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Example sentences for "film"

Lexicographically close words:
fillip; filliped; fills; fillum; filly; filmed; filming; films; filmy; filo
  1. The rest the crowd saw through a film of dust.

  2. It reproduces the common universe of which we are portions and percipients, and it purges from our inward sight the film of familiarity which obscures from us the wonder of our being.

  3. Moving-picture films are printed from one film to another, just as you printed from a negative to a piece of paper.

  4. A film of oil or grease makes things so smooth and slippery that there is very little friction.

  5. Oil is lighter than water, as you know, because you have seen a film of oil floating on water.

  6. So wherever there is a white place on the object you are photographing, there will be a dark patch of silver on the film or plate, and wherever there is a dark spot on the object, there will be no change on the film or plate.

  7. As a matter of fact, the film or plate is exposed such a short time that there is not time for the change to be completed.

  8. In taking a picture, you expose the sensitive film or plate to the light for a short time.

  9. As you have learned, the lens brings the light from the object to a focus and makes an image on the film or plate.

  10. Notice the film of water that stays on, wetting your finger, after all dropping stops.

  11. I've heard that if you keep your hands wet while you work, the film of water on them will keep you from getting a shock," his wife said.

  12. The thin film of water on your finger is close enough to your finger and to the page which you are turning to cling to both; so when you move your finger, the page moves along with it.

  13. Straight above him he saw a funnel-like peak through which there drifted a blue film of smoke.

  14. He thought of her until drowsiness drew a pale film over his eyes.

  15. There was just a hint of tears in the sky--a blue film of vapor which softened the valiant smiling of grass and leaves decaying.

  16. Moving-picture people began inquiring about the film rights of his novels.

  17. It was like trying to write captions for the movies while the film was running.

  18. At or near the focal point of the projecting lantern condenser the film is made to travel across the field as in the kinetoscope.

  19. In all these instruments in order that the film projection may be visible to an audience it is necessary to have a very intense light.

  20. He adjusted the mechanism so that there were 46 exposures a second, the film remaining stationary during the momentary time of exposure, after which it was carried forward far enough to bring a new surface into the proper position.

  21. The corded muscles of the arms contracted, the claws of the slithering paws drew in as though he were about to clutch me; the ebon pools of eyes were covered with a frozen film of hate.

  22. And there seemed to be a film over my sight; dazzlement from the unearthly blaze, I thought, shaking my head impatiently.

  23. The change, though it was made without noise, drew back the film from the placid look at the white ceiling, and he looked most affectionately at me.

  24. Do what he would, and love me though he did, the light left his face ever and again, and a film came over the placid look at the white ceiling.

  25. She slid out of the red hammock, showing slim ankles that gleamed like marble through a thin film of bronze-brown silk.

  26. Where water receptacles are needed for storage of rain water, they should be protected by careful screening or a film of kerosene over the top of the water, renewed every two weeks or so, so as to prevent mosquitoes from depositing their eggs.

  27. No respiratory oblique or vertical position, or tube but instead a flattened more rarely nearly horizontal, area on the eighth abdominal with the respiratory tube in segment into which the two contact with the surface film spiracles open (fig.

  28. It was found that a film of this infected blood spread out under the body of the flea and that thus the bacilli might be inoculated by the bite of the insect and by scratching.

  29. Permanent preparations may be made by spreading out the blood in a film on a perfectly clean slide and staining.

  30. That is what the actor must do every time a film is produced.

  31. In less than a minute the syrupy fluid has dried, and appears like a film of transparent varnish on the glass plate.

  32. No eye, no microscope, can detect a trace of change in the white film that is spread over it.

  33. The film has become in appearance like a boiled white of egg, so that the glass produces rather the effect of porcelain, as we look at it.

  34. We mix a solution of nitrate of silver and of pyro-gallic acid in about equal quantities, and pour it upon the pictured film and back again into the vessel, repeating this with the same portion of fluid several times.

  35. It will be observed that the glass plate, covered with its film of collodion, was removed directly from the nitrate-of-silver bath to the camera, so as to be exposed to its image while still wet.

  36. When a thin layer of this fluid is poured on the glass plate, the ether and alcohol evaporate very speedily, and leave a closely adherent film of organic matter derived from the cotton, and containing the iodide of ammonium.

  37. Its skies are the blue-arched centuries; And its forms are the transient images Flung on the flowing film of Time By the steadfast shores of a fadeless clime.

  38. I want you to make a picture of this, and have it inserted in the film at any convenient point--say at the beginning of the second part.

  39. I will have the section of film made privately, and at once.

  40. It may be that Miss Marcia Ford, of 122 West Ninth Street, is the woman we are looking for, although I confess I should have suspected some rival motion picture star, rather than a film cutter.

  41. Then he remembered the title of the new film of which the girls had spoken, and smiled at his own suspicions.

  42. Miss Ford is a film cutter, and lives at 122 West 9th Street, New York.

  43. What did you have in mind about that new film we're going to release to-night?

  44. Tell me something about this new film you've just gotten out.

  45. But we wouldn't want to change the film any.

  46. Then this film ought to be a good one, don't you think?

  47. There are stenographers, film cutters and pasters, dozens of others, that I do not engage directly, and never see.

  48. What was your plan about the new film we're going to show to-night?

  49. He said a few words to Mr. Emmett, and the three men set out to go through the rooms in which the film cutting and pasting were done.

  50. I have inserted in the film the material you gave me.

  51. If I am not mistaken, I saw a new feature film advertised in the newspaper this morning.

  52. Distribution Despite the emphasis placed by the government on motion pictures as both a propaganda and an entertainment medium, the number of theaters and attendance at film showings has decreased steadily since 1965.

  53. The silent comedies of the 1920s compare favorably with those produced by the best film makers of the time.

  54. The 1971 ideological campaign forced film making into a further regression.

  55. Nevertheless, several Romanian films in the 1960s have won prizes at lesser known international film festivals.

  56. Both the native and coproduced pictures of this period were of high quality, and several won awards at film festivals in Cannes, Trieste, and Chicago.

  57. An extremely slight quantity, true; so slight a quantity that there was no film on the water, no discernible taste to the water.

  58. He led Hammond to the rivulet and pointed out the thin film of oil on the surface.

  59. This thin film of wax renders the burnishing much easier because the burnisher is made to glide more readily and securely over the edge.

  60. As soon as the size is covered with color, the formation of the film is prevented.

  61. Remember that always before throwing on the colors, the top of the size must be taken off by the aid of the piece of board, as, by evaporation, a film is formed over the surface which does not permit the expanding of the colors.

  62. Elvin had the strange sensation, for almost ten seconds, of looking at a motion picture film that had stopped at a single frame.

  63. For another second the analogy of the film persisted; Elvin had the elusive impression that each of the youngsters was carefully playing a part.

  64. Film after film he held up to the light; the scale was very small.

  65. With the approach of the physical film all material sensation becomes as it were blurred, as near objects become when the eye looks at the horizon, and gradually escapes from consciousness.

  66. Here again he heard the murmur of a spring, the grass under his feet was damp, and covered with a film of ice, in which were mirrored the stars, now gradually fading.

  67. The heavens glowed with purple, and the granite peaks, each sheathed in a film of ice, sparkled and shone like dark diamonds that had been dipped in light.

  68. There was more detail as to the names of the Film Queen who was starred, and the Film King who supported her, but without stopping to read them Peter bought a ticket and went in.

  69. Zizi must have had something of the same idea in her own mind, for the next day she went to see Shelby at his office and asked him if he could give her a chance at film work.

  70. In the darkened projection room the chairman sat to one side smoking and thinking while the psychologist played the film through for the fourth time.

  71. Of course," said Mr. Beldman, and laughed barkingly, being well aware of the permanent film record taken of all meetings.

  72. Never again--through all conquests from this point in time--would mankind go back down into the mesh of gravity to be a thin film over the surface of a planet.

  73. The watcher stopped the film and silently reset it.

  74. In a small projection room on the fifty-fifth floor a man sat and looked at a film of the UT Board meeting of that day.

  75. When the white is firm and a film has formed over the yolk, they are cooked.

  76. Place glasses after filling them in a cool dry place till jelly is well set, then pour a film of melted paraffin over the top and put on the covers.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "film" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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