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Example sentences for "tape"

Lexicographically close words:
tanzen; taobh; taown; tap; tapa; taped; taper; tapered; tapering; tapers
  1. The steel tape used was one of Chesterman's, 100 feet long.

  2. The correction for the steel tape used to measure r would be +.

  3. The tape has been sent to Professor Rogers, of Cambridge, for comparison, to confirm the result.

  4. The distance between the two mirrors may be in error, either by an erroneous determination of the length of the steel tape used, or by a mistake in the measurement of the distance by the tape.

  5. The correction for length of the tape (100.

  6. The tape rested on the ground (which was very nearly level), and was stretched by a constant force of 10 pounds.

  7. Comparison of the Steel Tape with the Standard Yard.

  8. The standard was then removed and the steel tape brought under the microscopes and moved along till the division marked 0.

  9. The steel tape has been sent to Professor Rogers, of Cambridge, to find its length again.

  10. Going higher, red tape will begin to unroll and entwine the heads of departments, and every man who has any authority whatever will wait for orders from some one higher up.

  11. Part of the relief sent was distributed through the Government, but experience showed this method to be slow--there was too much red-tape about it.

  12. At first it was refused, and it required no inconsiderable amount of diplomatic correspondence and the waste of many pages of good foolscap, with a large expenditure of red tape and sealing-wax, before the permission was obtained.

  13. I remember that year; it was fearful along the Niger; there was a lot of red tape and the Entente governments fought over whose job it was to stamp the thing out.

  14. One of the group, with effects of delicate shrinking, held the wretched headgear so that the girl could read a name written with ink on a piece of tape stitched inside on the lining.

  15. Then she sat studying the possibilities of the room, while Jack knocked the crate from the machine, found the tape measure, and did a sum in arithmetic to find the amount of paper it would take to cover the walls.

  16. There's a tape measure in one of the machine drawers.

  17. The only red tape we had was the morning report of the different lieutenants.

  18. We didn't have that much red tape about these things.

  19. Mouley Hassan and others of UP personnel helped cut the red tape involved in getting exit visas from New Delos.

  20. It’s one thing doing up an application and seeing it go onto an endless tape and be fed into the maw of a machine and then to receive, in a matter of moments, a neatly printed rejection.

  21. Wires of this description, either with or without the tarred tape covering, may be obtained from all the leading electricians' sundriesmen.

  22. Outside wire, when run along walls and exposed to the weather, should be covered with rubber and compound, and varnished or tarred on an outer covering of tape or braid.

  23. When I was young I kept them tied up with pink tape in a box carefully locked.

  24. The pink tape was owing to the legal instinct, I suppose," he said.

  25. Red tape he abhors, and is as easy of access as a republican.

  26. He opened one and a bit of tape dropped to the floor.

  27. Or you can make it stand by putting a stiff bit of cardboard behind it with a tape hinge.

  28. Sew across the top a tape long enough to serve as strings.

  29. It goes without saying that it was not attended by the red-tape complications of our time.

  30. In Montezuma's day the tardiness of legal processes must have gone miles beyond the red tape of a nineteenth-century court of justice.

  31. These materials are, okonite tape, cement, Manson tape and tin-foil.

  32. Vulcanize for about 30 seconds and unwrap tin-foil and Manson tape and rewrap with new Manson tape.

  33. Or bend tape match across, and tie, as at d.

  34. A yard of tape slowmatch, hung to a nail at the top of a post, will supply fire for a long time.

  35. When we were all ready, with our big hats and cockle-shells, and our staves and our tape sandals, the pilgrims looked very nice.

  36. Some of the pilgrims who were very earnest decided to tie their boots with white tape crossed outside to pretend sandals.

  37. He waved them away, and with humble gentleness began to undo the black tape sandals.

  38. Excitement blazing high again, he took the tape measure with which he had provided himself on his way out, and calculated the length of the closet from end to end.

  39. An inexplicable wrapping of adhesive tape both on the lamp cord and on the wire of Nita's alarm bell here gave me the clue.

  40. Within ten minutes, much laying-on of the tape measure had produced a startling result.

  41. Briefly Dundee told her, minimizing the hard work, the concentrated thinking, and the meticulous use of a tape measure which had resulted in the discovery of the shelf between Nita's bedroom closet and the guest closet in the little foyer.

  42. If it will reach its destination in a few hours, you may seal it with wax, having tied red tape about.

  43. Such packages are best secured by red tape and sealing-wax.

  44. The threads of hand-sewn books generally pass through three bands of tape kept taut by being attached at one end to the table at which the worker sits and at the other to a horizontal bar above.

  45. As we are here for the deuce knows how long, the beloved army red tape and routine is coming into vogue again.

  46. The blue trousers are terrible things, being lined with some thick material and kept up by a tape at the waist.

  47. The two ends of the tape are attached respectively to two collector-rings on the spindle, against which press two solid metal rubbers which carry off the current for use in the circuit.

  48. It consists of a copper tape bent in and out so as to form a sort of star with eight arms, the number of layers of insulated copper tape being from ten to thirty, according to requirements.

  49. The men at the tape shouldered madly at their fellows, bawling, "Keep back!

  50. The men at the tape pulled it out straight.

  51. The old man spun towards the tape like a madman, his chin thrown back, his grey hair flying.

  52. The kids back near the tape exchanged another stolid look.

  53. As the day progressed he stood with one hand on the tape of his private ticker and the other holding the receiver of the telephone which connected him with the floor of the Stock Exchange.

  54. You try to drive faster than the tape unrolls, but somehow you can never beat it.

  55. Nora carried the "chain" which she wanted to call a tape line until Ted explained that carpenters had tape lines and surveyors used "chains," and the term really meant an exact land measurement.

  56. There was the hint of a tear in her blinking eye when she pulled the kinky tape out for Jerry and felt it snap back into its leather case.

  57. To trace responsibility in time of action is laborious through channels where officers familiar with the craft of "passing the buck" may spin red tape endlessly, though on other occasions they cut it with facility.

  58. His lieutenant turned with a sigh and motioned the fourrier to start the red tape for the authorization for the furlough.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tape" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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