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Example sentences for "inversion"

Lexicographically close words:
inventors; inventory; invents; inverse; inversely; inversions; invert; invertebrate; invertebrated; invertebrates
  1. Whilst the Inverse is one form, however, Inversion is not one process, but is obtained by different processes from E.

  2. It is said to be a mere inversion of Fig.

  3. Sexual inversion among Greek women offers more difficulties than we met with in the study of paiderastia.

  4. There is an important passage in the Amores of Lucian which proves that the Greeks felt an abhorrence of sexual inversion among women similar to that which moderns feel for its manifestation among men.

  5. Such is the case with the arrangement of the chamber of death, with the stoppage of the clock, of which traces are found in customary usage; so it is with the inversion of garments, of which also in our lore traces seem to linger.

  6. Accordingly, there seem to be indications showing an original association of some of these usages with the lower world; such may be the significance of the backward movement, or the inversion of garments, occasionally recommended.

  7. It is improbable that this remarkable double inversion of character in the female should be an accidental coincidence.

  8. M34) The comparative study of religion has proved that these theories of Plutarch are an inversion of the truth.

  9. M34 His theory is an inversion of the truth: for fetishism is the antecedent, not the corruption, of theism.

  10. At Deutsch-Zepling in Transylvania, by an inversion of the usual custom, seed is generally sown at the waning of the moon (A.

  11. The way he did it snatched away from me my inward glory at my big Inversion brainwave so fast, I might never have had it, and there was nothing in my mind again but the bronze bomb chest.

  12. Invert the box," meaning we should put the bronze chest through full Inversion to get at the bomb inside to disarm it.

  13. Or you could flick it for partial Inversion and turn something into a perfect three-dimensional mirror image of itself, just what a right-hand glove is of a left.

  14. The inversion of the sentences would read thus: an affair cannot be carried through, or maintained, therefore it is wrong; an opinion causes pain or excites, therefore it is false.

  15. They all contain, I have been told, snares and nets for unwary birds, and an almost perpetual unconscious demand for the inversion of customary valuations and valued customs.

  16. In the third place, in consequence of the frequency with which every sort of inversion is practised in the dream, the dream interpreter is at liberty to assume such an inversion at any point of the dream he pleases.

  17. Further inversion occurs in the sequence of events, so that in the dream the cause is placed after the effect.

  18. It was not without lightening his own heart that the dreamer transposed the bad looks from himself to his father in the manifest content, an inversion of the dream work with which you are familiar.

  19. We already know the inversion of the sense, substitution by the opposite.

  20. The fact that the dreamer locks herself in against the pursuer may serve as an example of that inversion which is so frequently used in dreams, for in reality it was the man who withdrew before the completion of the act.

  21. To put the thing in technical language, the curious inversion of Plattner's right and left sides is proof that he has moved out of our space into what is called the Fourth Dimension, and that he has returned again to our world.

  22. Inversion of the Uterus in a Bull Bitch after Pupping.

  23. The inversion of the eyelids upon the globe is accompanied with pain and irritation, swelling and inflammation, both of the lids and eye, which ultimately renders the dog almost useless, if not entirely blind.

  24. The very displacement itself is sometimes immediately attended by alarming symptoms, such as faintness, vomiting, cold sweats, weak irregular pulse, as seen in cases of inversion or strangulated hernia.

  25. Traction should now cease, and the part be carefully examined; if the inversion be complete, the mouth of the uterus will no longer be felt, and there will be an immediate cessation of pain and other distressing sensations.

  26. Essay on the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Inversion of the Uterus, by W.

  27. In cases of partial inversion of the uterus, we distinguish the disease by the absence of the hard spherical tumour of the fundus above the pubes, and by the presence of a globular fleshy body in the os uteri, which is sensible to the touch.

  28. As it is impossible for the fundus to descend through the os uteri when this is not dilated and open, it is evident that, except in certain cases of polypus, inversion of the uterus can only take place immediately after delivery.

  29. This inversion of images by the astronomical telescope must be specially borne in mind with regard to the photographs of the moon in Chapter XVI.

  30. Such an inversion would, of course, be most inconvenient when viewing terrestrial objects.

  31. Inversion is sometimes so fundamentally ingrained in the individual's constitution that it arises and develops in spite of the very strongest influence in a contrary direction.

  32. In this case there is a basis of inversion (as is not infrequent in erotic symbolisms), but from the present point of view the psychological significance of the case remains the same.

  33. Inversion is a synonym for vertical convection, and Inclination is used to imply that such clouds consist of sloping lines of falling ice particles.

  34. At such times of inversion the mountain-tops often appear as local areas of higher temperature in a general region of colder air over the valleys and lowlands.

  35. That poverty is a good is an inversion of common sense.

  36. This was the inversion which the popular opinion had undergone in four centuries.

  37. There was a slight inversion but, according to our calculations, it wasn't enough to affect the radar.

  38. This layer of warm, moist air is known as an inversion layer, and it can do all kinds of crazy things to a radar wave.

  39. But there was no weather report for this area that was detailed enough to tell whether a weather inversion could have caused the radar targets.

  40. The radar technicians at Fort Monmouth had checked the weather--there wasn't the slightest indication of an inversion layer.

  41. These are but a few of the effects of an inversion layer on radar.

  42. On each night that there was a sighting there was a temperature inversion but it was never strong enough to affect the radar the way inversions normally do.

  43. He had gotten the latest weather data and checked it, but there wasn't the slightest indication of an inversion or any other weather that would cause a false target.

  44. The inversion layer shimmers and moves, and one second the radar may be picking up the ground or a truck in one spot and the next second it may be picking up something in a different spot.

  45. We thought of the theory that the same inversion layer that bent the radar beam also caused the target to appear to be in the air, and we began to do a little checking.

  46. There was a strong inversion that night, and although the target appeared as if it were flying in the air, it was actually a ground target.

  47. On each occasion I checked the strength of the inversion according to the methods used by the Air Defense Command Weather Forecast Center.

  48. He got on the phone, called the radar lab, and told the chief (a man who possibly wrote all of the textbooks this person had used in college) all about how a weather inversion can cause false targets on weather.

  49. In fact, the photomotor reflex is normal, and what we have is an inversion of the Argyll-Robertson sign.

  50. Their softness of nature is a surprising inversion of their former ferocity.

  51. The inversion of the sentence, a trick which gives a special character to all the later formal drama is prominent: the convention of contrast, the purely classical allusion, are mixed with a spirit that is still spontaneous and even naïf.

  52. In double monsters, namely unseparated twins, there is evidence that an inversion of viscera does occur with some frequency.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inversion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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