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Example sentences for "joys"

Lexicographically close words:
joynts; joynture; joyous; joyously; joyousness; jubes; jubilance; jubilant; jubilantly; jubilation
  1. I say to you, whoever shall disobey the command of the bearer of this ring, be his merits never so great, Allah shall cut him off from the joys of Paradise!

  2. Are not your joys my joys; your sorrows--what sorrows are they not!

  3. Now a third time the Moslems came forward, slowly now, horse and foot, their imams and ulamas crying to them to remember the beauty of the houris, the joys of martyrdom, and to hew in pieces the blasphemers of the Prophet.

  4. But I will try and get one, at least, of the joys I came to find here, and really write to you from this place, as I meant to do.

  5. They had robbed her of her birthright of simple joys and honest, obscure, healthful ways of life.

  6. Priests tells us that this unpleasant weariness is intended to detach us from the joys of earth, and philosophers are content to find its solution in the physiology of the senses.

  7. But the teacher forgets that the world can no more return to its abandoned faiths than a man can return to the toys and the joys of his infancy.

  8. Health, peace, and fresh air seemed to him three treasures which were ill exchanged for the feverish struggle and the artificial joys of life in the cities of the world.

  9. His dejection of tone, his weariness of manner communicated something of their sadness to her, and threw their shade over the shadowless and innocent joys of her soul.

  10. Why had the physical pain of their birth been forgotten in the mental joys of their possession?

  11. You have wished for the world's applause, for the solace of art, for the joys of moving the minds of multitudes: all these may become yours, if you choose.

  12. And yet, despite the joys of resting his tired body and yet more tired mind, his contentment was not complete.

  13. For her, this was to have been a day of days: a daring expense, to be paid for by the sacrifice of luncheon and supper, little missed in the joys of anticipation and memory.

  14. There were weeks when he was full of the wildest plans for his future career; being all for the joys of the physical, beside which mental labor was to play a most unimportant rĂ´le.

  15. If I know anything of the heart of a Christian, your greatest trials are in the company of worldly people,--your greatest joys in the company of the saints.

  16. Their joys and their sorrows, their love and their hatred, their likes and their dislikes, their tastes and their distastes, their hopes and their fears, are all most curiously alike.

  17. For Jacoba is, as Dutch Afrikanders go, not uncomely, and few Boer women of her looks and condition in life escape, or desire to escape, from the joys and cares of matrimony.

  18. The banquet you do set before your joys Is surely but indifferently served, When they so readily vacate their seats.

  19. Lamentable joys strive with joyous sorrows: and on which side is the victory, I know not.

  20. The joys and cares of every-day life have mellowed all that was good in them, and the account given of their home and their family is one we dwell upon lovingly.

  21. Our joys as winged dreams doe flye, Why then should sorrow last?

  22. But this she knows, in joys and woes, That saints will aid if men will call: For the blue sky bends over all!

  23. There, are joys from which you never will be separated, There, are friends, angels in dignity and spotless in purity, in whose loved society you will find joys such as you never experienced while on earth.

  24. How often will your thoughts fondly return to joys which have for ever fled!

  25. You are now surrounded by ah the joys of home.

  26. The privileges and the joys you are now partaking, will soon pass away.

  27. Our Father in heaven is now inviting all of us to repent of our sins, and to cultivate a taste for the joys of heaven.

  28. He never will permit the wicked to mar their joys and degrade their home.

  29. If every hour of our lives were spent in sorrow, it would be nothing, compared with the joys which God has promised his friends at his right hand.

  30. If this character be good, if you possess amiable and obliging and generous feelings, you may soon possess a home of your own, when the joys of your childhood will in some degree be renewed.

  31. Pale, weeping memory recalls The beaming joys of her life's early day, Forever fled.

  32. One sees with him the smallest object of nature about the home of his childhood; and it is impossible not to enter into all his feelings of little joys and poignant sorrows.

  33. He has asked himself if his life's book is quite closed to the higher joys of existence?

  34. May life abound in joys for you, Miss Fairchild.

  35. Curly intimated plainly that the joys of town were calling to him from afar, and that facing a storm was merely calculated to make his destination more alluring by contrast.

  36. Alas, the joys that fortune brings Are trifling and decay!

  37. How deeply treasured in our heart of hearts are all thy joys and pleasures,--ay, and griefs and sorrows too!

  38. Each day fresh joys were opening before her, in the forms of newly-discovered truths.

  39. I was delighted, for my mind was full of the prospective joys and of the wonderful stories I had heard about the sea.

  40. Besides, many of the joys and sorrows of childhood have lost their poignancy; and many incidents of vital importance in my early education have been forgotten in the excitement of great discoveries.

  41. Wrentham, Massachusetts, is associated with nearly all of my joys and sorrows.

  42. It would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me, and for the first time longed for a new day to come.

  43. At length her reserve gave way before his loving solicitude; for she had been wont to confide her childish joys and sorrows to him in the old days before he went to Ohio, and could tell him now what she would not breathe to any other creature.

  44. Thus his heart was ever at leisure from itself and ready to sympathize in the interests, the joys and sorrows or physical sufferings of those about him.

  45. Counterfeit and false though the garish joys of these spangled temples were, he perceived that deep under the gilt surface they offered saving and apposite balm and satisfaction to the restless human heart.

  46. On every one of the subsequent 364 days, excusing Sundays, he would remind them of the joys of the past banquet and the hopes of the coming ones, thus inciting them to increased enthusiasm in work.

  47. In his office the upholder of urban midsummer joys dived, headforemost, into the swimming pool of business.

  48. I came here with the same starved heart and woman's hopes, and I put into your career the devotion and service and very prayers that I should have put into a home and a family--your joys were my joys, your problems mine.

  49. Those of us who do, who endure such days that we may go to night school, and who wear mended gloves and queer hats, forgoing the cheap joys of our associates--we do forge ahead and grow grimmer of heart and graver of soul.

  50. Aside from Luke and her business she found amusement in her dream life of loving Steve O'Valley and vicariously sharing his joys and sorrows, safeguarding his interests.

  51. Perhaps he will never give you the positive scarlet joys of shock and thrill.

  52. She entered the convent at Nonnenwerth, resolved to dedicate her life to Heaven, since the joys of earth had fled.

  53. The brave soldier prepared to depart, but he realized the joys he must renounce.

  54. Still, a few of the maxims I drew from my joys and sorrows in the few calmer moments of reverie persist; and these all strengthen me in the romantic view of life.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "joys" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.