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Example sentences for "grasps"

Lexicographically close words:
grapplings; graptolites; grasp; grasped; grasping; grass; grassed; grasses; grasshopper; grasshoppers
  1. The knowledge is so transcendent that when a man grasps it fully he becomes more than man and he passes beyond our ken.

  2. She pauses, however, to utter a final prayer, and, closing her eyes, is about to spring when a hand grasps her and a glad voice exclaims she is safe!

  3. Beowulf, intently watching the fiend, seeing him stretch out a horny hand for another victim, suddenly grasps it with such force and determination that the monster, notwithstanding frantic efforts, cannot free himself.

  4. France, as a sort of device, to signify that whoever grasps royalty too rudely, will suffer injury in consequence.

  5. He is afraid of sinking at this early stage into the limits of a narrow profession; and now he grasps at pillars and railings alongside the stream that he may not be swept away by the current.

  6. In passing beyond the principle of Greek morality, which in its substantial liberty cannot brook the rise of subjective liberty, the Platonic philosophy at once grasps the above principle, and in so doing proceeds still farther.

  7. The Idea, as abstract Idea, is the quiescent and inert; it only is in truth in as far as it grasps itself as living.

  8. Scepticism does not attempt to give the thing, nor does it dispute as to whether it is thus or thus, but whether the thing itself is something; it grasps the essence of what is expressed, and lays hold of the whole principle of the assertion.

  9. As the small opossum held in pouch maternal Grasps the nutrient organ whence the term mammalia, So the unknown stranger held the wire electric, Sucking in the current.

  10. Then, turning to the emperor, he prays him to give into his hand the bow which he grasps with his own.

  11. Ganelon grasps his sword, drawing it two fingers' length out of the scabbard, and saying, "My beautiful sword!

  12. His other hand grasps an assassin’s dagger, and both it, and the sword, are well imbrued in blood.

  13. George the Third rises from his seat and grasps his ‘heart of oak’ stick, saying, ‘What!

  14. With one hand he flourishes a cutlass, and the other grasps a pistol, of which weapon two more lie on the ground.

  15. This ‘Benningsen baisting’ is being very liberally supplied to Boney by a gigantic Russian, who holds a huge ladleful of it in one hand, whilst with the other he grasps a red-hot poker of Russian iron.

  16. Thomas, grasps the largest locks, and makes a stroke with the knife.

  17. The woman grasps it, and as she reads, her lips quiver.

  18. His hand grasps it, and his face indicates hesitation.

  19. The Dialectician alone has Nous or Intellect, direct or the highest cognition: he alone grasps and comprehends directly the pure intelligible essence or absolute Form.

  20. Here the Intellect ascends to the absolute Form, and grasps it directly.

  21. A triangle with 33 within it; above a regal crown is shone upon by the full rays of the sun; a double-headed eagle grasps a sword.

  22. The American eagle displays the shield of our country on his breast; one talon is upon a globe, the other grasps a cross.

  23. The shield, with its motto-ribbon and flowery ornamentation, seems to be held up by the winged female who grasps the portcullis of the crest.

  24. His mind grasps the reality of the scene; he comprehends that this is indeed Eden restored, more lovely now than when he was banished from it.

  25. In such cases a man grasps at every shadow of a hope.

  26. But Pani Emilia grasped at every hope, as a man falling over a precipice grasps at the branches of trees growing out on the edge of it.

  27. They would consider the whole case then as the despairing effort of a drowning man, who grasps at what he can.

  28. A man in misfortune grasps even at a shadow of hope.

  29. The Greenlanders describe it as pale and soft, as without flesh and bone, so that he who tries to seize it grasps nothing.

  30. Perhaps there is a rather increased sense of power upon him as he loosely grasps one of his veinous wrists with his other hand and holding it behind his back walks noiselessly up and down.

  31. His brother starts up, calls him by his name, and grasps him by both hands.

  32. To give him still greater dignity, he is in the character of Jupiter; while one hand holds up an ample robe, the other grasps a thunderbolt.

  33. Beneath is the merciful Judith: one hand grasps the sword with which she decollated Holofernes, and the other rests upon his bleeding head.

  34. The action is suited to the word, for with his left hand this most Christian potentate grasps his sword, and in his right poises a gibbet.

  35. With a nice perception of shades he catches the individual color of a mind or a production; and by the same faculty he grasps the determining principles in a character.

  36. The squire gave me one of his short tight grasps of the hand, in which there was warmth and shyness, our English mixture.

  37. Nor is it ever the new man of to-day which grasps his fortune, good or ill.

  38. Sometimes the pin F is operated by a small spring lever attached to L, so that the hand grasps the end of L and the spring lever simultaneously, removing F from the hole in H, and therefore freeing L, so as to permit its operation.

  39. The druggist grasps his long pole lightly.

  40. A wood-chopper this time grasps a floating man who can make little effort for himself.

  41. Death has but few terrors for the crushed and broken spirit, but how heavy and icy is his hand when it grasps the heart which has just begun to live and revel in the joys of life.

  42. I am its victim; it grasps me, it wraps me in its folds, it shuts me up in its granite walls, it padlocks me with its iron bolts, and it watches me through the eyes of its gaolers.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grasps" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.