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Example sentences for "landscape"

Lexicographically close words:
landownership; landowning; landrail; landrails; lands; landscapes; landscapist; landscapists; landside; landsknechts
  1. The guileless race whose bones whiten this rocky den once ranged over that lovely landscape in peace and freedom.

  2. You will not have Louis' company to-night, for he has ordered candles in the library, and means to adjourn there with his landscape gardener when he leaves the dining room.

  3. Had he not painted an advertisement of chocolat Menier in a landscape in order to escape from the tyranny of prettiness?

  4. There was an intimate charm in the landscape which he did not remember ever to have noticed before.

  5. He seemed to see the great gray piles of granite set in old Spanish towns amid a landscape tawny, wild, and windswept.

  6. He knew now quite positively that there had been no painting of landscape before Monet; and he felt a real thrill when he stood in front of Rembrandt's Disciples at Emmaus or Velasquez' Lady with the Flea-bitten Nose.

  7. Beautiful now, while the general landscape lies in shadow, looks the summit of a distant hill (say a mile off), with the sunshine brightening the trees that cover it.

  8. Indeed, to liken Rye to any other place is to do her wrong, for both in herself and in that landscape over which she broods, there is enough beauty and enough character to give her a life and a meaning altogether her own.

  9. Thus nothing at all remains at Selsey, not even the landscape as it was in St Wilfrid's day.

  10. The man, our ancestor, who chipped and prepared the flints for our use at Cissbury for instance, doubtless looked out upon a landscape different from that we see to-day and yet essentially the same after all.

  11. Not even the sunset could redeem the dead, sodden landscape and rotten black harbor ice upon which he looked.

  12. The sky over them was like a jewelled cup from which the dusk was pouring; the air was crisp with the compelling tang of the sea, and the whole landscape was infused with the subtleties of a sea evening.

  13. The house was a large, substantial affair, painted such a vivid green that the landscape seemed quite faded by contrast.

  14. Two weeks of kind sunshine had wrought a miracle in the bleak landscape over which Gilbert's crow had flown.

  15. From the rank, fallow field through which he had been riding he was now surveying, for the last time, the many features of a landscape that had been familiar to him from the beginning of memory.

  16. For miles in all directions the landscape lay shimmering in the autumnal sunlight--a poor, rough, homely land, with a few farm houses of the plainest kind.

  17. They turned their faces outward upon the landscape once more.

  18. This light overhung the far-rolling landscape of field and meadow and wood, crowning with faint radiance the remoter low-swelling hill-tops and deepening into dreamy half-shadows on their eastern slopes.

  19. And as regards the road itself and the surrounding landscape there is a still greater change.

  20. This living testimony that war was still present in the land only disturbed the peaceful evening landscape till the long line of dust had disappeared; then all was stillness and beauty once more.

  21. And so the long hours of the afternoon wore away, dusk came, shrouding the swiftly moving landscape in a veil of mystery.

  22. Oh bother," grumbled Mollie, as after their breakfast she gloomily surveyed the landscape from the cretonne-curtained window.

  23. But, all the same, she was glad to find herself alone, for the tears would come and the old familiar landscape grew dim and blurred.

  24. Here was the open landscape in front of the mullioned windows.

  25. The landscape resembled our imaginings of the world before the fall, when it came fresh from its Maker's hands, and all the morning stars hailed its birth.

  26. The smooth and verdant expanse, extending to the horizon, was dotted with groves, presenting a landscape of enchanting loveliness.

  27. Here and there groups of trees appeared, in small groves, as if planted by the exquisite taste of a landscape gardener.

  28. There is nothing which earth has ever presented more beautiful than those Eden-like landscape resembling the ocean in expanse, which were thus for the first time, unveiled to the view of civilized men.

  29. Dreary in the extreme was the wintry landscape which now opened before them.

  30. The Indians, in locating their villages, ever had a keen sense of landscape beauty.

  31. They found a spot at the foot of the lake so attractive in its landscape beauty, so abounding in fruit and game, that, weary as they were with their arduous voyage, they drew their canoes on shore for a few days of rest.

  32. The old vistas were gone, the landscape had closed in, the wilderness was shutting down.

  33. We finally stumbled on the little grated opening through which the lookout peered unceasingly over the landscape of mud.

  34. The landscape was strangely beautiful, but its beauty was austere.

  35. Above her head the yellow leaves rustled softly and the brown landscape no longer looked uninteresting.

  36. Jean pointed scornfully to the winter landscape outside the window.

  37. All over the level landscape lay the warm sunlight.

  38. In short, the landscape everywhere suggests a paradise for ducks.

  39. Through the open cottage door we can look out upon the level Dutch landscape all alive with the falling snow.

  40. Nor was I less charmed by the glimpses of landscape and out-door life.

  41. And thus, arm-in-arm, we walked on through landscape scenes that would have gladdened the genial heart of Rubens.

  42. The park and gardens were laid out by the celebrated landscape gardener LenĂ´tre.

  43. A landscape gardener was also employed to ornament the grounds.

  44. So the art of "town planning" is extending from the cities to the country and some of our landscape architects who love the countryside and appreciate its life and problems are giving their attention to rural community planning.

  45. The Extension Services of several of the State agricultural colleges have experts on landscape art who give assistance in the improvement of public grounds and in community planning.

  46. WAUGH, Head of the Division of Horticulture and Professor of Landscape Gardening, Massachusetts Agricultural College.

  47. It was July, and the landscape was vividly aglow with brilliant, scintillating sunbeams.

  48. The moon shone brightly, and the deep silence held the weird landscape in magic repose, forming a strong contrast with the agitation suppressed in the king's bosom.

  49. Nature was always the grandest of landscape gardeners, and here she may be said to have excelled.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "landscape" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    diorama; exterior; interior; landscape; lookout; outlook; panorama; pastoral; perspective; prospect; scape; scene; scenery; seascape; sight; sweep; terrain; view; vista

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    landscape gardening; landscape painter; landscape painting