptiness with them.

  21. The harvest moon shed her yellow light over the distant plain, and gilded with a phosphorescent light the rocks and crags of the almost bottomless chasm below.

  22. Thomas Button, describes the bottomless character of his fancies thus: "The godly wife shall applaud the justice of the judge in the condemnation of her ungodly husband.

  23. Our spirits are at the bottom of the bottomless pit.

  24. For the ship was taking soundings, or something of the sort, having come far away from the usual course, to find the truth about the bottomless gulf; and all I could do would have gone for nothing, except for that young lady.

  25. I had now no eyes for the wonders of the place, though I could not but see as I bent a piercing gaze ahead the ponderous overhanging wall above, and sense the bottomless depth below.

  26. And looking downward was like looking into the placid, blue, bottomless depths of the Pacific.

  27. Only the bottomless naivete of the conservatives," he said, "is capable of demanding from a revolution reason and goodness.

  28. There is more than elsewhere, for there is a bottomless depth of suffering.

  29. And she, not taking her bottomless eyes off him, replied: "God be praised.

  30. We must admit that we are flying at break-neck speed into some bottomless abyss.

  31. His way ran through stench and fire, close to the mouth of the bottomless pit.

  32. When a sufficiently reliable stratum has been reached, the men leave the working chamber; and it is filled with concrete through the shafts, the bottomless caisson remaining embedded in the work.

  33. Where foundations have to be carried down to a considerable depth in water-bearing strata, or through the alluvial bed of a river, to reach a hard stratum, bottomless caissons sunk by excavating under compressed air are employed.

  34. Our way led on past a bottomless pit and along and over the main stream of the latest lava-flow for seven miles.

  35. It was at this juncture that I fell into the bottomless pit of intellectual chaos.

  36. But the plummet which he threw into the bottomless abyss of science has as yet found no bottom, and the circle which it made by striking on the surface of the illimitable ocean has grown and grown, but yet has touched no shore on any side.

  37. The tragic horror of his situation arises from the necessity under which he labors of going forward, though he knows that the next step leads to a bottomless abyss.

  38. Back of Ivan's Knoll was a round hole about ten feet across, called the Bottomless Pit, because the' was no bottom to it.

  39. The Wild Beast which you have seen was, and is not, and yet is destined to re-ascend, before long, out of the bottomless pit and go his way into perdition.

  40. And when they have fully delivered their testimony, the Wild Beast which is to rise out of the bottomless pit will make war upon them and overcome them and kill them.

  41. Then I saw an angel coming down from Heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, and upon his arm he carried a great chain.

  42. Our good intentions have gone to pave the bottomless pits containing our unfulfilled heart promptings.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bottomless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.