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Example sentences for "details"

Lexicographically close words:
detachment; detachments; detail; detailed; detailing; detain; detained; detainer; detainers; detaining
  1. He made his interiors spacious, and the furniture and all the details were well arranged; his costumes were exact, as was also the expression of his faces; his painting was good, and his color excellent.

  2. The portrait of himself and wife in the National Gallery, London, is very interesting; they stand hand in hand, with a terrier dog at their feet; their dress and all the details of their surroundings are painted with great care.

  3. The Dutch painters were remarkable for this trait and for the patient attention which they gave to the details of their work, and for this reason Oppert has called the Assyrians the Dutchmen of antiquity.

  4. Whatever was the cause, the astonishing fact remains, that of these long stretches of time but few details have become known to us.

  5. Otto of Frisingen, an ocular witness, gives none of the details of the rout of the Germans, saying as his excuse that he had nothing agreeable to relate.

  6. We have obtained these details from a manuscript history of Béarn, which has been kindly communicated to us by one of our most distinguished magistrates, who consecrates his leisure to the cultivation of letters.

  7. Aboul-Feda gives very few more details than the rest.

  8. These and the following details have been drawn from the accounts of several pilgrimages, in Mabillon, in the “Recueil des Bollandistes,” and the chronicles of the times.

  9. The Oriental authors give no details of the siege of Jerusalem.

  10. Saxo the grammarian gives the most ample details in his thirteenth book.

  11. In a prefatory memoir, we can scarcely go into so many details of the life of Michaud, as, perhaps, the subject deserves.

  12. These details are taken from the Arabian historian Novaïry.

  13. The details of this assault are repeated by all contemporary historians, several describe it at length.

  14. Details are necessary--details are the only valuable things in our trade.

  15. Rules of devotional life must necessarily vary in accordance with a man's surroundings and opportunities, and perhaps in some of their details in accordance with a man's temperament.

  16. A man should adapt his personal usage in these minor details to whatever appears to be customary in the particular church in which he is worshipping.

  17. As regards external details of observance, kneeling, and not squatting, should be the attitude adopted for prayer.

  18. He also noted that the details of metal deposition in electrolysis were still not sufficiently understood to permit its use in an instrument.

  19. Local records are meager and inadequate, and many of the details of Borghesi's life must be assumed.

  20. The artist, whose drawings give us our only knowledge of the machine, himself was obviously not very familiar with the details of its function.

  21. Full details of Oersted's work and publications are in Oersted and the Discovery of Electromagnetism (Bern Dibner's Burndy Library Publication No.

  22. This article details the merits of their claims to priority.

  23. I am also disposed to doubt one of the details in the other half.

  24. To furnish the necessary details for this assertion, to remove the possibility of even the slightest doubt, I shall take up separately, every great and independent civilization that the world has seen flourish.

  25. The sickening moral degradation of some of the branches of our species is well known to the student of anthropology, though, for obvious reasons, details of this kind cannot find a place in books destined for the general reader.

  26. I shall have occasion to allude to this subject again, and therefore reserve further details for a note in the body of the work.

  27. Here, organization can be carried to its final conclusion; in a smaller enterprise the same principles apply, but modification of details is necessary.

  28. Again, one house will find it advisable to go into certain details not considered necessary in another establishment.

  29. The address on the duplicate sales ticket is quite likely to be illegible, and to provide for all details needed for delivery necessitates a larger ticket than otherwise would be used.

  30. Although this book is not intended to teach the technical details of the art of preparing copy, it may not be out of place to suggest that copy for street car cards is in a class by itself.

  31. In the majority of offices the advertising manager, or a man under him, attends to all details of ordering printing.

  32. He probably will require the services of a man to attend to the details of the advertising department, but such an arrangement makes the sales manager alone responsible.

  33. The methods of obtaining the details for these records is described later.

  34. It is not to be supposed, however, that in a large industrial organization he will personally supervise all of the details of operation of the commercial and manufacturing divisions.

  35. His time must not be taken up with details which can be as well handled by subordinates.

  36. There are so many intricate details to be considered in the shipping problem, that the subject requires special study, and shippers whose volume of business is even moderate find it profitable to employ a traffic manager.

  37. The explanation might include the exact duties of every employe in each department, but, as our purpose is to present general principles in sufficient detail to serve as a guide, explanations of these minute details have been omitted.

  38. The traffic manager, when one is employed, handles the freight claims; otherwise the details are handled by some other minor official--as the cashier or the purchasing agent.

  39. The local attorney should not be expected to furnish information without pay, or to go into details that would not be asked of an agency charging $100.

  40. While these details vary in different businesses, as a typical illustration the business of selling books by mail has been selected.

  41. The ensemble of the picture and its details were alike charming, and to us sailors, just off the sea, it was heightened by contrast.

  42. All sorts of details were given me while I was there.

  43. The details of this splendid page of military history should be read as told by Colonel Legrand of the Engineers, who commanded under General Bizannet.

  44. The smallest details of submarine life are easily followed in a depth of ten to twelve fathoms.

  45. I had read that, for mastering all the details of a business, there was nothing like beginning at the ground and working up.

  46. Something might be done, and perhaps will be done in the near future, to abolish the more sordid details of English electioneering.

  47. Time is short, there are innumerable details to arrange, and the candidate soon returns from the rare intervals of mental contact with individual electors to that advertising campaign which deals with the electors as a whole.

  48. That he had arranged such a plan, and was prevented, by the jealousy of his colleagues, from putting it into execution, appears sufficiently obvious, even from the meagre details of which we are possessed.

  49. Some other curious details respecting this group of islands, are given by Mr. Romilly.

  50. Confessedly all this is conjectural or traditional, as are also any details of episcopal administration.

  51. The details of the preparation of the horrible food may be read in Mr. Romilly's pages by all who have a curiosity on the subject.

  52. The details of the action of the League, as avowed by their press, have been published by the Loyal and Patriotic Union, and would fill many pages of this Review.

  53. It would require too many details to give a similar account of the Judicial, Educational, and Religious machinery.

  54. When we come to look into the personal history of Brother Matthew, the details of his biography need not detain us long.

  55. No one yet seems to have made even an effort to settle the details of a scheme by which a navy could be kept up for the defence of the Colonies, and an Imperial Zollverein formed between England and her foreign possessions.

  56. I'll hear the details from himself: go say I'll thank him if he'll sup with me to-day.

  57. You well know the details of that ceremony--the benediction, the communion under both forms, the anointing of the palms of the hands with the Oil of Catechumens, and then the holy sacrifice offered in concert with the bishop.

  58. Having shaken off a corner of her cinder shroud, the resurrected city again rose with her thousand details under a dazzling day.

  59. Feeling still but half convinced, he sought by the authentication of minor actual details to assure himself that he was not the victim of hallucination.

  60. But as this is a matter of the greatest importance, both as regards the geological history of the globe and the special subject we are here discussing, it will be necessary to enter into some details in regard to it.

  61. These curious forms were at first thought to be rare, but are now found to be really very numerous when details are brought out by the camera.

  62. His haste caused indigestion, which made him incapable of attending to the details of the battle.

  63. The attention to details is the true sign of a great mind, and he who can in necessity consider the smallest, is the same man who can compass the largest subjects.

  64. I shall here add a few proofs and supplementary details to the exposition of it given at the close of our first book.

  65. Further details on this subject are to be found in my "Parerga," vol.

  66. They do not, however, come to be carried out in the order of their dignity, but while we are occupied with plans which are great and general, we have to contend with the most trifling details and the cares of the moment.

  67. When I stood before her, avoiding her eyes, I took in all the details of the room and saw that her watch and clock had both stopped.

  68. The worst of it was that Uncle Pumblechook, devoured by curiosity, came gaping over too at tea-time to have the details divulged to him.

  69. Simply in details of hair, lace, and brocade did he elaborate.

  70. Whilst the details of the costume are as rich as may be, the colours are few and beautifully blended, a tour de force in technical skill.

  71. For every one of these objects a number of external covers and labels were sent and with them a confidential report with details about their relative success.

  72. The very interesting details as to the various types of attention which we see in the distribution of mistakes over the six minutes were not taken into our final table.

  73. Many details of the research suggest that this whole group of interference problems deserves the most careful attention by those who would practically profit from increased industrial efficiency.

  74. Whatever the details of the outcome may be, we hope that the work will lead to results which may, indeed, make such a psychotechnical use possible.

  75. His details concerning the goals and byes and various points connected with the different features, make this sketch one of the most complete we have.

  76. He also instructed the constable once more to secure peace-talkers, to arrange the details and to hold the funeral.

  77. Of the details of Chinese weddings we do not intend to speak.

  78. The details are agreed upon at a meeting called for the purpose in some temple convenient to all the villages, and the meeting is attended by representatives of each village interested.

  79. The details of the Prefectural examinations are similar to those already described, and the time required is about the same.

  80. The past, present, and future state of the weather, the market prices, local gossip, and especially the details of the latest lawsuit form the warp and woof of this unending talk.

  81. How the details in each case may best be carried out is a further matter, which I will now endeavour to explain.

  82. Xenophon also describes the development of a cavalry force, and some tactical details to be applied in the field and in festival exhibition.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "details" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cameo; catalog; chaff; character; characterization; data; delineation; depiction; detail; details; dope; evocation; fact; froth; image; imagery; impression; minutiae; photograph; picture; point; portrait; portraiture; portrayal; profile; rendering; rendition; representation; rubbish; sketch; specification; trash; trifle; trumpery; vignette