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Example sentences for "industriously"

Lexicographically close words:
industrials; industrie; industrielle; industries; industrious; industry; indweller; indwellers; indwelling; inebriate
  1. Nay, even his Daughter, his dear and only Child, as he imagin’d, was industriously avoided by him.

  2. How industriously you would argue me into a Crime, that would tear and destroy the Foundation of the strongest Ties of Truth and Honour!

  3. Houssart received him with tolerable civility, seemed pleased that he should pray by him, but industriously waved aside all discourses of his guilt, and even fell out into violent passions if confession was pressed upon him as a duty.

  4. The young practitioner in thieving thought this a rare quick way of getting money and therefore followed it very industriously in the company of his assistant.

  5. The fire was now blazing up bravely, and the castaways industriously continued to toss on damp fuel, so that a dense column of smoke was now ascending high in the air, being sheltered from the wind by the palm-grove just behind them.

  6. Roger, with Harry and a few more, ran at once up aloft and came out upon the battlements, where with mallet and spike they industriously proceeded to render the guns useless.

  7. This decided her to test herself, and, obtaining wax and the proper tools, she worked industriously until she had made a head that she was willing to show to others.

  8. She went to Vienna and there remained three other years, making many friends and painting industriously until the spirit of unrest drove her to seek new diversions, and she went to Russia.

  9. All the friends and relatives of "Helen" were possessed of full vials of it--which they industriously poured into her ears.

  10. The seed has been industriously sown, and John Bull is reaping the harvest.

  11. Their ancient prejudices are kept alive, their ancient grievances industriously disinterred, their imagination pleased with an illimitable vista of prosperity artfully unrolled before their untutored gaze.

  12. No man ever displayed so strong a persuasion of the value of time, or availed himself so industriously of it.

  13. But his total retirement from court did not secure him from the artifices of Tigellinus, who laboured with all his power to destroy the man whom he had industriously supplanted in the emperor's favour.

  14. In like manner the word Petra had in great measure lost its meaning; yet it is wonderful to observe how industriously it is introduced by writers, when they speak of sacred and oracular places.

  15. These were taken, for the most part, from his accounts of the Grecian islands; not industriously picked out; but as they casually presented themselves upon turning over the book.

  16. In the short hymns ascribed to Homer this term is industriously retained; and the persons who composed them have endeavoured to make sense of it, by adopting it according to the common acceptation.

  17. I am glad that Her Serene Highness continues to work so industriously at her music, and only wish I could help her in some way.

  18. I have been studying your works industriously since the spring; how much I should like to hear your praise of them also!

  19. They were all as quietly and industriously at work as any body of our own farmers or mechanics.

  20. This one prospectus, coupled with its prompt success, is sufficient to prove the falsehood of all the stories so industriously retailed among us from the Standard and the Despatch.

  21. The Governor stated, that "he was assured by planters, from every part of the island, that the negroes were very industriously disposed.

  22. This article, we are informed, was industriously and extensively distributed among the members of the General Assembly--a body of men, who by a frightful majority seemed already too much disposed to wink at the horrors of slavery.

  23. Katrine was fumbling industriously at another corner of the table.

  24. The Czar industriously examined this work, and remained there a long time.

  25. In due time critics condemned the work which, after so much applause, was recognised as a very wretched history, which had very industriously and very fraudulently answered the purpose for which it was written.

  26. For three years Solyman had industriously prepared, gathering the resources of his wide dominion to the task and fulminating infinite disaster to the infidels.

  27. In addition to these charges, accusations of murder and other crimes were circulated against him, and a false report of his death was industriously circulated.

  28. At each shot, Silas could be seen to root his nose still more industriously into the rock.

  29. Many interests are so woven among each other, as not to be disentangled without long inquiry; many arts are industriously kept secret, and many practices, necessary to be known, are carried on in parts too remote for intelligence.

  30. He collected his best vessels into the Spanish ports, and went on industriously building others in all the ports of Spain, Portugal, and those portions of the Netherlands now belonging to him.

  31. All classes, from the noble to the peasant, had been labouring industriously to repair fortifications and throw up batteries, and ladies had carried materials for them.

  32. A young man was industriously sought after who should well represent the Duke of York, though she knew him to be dead.

  33. And working industriously at the cell itself, a group of builders, strengthening and thickening the cell's walls especially at the closed lower end.

  34. And then how industriously she would clean herself, drawing her antennae through the neat little antennae combs on her front legs, and licking herself with her long flexible tongue, or getting licked by her mates all over.

  35. Up the slope, however, she works her way; and see how industriously she removes the sand beneath her, casting it out on either side.

  36. But what is their surprise when they find others there helping themselves as industriously as they can!

  37. That it would do so was at one time industriously represented, and perhaps believed, by some of the advocates and promoters of lithotrity.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "industriously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    carefully; diligently; doggedly; energetically; faithfully; fervently; hard; industriously; laboriously; lovingly; manfully; painstakingly; patiently; persistently; resolutely; strenuously; tenderly; thoroughly