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Example sentences for "small spring"

  • A Small Spring Hinge Box covers or small doors that are seldom used can be supplied with a small spring hinge as shown in the illustration.

  • A small spring, U, keeps the ends of the pieces apart and allows the free turning of the axle until the brake lever is drawn.

  • Having hobbled the horses, we crossed over to the camp, which was established at a small spring, and found Mr. Elsey and two of the men in charge.

  • This is a small spring on the city side of the valley, and nearly opposite the corner of the city wall, where it meets the precipice, and includes the space occupied by the temple.

  • A small spring rises in this plain, and the water from it was probably made, formerly, to pass through the pools.

  • In the valley within the walls, is a small spring, the only one that is near.

  • On quitting the plains we entered a very fine open forest flat, through which we proceeded a mile and a half, and encamped for the evening under a lofty hill named Mount Dundas, by a small spring of excellent water.

  • Various small inlets from the lake much impeded us, and after travelling near seven miles along its shores, we halted for the evening near a small spring of fresh water, in a good rising grass country.

  • At the end of twelve miles we found a small spring of water that supplied some ponds, which also run northerly.

  • Our camp was pitched on a small spring branch.

  • This day we traveled about seven miles; the road runs across the upper end of Grand round, to a small spring branch, when it again ascends the mountains.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small spring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    small area; small bodies; small branches; small building; small cakes; small chapel; small cord; small flocks; small fraction; small hole; small importance; small intestine; small iron; small mammals; small notes; small onions; small parties; small portions; small scale; small share; small table; small trees; small tube; small vessels; small wares; smaller number