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Example sentences for "mightily"

Lexicographically close words:
mightest; mightie; mightier; mightiest; mightilie; mightiness; mightinesse; mights; mightst; mighty
  1. Then, running away by night from his master's house, he joined his father on board the Sarah ketch, who laughed mightily to see how his son took after him, do what he would to make a scholar of the lad.

  2. Then, too, there was Arrald, deceitful and fair of speech, against whom the chronicler is mightily wroth.

  3. I am mightily pleased with her humour and singing.

  4. Well, that name is bothering me mightily just now.

  5. She left behind her a very pretty legal question for others to solve, and a mightily mixed set of records to aid in the solution.

  6. The officers found much entertainment in my narrative, and in particular they were mightily tickled at the notion of escaped prisoners capturing themselves.

  7. Though I understood nothing of his meaning, I knew he made reference to the recent escapade, and I felt mightily uncomfortable.

  8. The men were all mightily pleased with the success of our work, and I was secretly delighted, not with the instrument as a producer of music, but at knowing that we had a box which might serve those of us who could not swim as a raft.

  9. Uncle Moses told me that we were in no danger of sinking into it so long as we took short and rapid steps; but we were both mightily fatigued, and my feet as I lifted them seemed heavy as lead.

  10. She would be mightily vexed, and the joint would be burned black, and I neither wished to offend her nor to eat cinders.

  11. They assented to it with enthusiasm; it was one that mightily pleased them as sailormen; and appealed as much to their sense of humor as to their love of daring.

  12. This set me a-thinking, and during the week I was allowed to remain in the old farmhouse I turned over in my mind a plan which, I own, mightily pleased me.

  13. And talk to me she did, in a way that mightily surprised me.

  14. At this I affected to be mightily huffed.

  15. He is the boon fellow of young Cludde; 'tis the Cluddes who gain by the disappearance, and mightily glad they will be of the property if all is true that's said of Sir Richard's affairs.

  16. And then he proceeded to tell me a fearful and wonderful tale of a sea serpent, and was mightily offended when I said it was all my eye.

  17. To have encountered me within so few miles of Shrewsbury must have mightily surprised him.

  18. I went to see his mother as I had promised, and said what I could to comfort her; but the good woman was mightily upset, and declared in a passion of weeping that she was sure she would never see her Joe again.

  19. This was so rare an occurrence with me that she was mightily concerned and adjured me to tell all, promising that if I had done wrong she would shield me from my father's anger.

  20. But I'd mightily like to have you take pot-luck with us.

  21. The prospect of an insurance company being mulcted for money not honestly owed appealed mightily to a phase of his nature.

  22. I made for him and his gang first, and I was mightily pleased, as I came upon him without his seeing me, to notice how he was handling his men.

  23. That would, indeed, have been to praise me mightily and declare me irresistible.

  24. These two were in the common room when the coach arrived, and, like everyone else in the house, were mightily interested in the lady and her maid.

  25. And the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and he went down to Ashkelon, and smote thirty men of them, and took their spoil, and gave the changes of raiment unto them that declared the riddle.

  26. Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.

  27. And when they came thither to the hill, behold, a band of prophets met him; and the spirit of God came mightily upon him, and he prophesied among them.

  28. And the spirit of God came mightily upon Saul when he heard those words, and his anger was kindled greatly.

  29. And the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and he rent him as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand: but he told not his father or his mother what he had done.

  30. All these things, I say, which I ought to have considered well of, and I did cast up in my thoughts afterwards, yet took none of my apprehensions at first; and my head ran mightily upon the thoughts of getting over to that shore.

  31. Our friendship flourished mightily in a brief hour, and brought me the invitation, willingly accepted, to sit with them at dinner.

  32. Not that I would not have given willingly, for I had ample resources at the moment and was mightily concerned about the sad household.

  33. Joe had very willingly contributed his canoe to the expedition, but he would have liked mightily to go along.

  34. Well, I’m mightily obliged to you, gentlemen.

  35. His adventure with Crow Wing had mightily taken down his self-conceit.

  36. And yet they grow fat on their many ills, and prosper, and lay a heavy hand over all the world and tread mightily upon its peoples.

  37. Faraday, mightily surprised, and wondering what she was going to say next.

  38. We even and the Hollanders had to exhibit ourselves, which mightily amused the queen.

  39. In his "Confessions" he writes: "How mightily I was moved by the overwhelming tones of Thy Church, my God!

  40. The appellation given to Grundtvig was not without reason, for it was he, above all others, who strove mightily in Denmark against the deadening spirit of rationalism which had dried up the streams of spirituality in the Church.

  41. We are soldiers of fortune, ready to venture our lives in a good service, and for good pay, but mightily disinclined to throw them away for the mere love of fighting.

  42. I will give you letters to my cousin and your father saying how well you have borne yourselves, and how mightily Sir Roger Williams was pleased with you.

  43. If he thinks that he is going to fool us with impunity, he is mightily mistaken.

  44. The Jews we hear "were mightily convinced" by Apollos, not because he declared Christ's works but because he "shewed by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.

  45. This was what drew men so mightily to Him.

  46. Why, that very class that the nation is so mightily proud of, and apt at bragging about!

  47. Of course this was a joke mightily enjoyed by his audience; and a friend, wagging his head in high admiration, expressed his wonder as to how the feat could be successfully accomplished.

  48. Up came the landing-net, and with it, floundering mightily and casting the glittering drops into the air, came the captive.

  49. Nevertheless, it would interest me mightily to know why you protect him.

  50. James Westrop, and Andrew, all issuing forth together, and all but one seeming mightily disturbed.

  51. I have heard with infinite satisfaction, how, since this cold winter weather came on, the sickness is mightily abated, and men hope it is passing away.

  52. He seemed mightily puffed up about something; and, not being one of those who can keep their own counsel long, he soon imparted to Althea and me, whom he found sitting by the parlour fire, how his promotion now seemed very near.

  53. I think it was nothing but trouble of heart which caused it, for she was mightily disquieted about Andrew.

  54. He was never at West Fazeby on the Lord's Day; and Aunt Golding and Althea also showed themselves mightily afflicted thereat.

  55. It was mightily suspected,' said he whisperingly, 'that he died of the Plague; but your great rich folks can smother these matters up.

  56. Mightily and long must a man strive within himself before he learn altogether to overcome himself, and to draw his whole affection towards God.

  57. For whilst he willingly submitteth himself to it, every burden of tribulation is turned into an assurance of divine comfort, and the more the flesh is wasted by affliction, the more is the spirit strengthened mightily by inward grace.

  58. By them, the manners of our young gentlemen are in a fair way of amendment, and their very language is mightily refined.

  59. He has but very little of our language, and therefore I am mightily at a loss to express to him things, for which they have no word in that tongue to which he was born.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mightily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.