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Example sentences for "reactionists"

Lexicographically close words:
reacted; reacting; reaction; reactionaries; reactionary; reactions; reactive; reactor; reactors; reacts
  1. Even men who were repelled by theological disputations were fascinated and made devoted reactionists by the newly revealed beauties of medieval architecture and ritual.

  2. The work of German men of science in this field is noble indeed; a great succession, from Wier to Virchow, have erected a barrier against which all the efforts of reactionists beat in vain.

  3. The reactionists were ready to combine with their opponents.

  4. The reactionists are everywhere in the streets, disguised as revolutionists, looting and murdering!

  5. With the loss of their chief the reactionists will be in confusion, before they can recover you can organize the great leagues into a militia---- Adr.

  6. Some fanatics fell upon them and put them to death; and the incident, commented upon from the most different points of view, was in the end represented as an onslaught by reactionists on the sworn friends of liberty.

  7. Wherever the Austrians had gained a footing, the reactionists had taken advantage of it to re-establish the status quo.

  8. The Council was obliged to resign, and for a considerable period the reactionists had the power in their own hands.

  9. The non-success of the foreign invasions meant also the failure of the reactionists in their attempt to overthrow the "Helvetic Republic.

  10. The German Parliament belonged to it, exclusively, after the Reactionists and Liberals had withdrawn.

  11. The persistency with which the reactionists refuse to recognize the legal government of France, is another source of weakness in the present institutions.

  12. This sulking in the tent on the part of the reactionists has in it something worse than their simple absence from all official social ceremonies.

  13. During the whole month of September the reactionists hid in their lurking-places.

  14. The great scarecrow of the reactionists was the Prussians, and Jules Favre had announced their early intervention.

  15. The reactionists soon encountered the first line with the cry, "Down with the Committee!

  16. The day after the rejection of the motion for an amnesty, Dufaure had installed a consulting Commission of Pardons, composed of functionaries and reactionists carefully culled by himself.

  17. Before long a spirit of revolt infected the mobiles, almost everywhere commanded by reactionists of mark.

  18. The reactionists foretold all sorts of catastrophes; the engineer, on the contrary, affirmed that there would be no shock; that the column would break to pieces during its descent.

  19. Violent reactionists would have spoilt all, precipitated Paris into a revolution.

  20. The reactionists of any mark had long since fled; there only remained in Paris the small fry and a few isolated men, whom, if needs be, Versailles was ready to sacrifice.

  21. The reactionists said, "This is the revenge for the Vendome column.

  22. The reactionists have said that this fear was feigned; that the cannon were safe from the Prussians.

  23. Vacherot, Vautrain, and a few reactionists spoke of resisting at any price, as though they had had an army to back them.

  24. The reactionists continued drawing in their horns, and the army had evacuated the town during the night.

  25. The Pharisees were reactionists and conservatives.

  26. Why, those terrible reactionists go so far as to pretend that the Commune has imprisoned the priests, arrested journalists, and stopped the newspapers!

  27. And yet, not very far; for if the British Government consent or blink, Khalid and many real reactionists whom Cairo harbours, would have to seek an asylum elsewhere.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reactionists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.