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Example sentences for "patiently"

Lexicographically close words:
patience; patiens; patient; patientia; patientlie; patients; patina; patio; patios; patitur
  1. His horse stood still; but after remaining patiently for some time, and not observing any disposition in his rider to get up and proceed further, he took him by the collar and shook him.

  2. Whenever he found a child on the brink of a pond, he watched patiently for the opportunity to place his fore-paws suddenly on its person, and plunged it in before it was aware.

  3. Clover thanked this obliging being again, and rejoined her party, who were patiently sitting where she had left them.

  4. When Dermot awoke next morning he found that he and Badshah were alone, all the others having disappeared, and the animal was standing patiently awaiting orders.

  5. The animal bore it patiently and seemed to recognise that it had found a friend; for, when it rose to its feet again, it laid its trunk almost caressingly on Dermot's shoulder.

  6. There was nothing to be done therefore but to wait patiently till their father came home.

  7. Frederica opened a great many papers and read patiently through long household accounts, and in a little while became utterly bewildered.

  8. Instead of waiting patiently at the gate he went on to the platform and lost his head in the crowd of people coming and going.

  9. When she saw that she had lost the bout, she abandoned the effort, turned in upon herself, went on smiling, and patiently waited for her day to come.

  10. The latter waited patiently two or three hours for the development of events, snatching a little sleep by turns, which they needed much; for both were worn out by their constant watching.

  11. He waited patiently for the spring, and he came to Rome now every month for a week at a time.

  12. Stefanone has waited patiently for nearly a quarter of a century.

  13. All of which the veiled nun within heard patiently to the end.

  14. She would drive patiently round the Park in that close little brougham, and listen attentively to the moralities of Marcus Aurelius.

  15. He leans over the shoulder of Philip the Second at his writing-table, as the King spells patiently out, with cipher-key in hand, the most concealed hieroglyphics of Parma or Guise or Mendoza.

  16. The deep-laid conspiracy of Spain and Rome against human rights deserves to be patiently examined, for it is one of the great lessons of history.

  17. He waited patiently for news of my aunt's arrival in England; but as mail after mail came without bringing him any intelligence he grew uneasy, and finally wrote to his mother-in-law asking an explanation of the unaccountable silence.

  18. But it is not always thus; and though it would be so more frequently if we waited more patiently upon God and considered His ways, yet, at best, but a small fraction of our life is understood here.

  19. It was the result of intelligence and industry patiently applied for years till the barriers of difficulty gave way and man ventured out with assurance on the highways of the air.

  20. Then the child drew a long, quivering breath and patiently uttered again her parrot-like refrain.

  21. Patiently she brought out her refrain again.

  22. Arrived at the Lafayette, I went patiently from room to room of the big French restaurant, glancing in at each door for the couple I sought.

  23. He listened very patiently to Cecil North, the last time they talked on politics.

  24. He never listened patiently at home--not even to me.

  25. Then, knowing her usual indifference to time, he sat down and patiently awaited her coming.

  26. But his brother seemed to know this instinctively; he bore the yoke in his youth, patiently if not willingly; he shared the anxieties as he parted the cares of his father and mother.

  27. To attempt to cross would have been madness; there was nothing, therefore, to be done but patiently await the rising of the tide.

  28. The importance of this to the town was very apparent even to us transient visitors, from the crowd of water carts we constantly saw during the severe drought, patiently waiting their turn to fill from the pump in Hyde Park.

  29. And yet here Miner still continued mute, although moving about far more restlessly than usual, while Ambrose, patiently waiting for him to speak, felt the sharpness of his earlier desire succeeded by a kind of apathy.

  30. We quickly consolidated the new position with our old ones and patiently sat tight, awaiting the coming of the new British reinforcements, which had by this time landed in Archangel.

  31. She listened patiently to his words, her hands unclasped in her lap, her head drooping, and a gentle "yes" breathed from time to time.

  32. She cried patiently as if she had lost something irrecoverable, an ideal, a hope, a child.

  33. Here he twisted the laryette firmly round the foreā€“leg of the horse, and ensconcing himself behind the largest of the bushes, patiently awaited the result.

  34. Those who, from time immemorial, had patiently borne the pressure of existence for others, must be well fitted to take upon themselves the leadership into the new age.

  35. Outside the newspaper-offices stood dense crowds impeding the wheel-traffic as they waited patiently for the results that were shown in the windows.

  36. Is it sorry for him in his forsaken condition, since it does not move to another place, but patiently builds its web up again, finer and finer, as if it had only been torn down because it was not made well enough?

  37. Kitty patiently plodded on, but she found the snow deeper than she liked to pull the sleigh through.

  38. Boardman Blake sat in his store, patiently holding his hands in his lap, and waiting for a customer.

  39. The cricket without still kept up his sharp, piercing song, and Farmer Grant patiently beat out an accompaniment to the cricket's tune.

  40. He began at Genesis, and was patiently turning over the leaves in Proverbs, when a sharp voice rang out overhead, and then came in definite tones down through a funnel-hole in the ceiling.

  41. Cook Charlie stretched upon the floor submitted patiently to the pressing and pounding and other parts of the process of resuscitation.

  42. One of these like the butter firkin on shore, could not patiently submit to everything, and--broke!

  43. If we are regular in our prayers and Bible-reading, if we patiently attend to our church duties, and just try from hour to hour to do our duty to those about us, that is all one can do.

  44. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.

  45. Solomon could not have built the Temple unless, through long, apparently idle, years, David had been patiently gathering together the wealth which he bequeathed.

  46. And I mean that we should try to commit our way unto the Lord, 'to rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "patiently" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    diligently; doggedly; faithfully; industriously; patiently; persistently; resolutely