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Example sentences for "photograph"

Lexicographically close words:
photo; photochemical; photocopy; photoelectric; photogenic; photographed; photographer; photographers; photographic; photographically
  1. The six men immortalized by Joe Rosenthal’s photograph of the second flag-raising were Sergeant Michael Strank, Pharmacist’s Mate 2/c John H.

  2. Some people learned that Rosenthal’s photograph was of a second flag-raising and made the accusation that it was posed.

  3. President Roosevelt, long a master of public opinion, managed to keep the lid on the outcry by emphasizing the sacrifice of the troops as epitomized by the Joe Rosenthal photograph of the second Suribachi flag-raising.

  4. His photograph would become a valued collector’s item.

  5. Now, that a photograph can serve to remind us of the contribution of those boys--that was what made it important, not who took it.

  6. The serene aspect of the pre-mechanization farm is evident in this photograph taken in the first decade of the twentieth century.

  7. Illustration: The Kidwell farm and Floris vicinity shown in an aerial photograph taken in 1937.

  8. Illustration: LISZT AT THE PIANO From a photograph made late in life.

  9. Since writing the above I have seen the photograph taken of this temple by the Palestine explorators in 1866.

  10. By the use of sensitive films of gelatine bromide of silver emulsion the time required for the action of ordinary daylight in producing a photograph had been reduced to a very small fraction of a second.

  11. Then by using it in the spectro-heliograph we have been enabled to photograph the entire visible surface of the sun, together with the prominences at one time.

  12. The photograph of the Revolutionary hero which her uncle laid on the table Helen took up; and the change of subject so earnestly desired by every one she wrought in another impulse.

  13. Henriette took the photograph from her sister's hand.

  14. The vicar was holding against the frame beside the face of the ancestor a photograph of the statue in the square at Longfield.

  15. I only laughed, and then they begged me to show them a photograph of Fan.

  16. I can show you his photograph if you would like to see it, mother.

  17. And how soon afterward did you notice that the photograph was gone from the silver frame?

  18. In a word, Van Hupfeldt, who knew of the photograph and the letter being hidden there, had the strongest possible reason for seeking an opportunity to make an absolutely unhindered search of every remaining nook and crevice.

  19. He bolted and barred his door that night, and the photograph and letter lay beside his revolver under his pillow.

  20. And it follows that the photograph is still in the flat?

  21. I'll hide the diary in one place, the certificates in another, and the photograph of the boy's father in another.

  22. David was sure now that, actuated by widely different motives, both Van Hupfeldt and Violet were bent on searching for the photograph and letter reposing securely in his own pocket.

  23. Was there no photograph of him in the flat?

  24. And when you left your mistress the previous night the photograph was in its frame, but gone when the door was forced the next day.

  25. The man's photograph and the fatal letter from him were not hidden in the picture, but somewhere else, perhaps.

  26. Yes, there was a photograph on the mantelpiece of Miss Barnes's bed-room.

  27. To hunt for the still hidden photograph and letter was far too slow a task in his present mood of turbulence and desperation.

  28. It was not one of the men who forced the door who removed the photograph from the frame?

  29. In a silver frame it was; but the day after her death the silver frame was still there, and the photograph was gone, for I noticed it myself.

  30. The last jewel to be exhibited was the mother's photograph in an old leather case, velvet lined.

  31. It was a subtle suggestion of The Woman's that made the youngest reporter notice a strong resemblance between Gavin's photograph and Aunt Janet.

  32. I only remembered now and then, when I saw Lessie's photograph hanging on the wall of my quarters, and the portrait she had set in the back of my sovereign-case, that she and me were husband and wife.

  33. He saw once more the silver-framed photograph in the girl's hand, he felt the mute disparagement of her glance, and was conscious of the relief with which it left him to settle on the portrait again.

  34. He looked round the mean, poor, ugly room, the volume in his hand; a photograph of the dubious sort leered from the wall beside the bed.

  35. Her eyes filled as she gazed, comparing the glowing, radiant face upon the canvas with the enlarged photograph of the Mother in her habit that stood in an ebony and silver frame upon a little table beside the bed.

  36. His ears were scarlet as he dashed at the leering photograph and tore it down.

  37. He drew from his pocket a photograph of himself as he spoke, with some writing on the bottom, which he handed to Plunger.

  38. Illustration: X-Ray Photograph Showing Bullet as it Remains in Theodore Roosevelt.

  39. A fine specimen of Papuan womanhood may be seen in the middle figure of the next photograph reproduced.

  40. For the description of this figure and permission to reproduce the photograph I have to thank the Secretary of the Anthropological Institute.

  41. Certain musical instruments are more or less common all over the world, but often the method of playing them differs, as the accompanying photograph will show.

  42. For the photograph given above we are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. T.

  43. For the particulars of this dance and for the photograph of the performers I have to thank Mr. T.

  44. The above photograph well illustrates the primitive process in use for slaking the lime after the burning of the shells.

  45. The accompanying photograph gives an excellent idea of the pastime.

  46. The curious little building seen in the next photograph stands at the end of a private walk on the shores of the River Orwell, in Suffolk.

  47. The cat seen in the next photograph was the pet of the crew of the ill-fated whaler Windward, which was wrecked in Baffin’s Bay last season.

  48. The photograph given above shows Australian aborigines performing the kangaroo dance, which is a modified exhibition of one of their ancient ceremonies.

  49. The little boy seen in the first photograph was known as “the Pundit,” because, although only fourteen years old, he gave us great assistance in the difficult work of translation.

  50. Where did you get this new photograph of Ranald Walton on yoah dressing table?

  51. It seemed to photograph itself on Lloyd's memory, recurring to her again and again in the most unexpected moments.

  52. Cousin Amy has a photograph of her taken in evening dress, and she's simply regal looking.

  53. Abashed at her discovery, she scuttled back to her former seat, but not before her quick glance had showed her another photograph on the desk, in a silver frame.

  54. If you can use the gown in the photograph it will make me very happy, for it is falling to pieces, despite my care of it.

  55. Miss Marks came out with a large photograph exquisitely tinted.

  56. The photograph (shown him) is a good likeness; he was between 28 and 30 years of age.

  57. To the evidence for these statements, the Dean of Faculty objected that, though the guard of the train from Stirling was shown the photograph of L’Angelier, and identified him by it, the photo.

  58. My eyes were fixed upon her in wonder, for I had, on the instant I had seen her, recognised her as the original of the newspaper photograph I had locked away in my safe--the picture of Lady Lettice Lancaster!

  59. The design of the new stamps is of a uniform character, and consists of an engraved copy (reduced) of an authorized photograph of Her Majesty taken during the Diamond Jubilee year.

  60. In selecting a portrait of His Majesty the Prince decided to rely upon a photograph giving a true likeness of the King as we know him, in lieu of an idealised representation by an artist.

  61. The picture of the Prince of Wales (now His Majesty King George V) was from a photograph by W.

  62. The photograph eventually chosen, with the full approval of His Majesty, was one taken shortly before the Coronation.

  63. In the central oval is a three-quarter face portrait of Her Majesty, with head to left, which was copied from a photograph taken by W.

  64. To Herr Koren I owe the photograph of one of its pages, here reproduced.

  65. A number of those he gave away are in a case at the Coniston Museum, from which we photograph a fine Nuremberg Chronicle side by side with the tiny "Horace" he used to carry in his pocket on journeys abroad.

  66. You will see one of the Coniston parish council's buoys on the boathouse in our photograph of the Hall: but you will be glad to know that it has hung there for years without being wanted for a rescue.

  67. The next photograph is from a coloured drawing of the same size; the pale spaces are pink and yellow and green, and the Lake of Geneva, which looks rather blotchy in the print, is more pleasant in ultramarine.

  68. One of these volumes is open on the piano, in our photograph of the Brantwood drawing-room, arranged as it used to be when he strummed a little before dinner and read at the four candles after dinner.

  69. Caption reads: From a photograph made by Pizzetta in Varallo in 1889.

  70. The light failed so completely here that I was not able to photograph any of these figures.

  71. Accordingly, on returning home, he took up photography and, immediately after Christmas, went back to Varallo to photograph the statues and collect material.

  72. As he sauntered one street of homely homes redeemed by the opulence of their foliage, he saw coming his way a woman whose outlines seemed but the enlargement of some photograph in the gallery of remembrance.

  73. There was a rap on the door and the knob turned as he shot the photograph into his pocket and pretended to be reading a volume of Bacchylides--upside down.

  74. The proofs of the family photograph lay scattered about the living-room.

  75. However, I suppose if his family [Taking photograph from table] is going to be there, I ought to go in.

  76. After her first hearing of "Tristan and Isolde," she placed the prima donna's photograph beneath the bust of Wagner, and worshipped her for weeks as a bright particular star.

  77. With the photograph still in her hand, she turned back to the desk and took out a tiny cambric shirt with hemstitched edges, upon which the narrow lace was yellow and worn.

  78. As she neared an electric light she slipped the photograph she carried from its envelope, and surveyed it with warming eyes.

  79. She wore a photograph of the gray-eyed girl above her heart, and lingered for an hour to walk home with her upon Fridays.

  80. A new photograph of Alvary was displayed, and a small group had assembled about the window.

  81. Her tears fell fast upon the tiny shirt, and she folded it and laid it away with the photograph and the other relics--laid away side by side the relics and the recollections covered with dust.

  82. The photograph was romantic, the crime was also.

  83. Mr. Burns had had no personal knowledge of that affair, but positive evidence of it existed in the shape of a photograph taken in Haiphong.

  84. For Mr. Burns that photograph explained why the unloaded ship had kept sweltering at anchor for three weeks in a pestilential hot harbour without air.

  85. Jo had a certificate of identity, to which was attached a photograph of himself as he had looked when about to leave Hong-Kong.

  86. United States commissioner, at the same time holding out an enlarged photograph of a scene in a Chinese laundry.

  87. Osborne, of Chardon, Ohio, an amateur photographer of some experience, secured the accompanying photograph of a lightning flash which seemed to us to show certain peculiarities that entitle it to a public notice and a permanent record.

  88. This figure is a photograph of the Capital Traction Company's lines in Washington.

  89. The illustration given is from what is probably the only photograph of a living "salamander" ever taken.

  90. He had read numerous newspaper articles pertaining to flying discs and decided to sit on his front porch in the hopes of seeing one and attempting to photograph it.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "photograph" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstract; abstraction; altarpiece; cameo; catalog; character; characterization; collage; companion; copy; cyclorama; daub; delineation; depiction; details; diptych; double; duplicate; effigy; engraving; enlargement; evocation; fellow; film; fresco; icon; idol; illumination; illustration; image; imagery; impress; impression; likeness; match; mate; microfilm; miniature; mirroring; model; mosaic; mug; mural; negative; pan; panorama; photo; photocopy; photograph; picture; portrait; portraiture; portray; portrayal; positive; print; profile; proof; reflection; rendering; rendition; representation; reprint; reproduction; resemblance; rubbing; semblance; shadow; shoot; shot; similitude; simulacrum; sketch; slide; snap; snapshot; specification; stat; stencil; still; tableau; tapestry; trace; tracing; transparency; triptych; twin; vignette

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    photograph from; photograph lent; photograph taken; photographic facsimile; photographic plate