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Example sentences for "milieu"

Lexicographically close words:
milia; milian; milianus; miliaria; miliary; militaires; militancy; militant; militants; militar
  1. And in this same milieu it is possible to get the bon-vivant type of thing.

  2. An excellent milieu and one of our most popular currently.

  3. And then there's an extremely thrilling milieu dealing with a symphony conductor in which there is an absolute physical thrill that is audio-inspired.

  4. Perhaps you'd like the milieu built up around a hard-working farmer or laborer for a daytime program.

  5. One reason for the popularity today enjoyed by this new philosophy is doubtless to be found in the very tendencies of the milieu in which it is produced and in the aspirations which work it.

  6. Let us begin by glancing at the milieu of thought in which Mr Bergson's philosophy must have had birth.

  7. Cope had not been in this new milieu fifteen minutes before Randolph happened along.

  8. Why could an interesting young organism so seldom be detached from its milieu and enjoyed in isolation?

  9. Nothing has ever been a more prolific source of capital to the Romish church, in former ages, than funereal parade, au milieu d'une eglise.

  10. The address of this letter was as follows: "A Monsieur Rodin, Rue du Milieu des Ursins, Paris.

  11. Verissimo sees, in the entire poem, no “shadow of the influence of the new milieu in which it was conceived and executed.

  12. The strange milieu breeds in both an intellectual languor that vents itself in long discussions, in brooding contemplation, mirages of the spirit.

  13. IV A new milieu and a racial amalgamation that effect changes in speech are bound soon or late to produce a new orientation in literature.

  14. III What of the effect of this milieu and this racial blend upon the nation’s tongue and its creative output?

  15. The art of today is open and subject to all the influences of the milieu and the epoch.

  16. The greater to heighten the contrast between black and white, Netto has made Macambira a chaste, Herculean figure, proof against the temptations of mind and milieu to which Julinho succumbs and is ultimately sacrificed.

  17. Perhaps it is due to a lack of correlation between milieu and writer.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "milieu" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.