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Example sentences for "that little"

  • If I could only get a squeeze at that little fellow, turning up his sweet mouth to 'keese baba!

  • He became quite a man in that little community.

  • Nothing could have been more unearthly than the picture presented in that little, wood-circled arena, of velvet- like grass and rural beauty.

  • We will now go to that little bit of wood, when you shall all see what it contains.

  • In much less time than it has taken to record the fact, that little piece of bottom-land was crowded with wolves, deer, and men.

  • How all of this would have been changed had she known of that little bill!

  • Indeed that name destroyed all the life there was in that little flirtation.

  • And the sunlight played through the leaves on that little party of the three generations grouped tranquilly under the pear-tree, which had long borne no fruit.

  • I don't know what she sees in that little flibbertigibbet," he burst out, but noticing that they were no longer alone, he turned and again began examining the lustre.

  • It was very little that he found to say, nor did he find her responsive to that little.

  • Old Jolyon had taken his cigar from under his white moustaches, stained by coffee at the edge, and looked at her, that little slip of a thing who had got such a grip of his heart.

  • The cap was no longer visible; that little spot of colour had vanished in the stream of the noon promenaders.

  • I can understand how you have frightened that little donkey, Clarence, the most estimable of moon-calves (I really love him) nearly out of his wits.

  • You see that young lady who was here just now--that little, quiet, fragile figure passing along there, Tatty?

  • Pancks, 'you were to live to know what was behind us on that little hand of yours.

  • I haven't told you so much of your fortune yet, Miss Dorrit, as to tell you what's behind me on that little hand.

  • I had been very happy there, I had a great attachment for the Doctor, and I was eminent and distinguished in that little world.

  • That little cousin of the Potters',--what was her name, Rosemary?

  • That little man--is your upper lip underrateing him?

  • Victor mused: 'It's wonderful: that little girl of mine!

  • And who is that little man, who stops everybody?

  • That little, neat, tidy square, with its bright houses, seemed to her a Garden of Eden.

  • The drawing-room, that little band of Conservatives belonging to all parties, and daily increasing in numbers, soon wielded powerful influence.

  • I bet you're giving all your savings to that little hypocrite, Silvere.

  • But some laid the blame on the influence of that little bigot of a Talbrun, who had secretly blown up the fire of religious enthusiasm in Jacqueline, when Madame d'Avrigny's energetic "Hush!

  • I pays a penny to that little gell to bring me a dozen pair an' fetch 'em back.

  • I'll go and see to that little matter of Mrs. Chloe.

  • When I've just had the truth out of that little scoundrel!

  • When they find me in that little lodging so grotesquely muffled in petticoat and coif, perchance they will burst with laughter.

  • She's certainly a hustler, that little girl of yours.

  • But up to the present moment nothing had touched that little heart, and the reply had been the same to all "No!

  • I have not clearly read, 'Oh, how glad I should be to marry the millions of that little person!

  • I'll be as snug in that little cruiser as a bug under a chip--and we'll tow the lifeboats.

  • I also beg to tender you my assurance that if I have seemed in the past to cherish an unchristian resentment of that little deal in grape stakes, the memory of the outrage no longer rankles in my bosom.

  • That little profit of one per cent saves your bacon, boy.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "that little" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    first period; fish catch; infant baptism; open mind; that afternoon; that effect; that end; that had; that hath; that head; that her; that land; that light; that matter; that might; that people; that poor; that respect; that room; that score; that some; that such; that they; that what; where very; would listen