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Example sentences for "availed himself"

  • Mr. Charles Allen, of the Worcester district of Massachusetts, availed himself of the opportunity offered by this debate on the payment of the Mexican indemnity to make a long-threatened malignant attack on Daniel Webster.

  • A round of applause followed this assertion, and ere it had subsided the indomitable Mike Walsh availed himself of the opportunity to give his colleague a rap.

  • A Democratic tidal wave had swept over the country at the preceding fall elections, and the Democrats had a considerable majority in the House of Representatives.

  • He has carefully read the recommendations in every case, and, after such investigation as it has been possible for him to make into the character and antecedents of the rival applicants, he has made his appointments.

  • The reform of the civil service met with President Arthur's earnest support, and his messages showed that every department of the Government had received his careful administration.

  • It being now the commencement of the legitimate hunting season--the first week in November--he availed himself of the privileged period for turning out in everything new.

  • Being allowed liberties not often granted to prisoners, he availed himself of an opportunity to escape, and got on board an English vessel.

  • Don Sebastian, King of Portugal, led by an insane desire to emulate the deeds of his ancestors against the Arabs, availed himself of every opportunity of mixing in the dynastic quarrels of the Moors.

  • On the ether occasions he availed himself of public ascents from the Crystal Palace and other places of entertainment, merely taking his place like the other passengers.

  • Absalom organised a revolt against his father, and to foster it availed himself of a misunderstanding which had arisen between David and the men of Judah, probably because they thought they were not treated with sufficient favour.

  • If accounts are to be trusted, he availed himself of his chance; and out of the sufferings and dire necessities of this sorely pressed people he amassed a fortune.

  • He availed himself of the fullest permission by state and local authorities to profit by the records within his own State; and he had earlier himself procured in London many copies of documents there.

  • He says that he availed himself of the material which the ancient ministers and other principal gentlemen of Connecticut had communicated to Thomas Prince, when that writer was engaged upon his Chronological Hist.

  • Braddock’s defeat was not lost on Forbes, and in his marches and preparations he availed himself of all the arts of woodcraft and partisanship which Washington could teach him.

  • Among the means of which Gustavus Vasa, the founder of the Swedish monarchy, availed himself to strengthen his new edifice, the Reformation had been one of the principal.

  • But no sooner did he learn that on the Swedish side a diversion was contemplated, by an inroad of the Saxons into Bohemia, than he availed himself of the report, as a pretext for immediately retreating into that kingdom.

  • He availed himself, very judiciously, of the power of shade; forming a method not altogether that of a mere naturalist, but partaking of the ideal.

  • What novel methods he adopted in all these to decorate the place with architecture, and how well he availed himself of them to add to the spectators at the festival!

  • He availed himself likewise of the engravings of Flemish artists, particularly in the composition of his landscape.

  • The alcalde-mayor, in the anger that he felt, availed himself of this opportunity.

  • Father Fray Domingo, seeing how little attention Calignao paid to his counsels, availed himself of his relatives and other influential persons, in order that they might bring him to reason and to decent living.

  • He availed himself eagerly of the new sources of information which this century has opened so abundantly, and, by the constant revision of his work, he rendered it increasingly valuable.

  • Rale from the alacrity with which he availed himself of it to attend to the religious interests of his people.

  • At first, he had shed tears, and given himself up to despair, but now hope once more revived his spirits, and he availed himself of the indulgence granted him, by giving way to his old habits of debauchery.

  • But Coffinhal's presence of mind was not equal to his courage: he availed himself only in part of his advantage.

  • It was the ardent desire to penetrate to the source and to make others understand that impelled him, even when he availed himself of these projects of study to raise a little money.

  • What could he not have produced if, instead of gleaning and commenting upon classic Adagia, he had, for his themes, availed himself of the proverbs of the vernacular?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "availed himself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    accepted the; availed himself; availed myself; availed ourselves; been telling; black troops; canto fermo; coarse paste; each successive; extreme degree; funeral customs; gods and; mortem examination; party spirit; profit sharing; redeem them; rights movement; since their; soil party; three daughters; trust company; when asked; will even; you know very well