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Example sentences for "militant"

Lexicographically close words:
miliaria; miliary; milieu; militaires; militancy; militants; militar; militare; militari; militarily
  1. Diffidence, humility, self-distrust, tolerance, are as dangerous to militant groups as to fighting men.

  2. When a language group becomes militant and self-conscious, it assumes the character of a nationality.

  3. The competing church retires its militant and disputatious leaders in an age which gives its applause to apostles of concord, fraternal feeling, and co-operation.

  4. In the earlier days of sectarian struggle tolerance was a danger both to group loyalty and to the militant spirit.

  5. It had always been the militant minority which ruled.

  6. What we've got here now is a militant majority, and that's what elected Hendricks.

  7. Ross was making use of the phrase: "Militant minority.

  8. She was a long time, months, in discovering that Jim Doyle was one of the leaders of that militant minority, and that the methods of it were unspeakably criminal.

  9. At noon on the same day Willy Cameron went back to the house on Cardew Way, to find Lily composed and resigned, instead of the militant figure he had expected.

  10. At her table she began to hear talk of substituting for that slow process a militant minority.

  11. The French columns were "equality on the march"; and the soldiery, animated by this grand enthusiasm, found its militant embodiment in the great captain who seemed about to liberate Italy and Central Europe.

  12. It was complex and contained the seeds of discord which lurk in many-sided and militant creeds.

  13. But no penniless barrister on his promotion could have flung himself into militant journalism with more ardour than did Wilson.

  14. The church is one under all changes of dispensation, and by what names soever she is called: but it does not appear that we are warranted by Scripture usage to view the New Jerusalem as a designation of the church in her militant state.

  15. Those who are refreshed by the streams of the water of life, have many enemies to encounter in their militant state, but all who overcome are encouraged in their warfare by the animating promise, that they shall "inherit all things.

  16. This chapter introduces the third and last series of symbols under which the prospective history of the church militant is given, to strengthen the faith and animate the hopes of her suffering and heroic children.

  17. Did Christ and Paul mean the visible, or the invisible church militant by the name Paradise?

  18. But besides the series, coherence and dependence of the several parts of the book, precluding such retrogression, this interpretation overthrows the scriptural distinction between the militant and triumphant state of the church.

  19. Moreover, the glowing descriptions of the church militant given by the prophets, especially Isaiah, are thought to be as boldly rhetorical as those of John; yet those lofty flights are confessedly descriptive of the church on earth.

  20. The Bride," the church militant and triumphant, says, "Come.

  21. In Asia and in Mediterranean Africa the Mohammedan races were a militant barrier to expansion.

  22. On the south-east the Turks who had captured Constantinople some thirty years before (1453) were a militant and aggressive danger to the Empire and to Christendom; while the stoutest opponent of their fleets was Venice.

  23. Catholicism in its most militant and merciless form was predominant; what if Philip, irritated by the practically open piracy of English ships in the Channel and elsewhere, should espouse the cause of Mary?

  24. I am the church militant of Sherwood," answered the friar.

  25. I am militant not against man, but the devil, who goes about seeking what he may devour.

  26. The Church is militant on earth, it is expectant in Paradise, it will be hereafter triumphant in Heaven.

  27. Yet, an inner voice whispered to him that it was the clarion call of the Church Militant that had called him out of his repose.

  28. The machicolated heights, the encircling ramparts, the stern tomb of the Emperor Hadrian rose proudly impregnable into the golden air of evening, a massive witness to the power of a Church, literally militant here below.

  29. These are grievous times indeed; the Church must needs summon her faithful about her, to become militant in her service!

  30. For about five centuries the militant power of these Mohammedans was dominant in Southwestern Asia when another conquering race appeared.

  31. This is in part an inversion of that, while the triple rhythm here used robs the Parsifal theme of the militant brilliancy found in that of the rescuing knight of the earlier drama.

  32. I spoke of the militant spirit as if it may only be shown in time of war.

  33. With the decline of militant activity and the growth of industrial activity the occupations once disgraceful have become honorable.

  34. I was one of the very first militant suffragettes to break a window--if not the very first.

  35. She was, in fact, behaving like a chivalric but obstinate boy; she had not been a militant suffragette for nothing.

  36. At any rate, supported at first by the old Earl, he began a series of persecutions designed to make me renounce my suffragist principles, or at least to make me cease playing a conspicuous public part in the militant propaganda.

  37. I am telling you all this so that you may get an inkling of the blow it was to him when I became a militant suffragist.

  38. The rapid spread of militant Mohammedanism among the savage tribes to the north of the equator is a serious factor in the fight for racial supremacy in Africa.

  39. The ills which had afflicted the preceding epoch grew more acute, synchronizing into an all-pervading, militant unrest.

  40. Islam has thus two avenues of approach to the African negro--his natural preference for a militant faith and his resentment at white tutelage.

  41. Pan-Islamism once possessed of the Dark Continent and fired by militant zealots, might forge black Africa into a sword of wrath, the executor of sinister adventures.

  42. But Islam is militant by nature, and the Arab is a restless and warlike breed.

  43. Irish Home Rule agitators and militant suffragettes made life miserable for British statesmen.

  44. To him came ranting suffragettes; militant members of the W.

  45. You could become a militant Liberal peer.

  46. The militant organisation was widespread and powerful, and militancy was widely connived at by other organisations, such as the Church League for Women's Suffrage.

  47. On the first public day at the Royal Academy, Mr. Sargent's portrait of Mr. Henry James was damaged with a chopper by a militant suffragist.

  48. A militant young lady assaulted Lord Weardale, mistaking him for the Premier, at Euston; and the sentence on another (Miss Phyllis Brady, Feb.

  49. At the Royal Academy a militant suffragist, Mary Ansell, injured Herkomer's portrait of the Duke of Wellington.

  50. Kossuth was not in fact a militant politician, and was forced into politics as his father's son.

  51. He continued however, to propagate militant patriotism by his writings, and a volume of "Nouvelles Feuilles de Route" appeared in 1907.

  52. The militant suffragists, meanwhile, had not been inactive.

  53. Everywhere they were enthusiastically welcomed, and, save for the few futile militant interruptions, the visit was an entire success.

  54. Next day, on the Home Office Vote, the House discussed the pressing and vexatious problem of the treatment of militant suffragism.

  55. The Rokeby Venus in the National Gallery damaged by a militant suffragist.

  56. Because of her militant father's antagonisms she had been inured from childhood to the taut moment of suspense that came with every voice raised at the gate and every knock sounding on the door.

  57. I mean to say," declared the lawyer in a voice that suddenly mounted and rung like a trumpeted challenge, "that in these hills of Kentucky the militant spirit of the law seems paralyzed!

  58. In his heart burned a militant insurgency.

  59. Mr. Hanks, with his thin, pale face and dishevelled hair, appeared more an entomologist than a militant editor.

  60. Thoroughly pleased with the militant side of the profession, and having decided that I should enter it, I lost no time inquiring how I should begin.

  61. But the militant editor of Ha-Shahan, who wielded his pen like a halberd, to deal out blows to those of whose views he disapproved, became as tender as a father when he set out to write about the people.

  62. Gordon was a militant reformer in his younger days, and so were Menahem Mendel Dolitzky and the lesser poets of the period.

  63. He joined the Church militant among the Methodists, and he stuck to them, quarreled with them, and loved them, all his life.

  64. But conquering once politically, the missionaries found their task all but too easy to suit militant Christians.

  65. Pomaré, directed by the now militant missionaries, sent a body of gunmen to Tautira to capture the god Oro, whose principal temple was very near where stood my kitchen.

  66. Chastity also increases with the social evolution, though it does not necessarily characterize societies of the non-militant type.

  67. The future must hold in store changes analogous to those of the past, but these must go on much more rapidly under the present comparatively peaceful organization of society than they have during the militant life of the past.

  68. During the thirty, or rather forty years' peace, and weakening of militant organization, the idea of justice became clearer; but since then the idea of regimentation has spread.

  69. The chapter on the conciliation of altruism and egoism is occupied with the development of sympathy, as the militant spirit grows less.

  70. Predominant militancy affords no scope for the egoistic sentiment of justice, and at the same time sympathy is perpetually seared by militant activities.

  71. The people's song of early Protestantism has therefore a militant ring.

  72. It belongs not to the Catholic communion alone, nor to the Protestant, but to the Church universal, the Church visible and invisible, the Church militant and triumphant.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "militant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    active; aggressive; alive; animated; antagonistic; beaver; bellicose; belligerent; blade; bloodthirsty; bloody; bouncing; brawler; breezy; brisk; bubbly; bully; chipper; combative; competitor; contender; contention; contentious; contestant; disputant; doer; duelist; ebullient; effervescent; enemy; energetic; enthusiast; ferocious; fierce; fighter; fighting; forcible; frisky; gamecock; gladiator; goon; gorilla; hood; hoodlum; hostile; hustler; inimical; knight; live; lively; martial; mercurial; militant; military; offensive; operator; perky; pert; pugnacious; pushful; pushing; quarrelsome; quicksilver; radical; rioter; rival; rough; rowdy; ruffian; sanguinary; savage; scrappy; smacking; snappy; soldier; spanking; spirited; sprightly; spry; struggler; swashbuckler; sword; swordsman; thug; tough; truculent; unfriendly; vivacious; warlike; warring; winner; wrangler; zealot