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Example sentences for "laboriously"

Lexicographically close words:
labores; labori; laboribus; laboring; laborious; laboriousness; laboris; laborites; laboro; labors
  1. Everybody agreed, and Bostil laboriously wrote that down.

  2. Then it's Tuesday again," said Bostil, laboriously writing it down.

  3. In other words, animals take the munitions which plants laboriously manufacture and explode them in locomotion and work; and the entire system of animate nature depends upon the photosynthesis that goes on in green plants.

  4. The elephant was laboriously taught to put the penny in the slot and to discriminate between the useful pennies and the useless halfpennies.

  5. Here and there a couple of bees, by force of habit and custom cleaning out the brood cells, with efforts beyond their strength laboriously drag away a dead bee or bumblebee without knowing why they do it.

  6. Tipsy and perspiring, with dim eyes and wide-open mouths, they were all laboriously singing some song or other.

  7. He was delighted at the unexpected rapidity of his pupil's progress, but could not abandon the edifice of argument he had laboriously constructed.

  8. To this, modern history laboriously replies either that Napoleon was a great genius, or that Louis XIV was very proud, or that certain writers wrote certain books.

  9. A few remains only are being laboriously rescued from the waters of the Ganges, under which Pataliputra is for the most part buried.

  10. As we have seen, it would not have been worth any one's while to cause a block-book to be laboriously engraved, or cut, unless a large and speedy sale could be expected for it.

  11. Each of the Finns who had been his cronies possessed a sentence of English, laboriously taught and remembered; and each, as he tossed off his peg of fly tincture, pridefully repeated his lesson as a toast to our health.

  12. The packs were piled on and laboriously paddled over, following a diagonal course in the grip of the racing current.

  13. On the right wall, near the door-end, was a long selection from Goethe, laboriously copied.

  14. My eyes, wading laboriously through a dark atmosphere, a darkness gruesomely tactile, perceived only here and there lively patches of vibrating humanity.

  15. Pencils scratched laboriously over rough manila pads as their owners copied the questions from the board.

  16. As yet the use of the compass was not general, and the merchantmen sailed slowly and laboriously along the coasts.

  17. A brilliant reward for your sweat in the battle-field truly to have your existence perpetuated in gymnasiums, and your immortality laboriously dragged about in a schoolboy's satchel.

  18. For more than eighty years modern France has been prosecuting laboriously and in open day the work which had been slowly forming within the dark womb of olden France.

  19. She, laboriously anxious about the duties politeness requires from the mistress of a house, went so far as to write down in her tablets "To recompliment M.

  20. I think that in cultivating the study of literature, as I have perhaps too laboriously endeavoured to define it, you will be cultivating the most important side of history.

  21. The men had clambered out on the timbers and were busy with axes and saws destroying what had been so laboriously constructed.

  22. There they picked up a peakie, and laboriously portaged the heavy boat through the woods well out of sight of the dam, setting it in the water below.

  23. When she had finished the squaw laboriously tied the thongs round Allie's wrists, and, pushing her back on the robe, covered her up and left her.

  24. She laboriously interested herself, so far as he would allow, in his artistic studies and productions.

  25. Then Gerald laboriously found his pocket-book, and after some fumbling with it handed it to Chirac so that the latter might write in it.

  26. Now, however, the laboriously tunneled caverns would furnish a hiding-place for the tribe of men, a far more secure hiding-place than the center of the mushroom thickets.

  27. Every time the pencil seemed to slacken, away again George would fly and away in pursuit the pencil would laboriously toil.

  28. It was then, while Mr. Franklyn laboriously indited a letter in reply to one received from the lager-beer girl's mother, that George paced Meath Street.

  29. George said that though across the first portion of the scheme he had so laboriously planned he had been shot at lightning speed by the vehicle of Mary's action, its latter portion yet remained to be discussed.

  30. Unable to walk, they could only crawl laboriously toward the control room, calling to Arcot to shut off the power.

  31. Fuller, who had regained consciousness, worked his way laboriously down to the power room carrying three space-suits.

  32. But the incoming wavelets, babbling in unison, dissolve the myriads of laboriously lifted pellets, effacing the record of the passing of man.

  33. Indeed, if the absolute truth must be told, no dweller had dreamt of anything more desirable than an inadequate cloak laboriously wrought from the inner bark of a fig-tree, raiment sanctioned by the first of fashions.

  34. Young Tandyman, a hero of seventeen, laboriously endeavouring to get up a pair of mustachios, had seen the fight, and spoke in the most scientific manner about the battle and the condition of the men.

  35. She saw people avoiding her, and still laboriously smiled upon them; you never could suppose from her countenance what pangs of humiliation she might be enduring inwardly.

  36. He took Becky out to drive; he went laboriously with her to all her parties.

  37. She could hear his typewriter click laboriously (he was his own typist as yet), and she stood for a moment in the hall with hand pressed hard upon her bosom, the full significance of this last visit overwhelming her.

  38. You see she grew up in the hills like a doe antelope, and it's hard for her to get wonted to the noise of a great city," he laboriously set forth, but at heart he did not blame her.

  39. I sh'd think you would know," grunted Allee from her seat on the rug where she was laboriously lacing her shoes.

  40. Both girls set to work laboriously scribbling the ten copies of their chain letter, then sealed and addressed them, and Allee dropped them into the mail box on the corner just as the dinner bell pealed out its summons to the dining-room.

  41. He stood beside her as she lapped her bread-and-milk or as she chewed laboriously at her fragment of dog-biscuit.

  42. Sonya picked up the heavy load--twice as big as usual were the baskets given her to carry, now that the interfering Master and the superintendent were not here to forbid--and started laboriously for the house.

  43. There is little to remind us that the Venice he so laboriously depicted was the Venice of perukes and bagwigs, of masks and hoops and carnival disguises.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "laboriously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    diligently; energetically; fervently; hard; hardly; industriously; laboriously; manfully; mightily; onerous; painfully; strenuously