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Example sentences for "unite"

Lexicographically close words:
unitary; unitate; unitatea; unitatem; unitatis; united; unitedly; unites; uniteth; unities
  1. We have already seen the efforts of Cardinal Ugolini to unite the two Orders, and the reasons he had for this course.

  2. The houses which lie between there and the Basilica form the new town, which is rapidly growing and will unite the city with Sacro Convento.

  3. All classes, high and low, shall unite in vigorously carrying out the plan of government.

  4. Such being the case, we must either separate forever, or unite ourselves by the only tie worthy of us both.

  5. I will unite the bills, and report them; but justice shall nevertheless be done to you as the real author of the measures.

  6. People," says Macaulay, "are loath to admit that the same man can unite very different kinds of excellence.

  7. In its best days, it was as near an approach to an ideal community, associated to unite religion, beauty, and utility, as ever has existed on earth.

  8. It was in the course of our usual political warfare that two groups, each hating and fearing the Ministry, should unite to displace it.

  9. However, there were indications that he was endeavouring to unite all the surrounding tribes in an alliance against the colony.

  10. She says, "He had no individual Christian with whom he could converse or unite in prayer during the six months of her absence;" but he worked on heartily, and she returned in perfect health.

  11. Plain and Ornamental; with Plans to each, in which strict Attention is paid, to unite Convenience and Elegance with Economy.

  12. A pull of the trigger, the cap explodes, the gunpowder and the force of the explosion unite some capsicum and lycopodium, producing the blinding, suffocating vapour whose terrible effect you see.

  13. You see, Walter, later I will place the letter back, apply a hair line of strong white gum, and unite the edges of the envelope under pressure.

  14. Loyalty to Frederic the Great has not restrained German opinion, and philosophers unite with historians in rejecting his youthful moralities.

  15. The aspiration in which all the advocates of reform seemed to unite was that those customs should be changed which are connected with arbitrary power in the Church.

  16. Only the attraction of an abstract idea, or of an ideal state, can unite in a common action multitudes who seek a universal cure for many special evils, and a common restorative applicable to many different conditions.

  17. It is, therefore, neither possible to unite them nor to convert them into the elements of an organised State.

  18. And those who control them never allow them to unite together.

  19. O overflowing source of grace, Where God the food, and man, the guest, Meet and unite in sweet embrace!

  20. To unite us to Himself and to nourish our soul with His body and blood.

  21. Let me say one thing more: I think you should admit that we already have an important principle to rally and unite the people, in the fact that constitutional government is at stake.

  22. You know also that the last session of Congress had a decided majority of anti-slavery men, yet they could not unite on this policy.

  23. We read further and learn that the Spaniards in Florida had long endeavored to unite the tribes in Spanish and French territory against the English and that the influence of traders prevented the consummation.

  24. If the Spanish and the French had succeeded in the conspiracy to unite on their side all the tribes, a red billow of tomahawk wielders would have engulfed and extinguished the English settlements.

  25. Some of these immigrants went on to the Yadkin, we are told, to unite with others of their clan who had been for some time in that district.

  26. All were willing to combine with the Transylvania Company for defense, and to enforce law they would unite in bonds of brotherhood in Kentucky, even as they had been one with each other on the earlier frontier now left behind them.

  27. That it is a policy to which both political parties in this country are deeply committed, and therefore it is a policy which, if it does not actually unite public men, perhaps divides them the least.

  28. But it was, in fact, artfully and deliberately contrived to unite the Opposition on an issue easily defensible in the country and likely to secure support from the Irish and from the liquor interest in the House.

  29. If you remain of the opposite opinion, let us consider whether some such phrase as the enclosed could unite us.

  30. He appealed to the Protestants and Catholics of Ireland to unite in an hysterical embrace in celebration of his accession to office.

  31. The accession of Mr. Gladstone to power and the imminence of a Home Rule Bill was bound to unite in the most effective manner all sections of the Unionist party.

  32. I would support all efforts which would tend to facilitate the means of emigration, and would at the same time strengthen and consolidate the ties which unite the Colonies with the mother country.

  33. The Nazi Government endeavored to unite the Nation in support of their policies through the extensive use of propaganda.

  34. From the beginning, the National Socialist movement claimed that its object was to unite the German People in the consciousness of their mission and destiny, based on inherent qualities of race, and under the guidance of the Führer.

  35. And then, as we have ta'en the sacrament, We will unite the white rose and the red.

  36. And, good my Lord of Somerset, unite Your troops of horsemen with his bands of foot; And like true subjects, sons of your progenitors, Go cheerfully together and digest Your angry choler on your enemies.

  37. For thou hast given me in this beauteous face A world of earthly blessings to my soul, If sympathy of love unite our thoughts.

  38. The sound receivers are joined by flexible tubes, which unite for part of their length, and from which ear tubes proceed.

  39. They grow very rapidly, closing down over the sides, and finally unite and form the hinge.

  40. But if a prince who is not inexperienced should take counsel from more than one he will never get united counsels, nor will he know how to unite them.

  41. Marr said in the remark quoted above, revolutionists will only unite on a negation; the moment they begin to ask what they will put in its place they differ and dispute and come to nought.

  42. Your mother and Agnes unite in love to you, Rob, and Tabb.

  43. All unite in much love, and I am always, Your father, "R.

  44. I believe it to be the duty of every one to unite in the restoration of the country and the reestablishment of peace and harmony.

  45. All would unite in love did they know I was writing.

  46. God grant they may be realised, which, I am sure, they will be, if you will unite sound judgement to your usual energy in your operations.

  47. All here unite in love and best wishes for you all.

  48. My family unite with me in every kind wish, and I am most truly, "Your friend, "R.

  49. Mrs. Lee and my daughters unite with me in messages to you and Mrs. Tagart, and I am most truly yours, R.

  50. All unite in love to you, and your acquaintances inquire regularly after you.

  51. All unite in much love, and I am, as ever, "Your father, R.

  52. All here unite with me in love to you, Tabb, and the boy, in which Mildred is included.

  53. Now God is the Sovereign Good: wherefore the names of these passions are transferred to the theological virtues which unite man to God.

  54. For knowledge belongs to the reason, whose function it is to distinguish things which in reality are united, and to unite together, after a fashion, things that are distinct, by comparing one with another.

  55. The figurative reason is that the prohibition of wearing a garment woven of woolen and linen signified that it was forbidden to unite the simplicity of innocence, denoted by wool, with the duplicity of malice, betokened by linen.

  56. Another surprise is awaiting them when they hear that the yellow and blue of the spectrum make white, for all their experience with paints goes to prove that yellow and blue unite to form green.

  57. Hue, value, and chroma unite in every color sensation, but the child cannot grasp them all at once.

  58. The thin edges of all sections unite in a scale of gray from black to white, no matter what hue each contains.

  59. A color sphere can be used to unite the three dimensions of hue, value, and chroma.

  60. Any two gray values unite to form a gray midway between them.

  61. With the enlargement of his mental power he will unite these in a comprehensive grasp of the larger relations of color.

  62. A similar arrangement of slits and mirrors for the green and violet-blue proves that they unite to make blue, while a third experiment shows that the red and violet-blue can unite to make purple.

  63. As they penetrate the sphere, they unite to balance each other in neutrality.

  64. Let us unite against the clergy, he urges upon his Freethinking readers, for "the Bible is the great cord with which the people are bound; cut this, and the mass will be more free to appreciate facts instead of faiths.

  65. Hence, soon after this last election, the representatives of both parties met together and formally agreed to unite in contesting the Municipal and Parliamentary elections.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    unite them; united together