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Example sentences for "conjugate"

Lexicographically close words:
conjoins; conjoint; conjointly; conjoyned; conjugal; conjugated; conjugating; conjugation; conjugations; conjuges
  1. But now we can hardly give to the body of the egg-cell a higher significance than that of the common nutritive soil of the two nuclei which conjugate in fertilization.

  2. This is proved by the fact that the supernumerary spermatozoa which sometimes enter the egg do not conjugate with the polar bodies.

  3. Belle, I will now select for you to conjugate the prettiest verb in Armenian; not only of the second, but also of all the four conjugations; that is siriel.

  4. I will not spare you," said I; "this evening I intend to make you conjugate an Armenian verb.

  5. Yes," said I; "where we will settle down in some forest, and conjugate the verb siriel conjugally.

  6. If P' is the only possible image-point of the object-point P, then the conjugate of every ray passing through P must pass through P'.

  7. With each incident ray is associated an emergent ray; such pairs are termed "conjugate ray pairs.

  8. Choose from the pencil a second ray which contains F and intersects the principal plane H in H2; then the conjugate ray must contain points corresponding to F and H2.

  9. The centre is a conjugate point (or acnode) and the curve resembles fig.

  10. The joins of A and B and of C and D intersect in a point P, and the joins of the conjugate points similarly determine the point P'.

  11. Yes,' said I; 'where we will settle down in some forest, and conjugate the verb siriel conjugally.

  12. Belle, I will now select for you to conjugate the prettiest verb in Armenian; not only of the second, but also of all the four conjugations; that verb is siriel.

  13. I will not spare you,' said I; 'this evening I intend to make you conjugate an Armenian verb.

  14. To write it in the ordinary form, that is in terms of the transverse and conjugate axes, multiply each term by C, i.

  15. A very ingenious demonstration of this problem, based on the properties of conjugate hyperbolas VII.

  16. Even Murray can only afford to conjugate one example,--To Love.

  17. Conjugate deviation of the head and eyes may be of bulbar origin; certain spinal movements even may be no less co-ordinated and automatic.

  18. The former serves as centre not merely for simple reflexes, but for true associated acts also, such as conjugate deviation of the head and eyes, walking movements in the decerebrate animal, etc.

  19. A group is spoken of as simple when it has no self-conjugate subgroup other than that constituted by the identical operation alone.

  20. A simple group, since it contains no self-conjugate subgroup distinct from itself, is necessarily a perfect group.

  21. In this case H would contain a self-conjugate subgroup, and the isomorphism is multiple.

  22. The group g, abstractly considered, is therefore completely defined by the division of the operations of G into sets in respect of the self-conjugate subgroup H.

  23. The totality of the self-conjugate operations of a group forms a self-conjugate Abelian subgroup, each of whose operations is permutable with every operation of the group.

  24. The number of operations in every conjugate set is therefore a factor of the order of G.

  25. The subgroups, each of which leaves a single rational number unchanged, therefore form a single conjugate set.

  26. The first quadric having imaginary generators, no such self-conjugate subgroups can exist for the real group which transforms it into itself; and this real group is in fact simple.

  27. In fact, the second quadric has two real sets of generators; and therefore the real group which transforms it into itself has two self-conjugate subgroups, either of which leaves unchanged each of one set of generators.

  28. For all values of p except 3 it contains a simple self-conjugate subgroup of index 2.

  29. The conception of operations being conjugate to each other is extended to subgroups.

  30. Auxiliary, or helping Verbs (by the way we marvel that the New Englanders do not call their servants auxiliaries instead of helps) are those, by the help of which we are chiefly enabled to conjugate our verbs in English.

  31. Defn: Having the two things that are conjugate parts of the same figure; as, self-conjugate triangles.

  32. The surface has two separate sheets when the axis of revolution is the transverse axis, but only one when the axis of revolution is the conjugate axis of the hyperbola.

  33. Have= has also been reckoned as an auxiliary by the "helping verb grammars," which has no other duty to perform than help conjugate other verbs thro some of their moods and tenses.

  34. These conjugate by means of short transverse tubes, after the manner of the threads of Zygnema.

  35. The threads which conjugate to form the zygospores are slender and erect on the surface of the substratum.

  36. Thus when it is found that the scribe of B wrote "six conjugate leaves of Cod.

  37. An important metrical property of conjugate diameters is the sum of their squares equals the sum of the squares of the major and minor axis.

  38. The straight line and the line through the centre parallel to the chords are named conjugate diameters; each bisects the chords parallel to the other.

  39. Multiple fission rarely occurs save in a sporocyst, and produces microzoospores, which in some cases may conjugate with others as isogametes or with larger forms (megagametes).

  40. These conjugate with one another or with similar microgametes formed by other adults (as in Chlorogonium, Fig.

  41. Paralysis of the external rectus of one eye and of the internal rectus of the other (conjugate paralysis) is frequently found in pontine, and in cortical and internal capsule lesions.

  42. In defining conjugate imaginary points on a line, Von Staudt made use of an involution of points having no double points.

  43. The chord A"B", parallel to the diameter OQ, is bisected at P’ by the conjugate diameter OP.

  44. The line FF’ is then a diameter, and since it is at right angles to its conjugate diameter, it must be an axis.

  45. If a point B is on the polar of O, then it is harmonically conjugate to O with respect to the two intersections K and M of the line BC with the conic.

  46. In the case of the parabola, where the center is at infinity, and on the curve, there are, properly speaking, no conjugate diameters.

  47. Then TF and PF are conjugate lines, and as they pass through a focus they must be at right angles to each other.

  48. The involution in this case is circular, every ray being at right angles to its conjugate ray at the center.

  49. The tangents at the extremities of any diameter are parallel, and parallel to the conjugate diameter.

  50. The dual theorem reads: A conic determines at every point in the plane an involution of rays, corresponding rays being conjugate with respect to the conic.

  51. If we draw a line OQ parallel to AB, then OP and OQ are conjugate diameters, since OQ is parallel to the tangent at the point where OP meets the curve.

  52. The numbers in the same horizontal row give the composition of the conjugate alloys, and it is evident that the upper layer consists almost entirely of silver and zinc.

  53. The two solutions which at a given temperature correspond to one another are known as conjugate solutions.

  54. As the solutions become more nearly the same, the tie-lines diminish in length, and at last, when the conjugate solutions become identical, shrink to a point.

  55. This is seen from the following table, which gives the percentage composition of different conjugate ternary solutions at 18deg.

  56. Such a system, however, will separate into two conjugate ternary solutions, the composition of which will be represented by the ends of the tie-line passing through the point c".

  57. In this case, addition of acetic acid will give rise to a series of conjugate ternary solutions, the composition of which will gradually approach to one another, and at last become identical.

  58. Whilst my mother was dwelling in Greifswald, I went to school there, and learnt not only to read, but also to decline, parse, and conjugate in the Donat.

  59. The point R['] is said to be the image of the object R, and when the two points are considered together they are called conjugate foci.

  60. The relative size of the image and object will be directly as the conjugate foci, and these can be found at once from the equation of the lens.

  61. Conjugate the verb «sum» in all moods and tenses as far as you have learned it (§494).

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conjugate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    accumulate; acrostic; affiliate; affiliated; allied; amass; analyze; articulate; assemble; assimilated; associate; associated; band; blended; bond; bound; bracket; bridge; cement; chain; coincident; collateral; collect; combine; combined; compact; compound; comprehensive; comprise; concurrent; conjoint; conjugate; connect; connected; consolidated; construction; copulate; corporate; correlated; couple; coupled; cover; decline; derivative; eclectic; embrace; encompass; formation; fused; gather; glue; implicated; include; inclusive; incorporated; inflect; integrated; interlinked; interlocked; interrelated; involved; join; joined; joint; knot; knotted; league; lexical; link; linked; mark; marry; marshal; mass; match; matched; mate; mated; merge; merged; mixed; mobilize; one; pair; paired; parallel; parse; point; punctuate; related; solder; span; splice; spliced; synthesized; tape; team; tie; tied; unify; unite; united; wedded; weld; yoke; yoked