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Example sentences for "zing"

Lexicographically close words:
zijne; zin; zinc; zinci; zincs; zink; zinnias; zio; zipped; zipper
  1. Mine felt so full that it was ready to burst out, and if I hadn't begun to zing I should ha' broken zomething.

  2. Fancy a man being a zlave and ready to zing and dance 'cause the moon zhines, ready to go out hunting the coons and 'possums as if there was nothing the matter.

  3. It vas a lost art, and she has found it; and she must haf pecun to zing pefore she pecan to schpeak--or else she voot not haf hat ze time to learn all zat she knows, for she is not yet zirty!

  4. Any koot zinger can zing a peautiful zong and kif bleasure, I zubboce!

  5. But I voot zooner hear la Sfencali zing a scale zan anypotty else zing ze most peautiful zong in ze vorldt--efen vun of my own!

  6. If your honour 'ud plase to hear me, I'll zing 'n.

  7. He should zing 'un right or not at all," and he got up and left the room in disdain.

  8. Folks don't zing over their work, and laugh after it.

  9. There's Dick the treble and John the mean (Let every mon zing in his auwn pleace); And Gaarge he wur the elder brother, And therevoore he would zing the beass.

  10. And now you shall zing to me, and play me some music," said he, opening the piano and arranging the stool and music.

  11. When ze customer come wiz his money, we shall say here is ze zing what makes you one grand fortune; invest your money and put your trust in Topman and Gusher.

  12. You shall zing me some grand music, so full of ze love, and ze poetry, so as my heart shall lift up wiz joy.

  13. Your daughter, she shall zing to me, and she shall play to me, and she shall read to me some poetry.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "zing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animation; ardor; bang; barrel; boom; breeze; brush; clip; dash; drive; eagerness; elan; energy; enterprise; enthusiasm; esprit; fire; fleet; flit; fly; foot; ginger; highball; initiative; kick; life; nip; pepper; punch; push; salt; scorch; sizzle; skim; snap; sparkle; speed; spirit; spunk; starch; storm; sweep; tear; thrust; verve; vigor; vim; vitality; whisk; whiz; zest; zing