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Example sentences for "small fraction"

  • Taxation to extinction of the rent of English land would only affect a small fraction of England's wealth.

  • The day is lengthened only by a small fraction of a second in a thousand years, and the moon is receding at an equally imperceptible rate.

  • If many are wanted, and but few to be had, their price will go up, of course; but it can not go more than a small fraction beyond $4.

  • It would be impossible to name even a small fraction of those who freely and continuously gave labor and money.

  • At a Presidential election nearly all the voters turn out; in an ordinary State election only about half; at a municipal election only a small fraction of the men take the trouble to vote.

  • The conscious personality is never more than a small fraction of the psychical personality.

  • I there described our conscious spectrum as representing but a small fraction of the aurai simplicis ignis, or individual psychical ray;--just as our visible solar spectrum represents but a small fraction of the solar ray.

  • It remains only to be said that in this sphere of action its influence is but a small fraction of what it ought to be and what it promises to become.

  • We need not stop to prove the statement that the cost of production by the modern factory system is a small fraction of that by the old workshop system.

  • So skilful are the traveling eunuch-makers that their mortality is a small fraction of one per cent.

  • There are well-authenticated cases on record in which death has been caused in children by the ingestion of a small fraction of a grain of opium.

  • It is the bourgeois dissolution of the middle classes and of their material existence, particularly of the class of the artisans, only a small fraction of which carries on to-day an independent occupation as a trade.

  • The earth is now extensively appropriated by man; nevertheless, a small fraction excepted, it is nowhere cultivated and utilized as it could be cultivated and utilized.

  • The time that has elapsed since the advent of civilization is only a small fraction of the past existence of humanity; it is only a small fraction of its coming existence.

  • Out of the vast flood of light which the sun pours forth with such prodigality into space the dark body of the moon intercepts a little, and of that little it reflects a small fraction to illuminate the earth.

  • In the first case the day and the month were only a small fraction of our day; in the last stage the day and the month are each a large multiple of our day.

  • To do this let us apply an electric force so as to send a current of electricity through the gas, taking care that the current is only a small fraction of the saturating current.

  • The United States produces a small fraction of 1 per cent of the world's tin, and consumes a third to a half of the total.

  • The sum total of knowledge from all sources is only a small fraction of that necessary for the most effective results.

  • French bauxite has normally supplied the entire European demands,--with the exceptions that Italy procures part of her requirements at home, and that the Irish deposits furnish a small fraction of the English demand.

  • About this time I had also begun to think that the old writers called Fathers deserved but a small fraction of the reverence which is awarded to them.

  • Before Constantine, Christians were but a small fraction of the empire.

  • Trinitarians and Arians are alike useless to his argument: nay, nor can he claim more than a small fraction of Unitarians; for as many of the them believe that Jesus is to be the Judge of living and dead (as the late Dr.

  • These are encouraging conclusions, considering the fact that the cost of light from incandescent lamps at the present time is only a small fraction of its cost at that time.

  • These corporations, representing only a small fraction of the total business of the country, had added billions to their property values during the four years.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small fraction" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    like unto; small ball; small brook; small cells; small circle; small class; small extent; small flock; small garrison; small group; small groups; small hamlet; small head; small herd; small hill; small islands; small majority; small mammals; small onion; small particles; small parties; small place; small silver; small size; small square; small wooden