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Example sentences for "trust company"

  • Another method is for the same individuals to organize a national bank and a trust company, the former under national and the latter under state laws.

  • Success and the accumulation of wealth pave the way for the trust company.

  • Old James Wing and I have got a trust company organized, and the building up, and the man Wing wanted for president backed out.

  • And her imagination failed her when she tried to think of Howard as the president of a trust company.

  • How would you like to see your husband president of a trust company?

  • He was not choosing the head of a trust company.

  • There's a directors' meeting of a trust company to-morrow which I have to attend.

  • He's very promising in a business way; he's in Mr. Plimpton's trust company.

  • St. John's down at the heels, to be brought up to the state of efficiency of Mr. Plimpton's trust company!

  • Board of Directors of Mellon National Bank & Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Eastman-Kodak Co.

  • If Hodder has our point of view, he ought to go into the law or a trust company.

  • Malarkey to grant Hutton two applications: one for a bank and the second for the Trust Company.

  • Paragraph 25 Hutton Trust was never anything but a fa ade of a trust company -- there was no substance to it, and not even much form.

  • The trust company was a third variation, coming somewhere between the national and the savings-bank, and was regulated, as was the latter, by the laws of the community in which it existed.

  • It had been agreed that the trust company would specialize in the promotion of mining companies, and I determined that the trust company should conduct its business as a trust company ought.

  • Goldfield or Manhattan camps; and in the second place, the conduct of a mining-stock promotion campaign by a Trust company appeared to me to justify more than ordinary care.

  • In the large cities, in recent years, it is becoming quite common to name a trust company as executor, because its facilities for handling estates render it more efficient than the average individual.

  • He began his business career as an accountant for the Western Loan & Trust Company, Ltd.

  • Mr. Robertson is president of the firm of Farquhar Robertson, Limited, and director of Merchants Bank of Canada, Montreal Transportation Company, Canada Cement Company and the Prudential Trust Company.

  • In 1905 he was made a member of the permanent commission of the International Railway Congress and also a director of the United States Mortgage & Trust Company.

  • Is there a trust company by any chance back of this railroad you are talking of?

  • We aren't buying any bonds just at present,' said they, 'but suppose you try the National Trust Company.

  • You start a trust company, and you get out imposing advertisements, and promise high rates of interest, and the public comes in.

  • He explained to them what a trust company was, and said that he hoped to get the Washington Trust Company to undertake the guardianship of the little girl.

  • A pretty kind of an officer for a trust company to have!

  • Her husband is president of a trust company, and she has one of the most desirable houses in New York.

  • Marble columns and gold ceilings don't make a trust company," he sneered.

  • I don't know; there is no pleasure in using things which that fool of a Trust Company votes to let you have.

  • The Thing was the Half Moon Trust Company.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trust company" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brilliant victory; elected president; fatty acids; full measure; given thee; great necessity; had loved; had started; historic interest; inspired book; last the; legitimate business; mix the whole well; much damage; national history; never seen; see what would happen; she kept; social standing; trust companies; trust company; trust himself; trust that; trust thee; trust you; trusty servant